• Lyricist 作詞:張碧晨
  • Composer 作曲:張碧晨


怕天花板下眠不醒的危險 不願閉上眼 嘿

pa tian hua ban xia mian bu xing de wei xian  bu yuan bi shang yan  hei

Afraid of the danger of not waking up under the ceiling. Don’t want to close your eyes. Hey.

怕歷盡千辛都漂不到終點 盼冰山不盼船 嘿

pa li jin qian xin dou piao bu dao zhong dian  pan bing shan bu pan chuan  hei

I’m afraid I won’t drift to the end. I hope the iceberg, doesn’t hope the boat. Hey.

越親近的越背叛得徹底 半接納半黯然 嘿

yue qin jin de yue bei pan de che di  ban jie na ban an ran  hei

The closer you get, the more betrayed you are, half-accepted, half-sad. Hey.

孤獨之地 從無路可退 瞳孔都無焦點 嘿

gu du zhi di  cong wu lu ke tui  tong kong dou wu jiao dian  hei

There’s no turning back in the lonely land, no focus in the eyes.


陽光 照不到的地方 有月光伴在近旁

yang guang  zhao bu dao de di fang  you yue guang ban zai jin pang

Where the sun can’t shine, there’s Moonlight nearby.

好像 世界從不空曠 我在 我在

hao xiang  shi jie cong bu kong kuang  wo zai  wo zai

It’s like the world is never empty. I’m here. I’m here.

心房 最灰暗的地方 有希望總在綻放

xin fang  zui hui an de di fang  you xi wang zong zai zhan fang

In the darkest part of the atrium, hope always blooms.

我是我 最大的庇護港 我在 我在

wo shi wo  zui da de bi hu gang  wo zai  wo zai

I’m my biggest shelter. I’m here. I’m here.


怕被風裡的刺骨擊倒 豎高高的牆 嘿

pa bei feng li de ci gu ji dao  shu gao gao de qiang  hei

Afraid of being knocked down by the biting wind, tall walls. Hey.

夢的彼岸被寒雨冰凍 照炙熱的光 嘿

meng de bi an bei han yu bing dong  zhao zhi re de guang  hei

The other side of the dream is frozen by the cold rain and the hot light Hey

面對苦痛 邊呻吟 邊阻擋 落著淚暢想 嘿

mian dui ku tong  bian shen yin  bian zu dang  luo zhe lei chang xiang  hei

In the face of pain while moaning and blocking falling tears Hey

走近那些 似被廢棄的房 有霓虹在亮 嘿

zou jin na xie  si bei fei qi de fang  you ni hong zai liang  hei

Close to the abandoned houses with neon lights. Hey.


陽光 照不到的地方 有月光伴在近旁

yang guang  zhao bu dao de di fang  you yue guang ban zai jin pang

Where the sun can’t shine, there’s Moonlight nearby.

好像 世界從不空曠 我在 我在

hao xiang  shi jie cong bu kong kuang  wo zai  wo zai

It’s like the world is never empty. I’m here. I’m here.

心房 最灰暗的地方 有希望總在綻放

xin fang  zui hui an de di fang  you xi wang zong zai zhan fang

In the darkest part of the atrium, hope always blooms.

我是我 最大的庇護港 我在 我在

wo shi wo  zui da de bi hu gang  wo zai  wo zai

I’m my biggest shelter. I’m here. I’m here.


我愛 海崖上的花 我看 它不懼風浪

wo ai  hai ya shang de hua  wo kan  ta bu ju feng lang

I love the flowers on the sea cliff. I don’t think it’s afraid of the wind and waves.

我愛 結巴的男孩 聽他 歌唱

wo ai  jie ba de nan hai  ting ta  ge chang

I love stuttering boys. listen to his singing.


我在 我在 我在 我在

wo zai  wo zai  wo zai  wo zai

I’m here. I’m here. I’m here. I’m here.


眾生中的一次生 眾我中的一個我

zhong sheng zhong de yi ci sheng  zhong wo zhong de yi ge wo

One of all beings, one of me

眾生中的一次生 眾我中的一個我

zhong sheng zhong de yi ci sheng  zhong wo zhong de yi ge wo

One of all beings, one of me


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