At this extremely tense moment, Chen Huomo's true identity was revealed. She was a rare mirror image person with a heart that was different from ordinary people's. Although she was severely injured, she did not die. She steadfastly expressed her loyalty to her Lord, even at the cost of sacrifice. Subsequently, a fierce battle began between Shen Du and Chen Huomo. Although Shen Du defeated Chen Huomo heroically, he also paid the price of serious injuries. Yan Xing was so anxious that he quickly brought Shen Du back to a safe place and tried to find a doctor for treatment. However, heavy rains blocked the rescue route, and Jing Lin still did not return. In desperation, Yan Xing personally bandaged Shen Du's wounds, holding the whistle he gave him tightly, thinking silently in his heart: Shen Du had endured hardships in the prison, and he would definitely be able to survive this time.

The Empress Dowager's concern about the affairs of the Imperial Investigation Department caused a minor disturbance. Lai Luozhi blamed himself for not discovering that Chen Huomo was in jail in time. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager was tolerant and only imposed a fine. When the King of England witnessed this scene, he secretly lamented the Queen Mother's favoritism towards Lai Luozhi. At the same time, Shen Du woke up and recognized the meaningful whistle in Yan Xing's hand at a glance. It was a witness to their innocent childhood. During the days in the prison, Shen Du felt grateful for Yan Xing's silent care. He engraved his name on the whistle and gave it to Yan Xing to express his gratitude. Now that they meet again, their identities have changed, but they unexpectedly discover that their engagement was just a misunderstanding, and they agree to divorce in three months.

The appearance of Lu Chuichui broke the tranquility. She accidentally learned the secret between Shen Du and Yan Xing, and Yan Xing hurriedly begged her to keep it secret. When it comes to future partners, Lu Chuichui enthusiastically recommends Yan Xing, but is interrupted by Shen Du and urges him to leave.

Lu Chuichui, who was strapped for money, turned to Yan Xing for help. When the two were dining together, Yunque joined them, and the three chatted happily. Lu Chuichui and Yunque quickly became close friends. After the meal, Lu Chuichui and Yunque discussed going to Mingsheng Temple to pray for marriage, and sincerely invited Yan Xing to accompany them, looking forward to finding the possibility of happiness together during the blessing journey.

Yan Xing was carefully selecting clothes. Shen Du was a little unhappy when he saw this. He had never expected that Yan Xing was so serious about seeking marriage. Yan Xing explained that he was choosing it for Lu Chui Chui, and laughed at himself for dressing plainly and elegantly, which might not suit Lu Chui Chui's liking. Shen Du turned from worry to joy after hearing this.

On the other side, Lu Chuichui encounters a "thriller" in the theater, which turns out to be a ghost. She quickly recognizes it and feels relieved. While the two were chatting, Lu Chuichui mentioned the birthmark on Guimian's face and advised him not to trust gold to remove birthmarks. Guimianxiao asked Lu Chuichui if he wanted to take back the gifted ring, and Lu Chuichui firmly stated that it was his. Out of curiosity, Lu Chuichui asked to see the true appearance of Gui Mian, and Gui Mian agreed after hesitation. The moment he took off the mask, Lu Chuichui was shocked to find that the ghost face was actually Lai Luo Zhi. Lai Luozhi sensed Lu Chuichui's fear and whispered that the matter should be kept secret.

When Lu Chuichui went to Mingsheng Temple to seek marriage, he seemed to be uninterested. She left quietly, leaving Yan Xing and Xu Xiangren alone space with Yunque. Xu Xiangren mentioned that he learned about Yan Xing's marriage from Lu Chuichui, and explained that local laws allowed discordant couples to divorce, and that there was no substantive relationship between Shen Du and Yan Xing. After hearing this, Yan Xing felt mixed emotions in his heart. He was both helpless and angry at Lu Chuicui's "big mouth". She confessed her admiration for Xu Xiangren, but emphasized that she had no other intentions and tried to clear up the misunderstanding.


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