Shen Du was an outstanding official in the Imperial Guard during the Sholi period of Okura Kingdom, known for his extraordinary interrogation skills and ruthless methods. He is good at using psychological tactics and superb martial arts to make criminals collapse and confess their crimes in a short period of time. In the story, Shen Du attracted a group of criminals by simply playing the strings, and after a night of interrogation, he made the criminals feel his majesty and inviolability with just his eyes and smile. When the sinners saw Shen Du, they called him "Bai Wuchang" in horror and tried to escape. Shen Du showed his ruthlessness with archery and shot all the sinners instantly. The only remaining man, in order to survive, had to tell the truth behind the scenes. As a result, Shen Du's image became more distinct, and he became a formidable and mysterious figure in the history of Okura Kingdom.

In the bustling streets, two forces that cannot be underestimated meet unexpectedly - the Black Rakshasa's imperial police team and Shen Du's inner guard team. The two sides faced each other in a tense atmosphere, as if even the air was frozen, each waiting for the other to give in. Shen Du's eyes inadvertently passed by a carriage, and Lai Luozhi in the carriage took the initiative to break the silence, using Shen Du's marriage as an introduction, and ridiculed the lack of "blessings" of the previous brides. Later, Lai Luozhi showed his decisiveness and ordered his subordinates to remove obstacles so that the two forces could move forward side by side. This scene happened to be witnessed by Yan Xing who was passing by in a hurry.

On the other side, Yan Xing is immersed in the tense atmosphere of investigating the murder case, and her efforts are appreciated by the strange man Jiang Langxing. Jiang Langxing not only found the key poison testing herb, but also invited Yan Xing to go with him, but Yan Xing declined his kindness. At the same time, at the ceremony where Shen Du and Lai Luozhi prayed together, Prime Minister Zhang had been waiting for a long time, waiting for the arrival of the two. After the blessing, a sudden assassin attack broke the tranquility. Shen Du relied on his keen intuition and skill to successfully avoid it, and decisively ordered the mountain to be closed.

When Yan Xing was searching for herbal medicine in the mountains, he met Qi Yeyun, a young man, and the two became attached to herbal medicine. However, the good times did not last long as they were taken away by Lai Luozhi on suspicion of assassins. Faced with the threat of life and death, Yan Xing stepped forward and asked to see the body for clues. At her insistence, Lai Luozhi agreed and showed the body. With his keen insight, Yan Xing judged that the best lurking point should be in the mountains and requested the release of innocent people. Shen Du appeared at this time and proposed a more cruel screening method-using fighting dogs to identify people who can climb trees. Yan Xing stood up again and interceded for the people, finally gaining three hours of investigation time.

In prison, Yan Xing raced against time to analyze the case, convinced that finding the murder weapon would reveal the truth. However, time was running out, and Shen Du doubted her certainty. Yan Xing made a vow like a suicide note, but discovered Shen Du's gesture hints at the critical moment and took the opportunity to escape. In desperation, the murderer revealed the shocking secret that Shen Du was the mastermind behind the scenes. Although Luo Zhi was at odds with Shen Du, he did not believe it immediately. Yan Xing was wandering on the edge of life and death, but still did not forget to plead for Shen Du. This scene added a bit of complexity and entanglement.

Yan Xing left quietly, not caring about Shen Du's indifference. Her mind was completely focused on the upcoming female officer examination, and she went to the Ministry of Punishment to study hard late at night. Early the next morning, Yan Xing returned home, only to find that the door of his house was surrounded by soldiers. It turned out that an imperial edict had come, announcing that the third wife of the Yan family would marry Shendu. Yan Kuo reluctantly accepted the order, and the atmosphere at home was solemn. Although Yan Xing's mother, Aunt Jin, was worried about her daughter Yan Caiwei's future, she was secretly glad that Yan Xing had never been involved in court disputes and was able to maintain her innocence. As for Yan Xing himself, although he felt a little disappointed that Shen Du failed to recognize her, he became more determined to become a female officer and prove his determination.


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