• Lyricist 詞:李友廷、鵝毛筆
  • Composer 曲:李友廷


you yi ci bei ju jue

Rejected again.


xiang bu dao wo ye hui you zhe tian

I didn’t think I’d have this day.

怎樣才能夠 讓你甩開包袱和偏見

zen yang cai neng gou  rang ni shuai kai bao fu he pian jian

How can you get rid of burden and prejudice?



ni bu yao zhuang ke lian

Don’t pretend to be pathetic. 


wo shuo gai tian jiu zhen de gai tian

I said another time, it really was another time.

離開舒適圈 觀察你還需要些時間

li kai shu shi quan  guan cha ni hai xu yao xie shi jian

It’ll take some time to get out of the comfort zone and observe you.   


我在等 等一句

wo zai deng  deng yi ju

I’m waiting. wait a word.

一句你 (你內心誠實的告白)

yi ju ni  (ni nei xin cheng shi de gao bai )

A word of you (your inner honest confession)

可是你 (你難道都不明白)

ke shi ni  (ni nan dao dou bu ming bai )

But you (don’t you understand)

賭一口氣 只為看見 你最真的樣子

du yi kou qi  zhi wei kan jian  ni zui zhen de yang zi

Just to see what you really look like.  


我可以 每天開車接送不管多麼遠

wo ke yi  mei tian kai che jie song bu guan duo me yuan

I can give you a ride every day, no matter how far.

才不屑 uber司機也能做到這點

cai bu xie  ubersi ji ye neng zuo dao zhe dian

I don’t care if uber drivers can do that.

想怎樣 我的脾氣也是有極限

xiang zen yang  wo de pi qi ye shi you ji xian

I have a limit to what I want.

為我超越它 喔好啦我願意

wei wo chao yue ta  wo hao la wo yuan yi

Go beyond it for me. Oh, well, I do.


我可以 陪你一直重複經典的電影

wo ke yi  pei ni yi zhi zhong fu jing dian de dian ying

I can repeat the classic movie with you all the time.

等一下 根本就只是你想看而已

deng yi xia  gen ben jiu zhi shi ni xiang kan er yi

Wait a minute. it’s just that you want to see it.

想怎樣 其實想怎樣也不確定

xiang zen yang  qi shi xiang zen yang ye bu que ding

I don’t know what I want.

但這樣有你  好像每天都很開心

dan zhe yang you ni   hao xiang mei tian dou hen kai xin

But you seem to be happy every day.


耍浪漫有風險 這次應對一定要小心

shua lang man you feng xian  zhe ci ying dui yi ding yao xiao xin

There’s a risk to romance. be careful this time.

把你話中的話都聽仔細 避免陷阱題

ba ni hua zhong de hua dou ting zai xi  bi mian xian jing ti

Listen carefully to everything you say and avoid pitfalls.


老娘難得放水 難道還要我丟游泳圈

lao niang nan de fang shui  nan dao hai yao wo diu you yong quan

I don’t know how to act. Do you want me to throw a swimming ring?

滿天的機會給你表現 半個沒發覺

man tian de ji hui gei ni biao xian  ban ge mei fa jiao

It’s a chance to show you. But I didn’t notice.


我在等 等一句

wo zai deng  deng yi ju

I’m waiting. wait a word.

一句你 (你內心誠實的告白)

yi ju ni  (ni nei xin cheng shi de gao bai )

A word of you (your inner honest confession)

可是你 (你難道都不明白)

ke shi ni  (ni nan dao dou bu ming bai )

But you (don’t you understand)

賭一口氣 只為看見 你最真的樣子

du yi kou qi  zhi wei kan jian  ni zui zhen de yang zi

Just to see what you really look like.  


我可以 無論多晚都能陪著你失眠

wo ke yi  wu lun duo wan dou neng pei zhe ni shi mian

I can stay with you no matter how late I can sleep. 

才不屑 這種獻殷勤通常最危險

cai bu xie  zhe zhong xian yin qin tong chang zui wei xian

I don’t care. this kind of courting is usually the most dangerous.

想怎樣 我的脾氣也是有極限

xiang zen yang  wo de pi qi ye shi you ji xian

I have a limit to what I want.   

為我超越它 好啦我願意

wei wo chao yue ta  hao la wo yuan yi

Go beyond it for me. Okay, I do.


我可以 當你無聊生命唯一的驚喜

wo ke yi  dang ni wu liao sheng ming wei yi de jing xi

I can be the only surprise of your boring life.               

等一下 所以你具體是可以做什麼事情

deng yi xia  suo yi ni ju ti shi ke yi zuo shi me shi qing

Wait a minute, so what exactly can you do?

想怎樣 其實想怎樣也不確定

xiang zen yang  qi shi xiang zen yang ye bu que ding

I don’t know what I want.

但這樣有你 好像每天都很開心

dan zhe yang you ni  hao xiang mei tian dou hen kai xin

But you seem to be happy every day.


想你 想你

xiang ni  xiang ni

Miss you. miss you.

我先 是我

wo xian  shi wo

Me, me first.


bie zheng le

Stop arguing.


jiang zhe dian hua wang xiang xing kong

Talking on the phone and looking at the stars. 

兩顆星 莫名的 連成了線

liang ke xing  mo ming de  lian cheng le xian

The two stars are inexplicably connected.       


我可以 觀光客的垃圾通通幫你撿

wo ke yi  guan guang ke de la ji tong tong bang ni jian

I can pick up all the garbage from tourists.

才不屑 當我是別人路過的風景

cai bu xie  dang wo shi bie ren lu guo de feng jing

I don’t care. think of me as someone else’s passing by.  


bei ni gai bian bu zhi bu jiao

Changed by you before you knew it.    


suo you nao pi qi

All tantrums              


ting qi lai dou xiang wo ai ni

Sounds like I love you.



suo you wo ai ni

All I love you


gai bu hui shi wo (ni )hui cuo yi

It wouldn’t be me (you)who would be wrong.







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