• OST (《我的女友是機器人 》電影主題曲)
  • Lyricist 詞:唐恬
  • Composer 曲:藝民YEMIN

時光 請往回走 帶我回家

shi guang  qing wang hui zou  dai wo hui jia

Time, please go back and Take Me Home.

穿過 老街巷口 煙火晚霞

chuan guo  lao jie xiang kou  yan huo wan xia

Through the Old Street Alley, the fireworks sunset

門前 那條路 還在等嗎 還在問嗎

men qian  na tiao lu  hai zai deng ma  hai zai wen ma

Is the road in front of the door still waiting? Are you still asking?

問你 可曾見過 兒時的我

wen ni  ke ceng jian guo  er shi de wo

Ask you if you ever met me when I was a child.

它說 奶奶會等 孩子回家

ta shuo  nai nai hui deng  hai zi hui jia

It said Grandma would wait for the kids to come home.

若你 能遇見他 要他別怕

ruo ni  neng yu jian ta  yao ta bie pa

If you can meet him, don’t be afraid.

沿著 回憶的花 追趕炎夏 像放學啦

yan zhe  hui yi de hua  zhui gan yan xia  xiang fang xue la

Follow the flowers of memories to catch up with the summer. Like after school

而我 只是貪玩 車沒出發

er wo  zhi shi tan wan  che mei chu fa

And I just didn’t leave the car.

能不能不做 大人啊

neng bu neng bu zuo  da ren a

Will I stop being a grown-up?

有顆糖就開心 的年華

you ke tang jiu kai xin  de nian hua

Feel happy with a candy

等一下 請等我一下

deng yi xia  qing deng wo yi xia

Wait a minute. just give me a second, please.


sui yue xiao zhe yang qi shou zhong sha

The years smiled and raised the sand in their hands

那消失的 告別的

na xiao shi de  gao bie de

The vanishing farewell.

站在路旁揮手 不說話

zhan zai lu pang hui shou  bu shuo hua

Standing on the side of the road, waving and not talking.

變做沿途 微亮的燈火

bian zuo yan tu  wei liang de deng huo

Into a light lit along the way.

溫暖晚歸 的我

wen nuan wan gui  de wo

Warm late return to me


Kids singing.:

你呀 別迷路啦 跟我回家

ni ya  bie mi lu la  gen wo hui jia

Don’t get lost. come home with me.

你要 變成英雄 還記得嗎

ni yao  bian cheng ying xiong  hai ji de ma

You’re gonna be a hero, remember?

奶奶 納了新鞋 她說穿上 就能長大

nai nai  na le xin xie  ta shuo chuan shang  jiu neng zhang da

Grandma got new shoes. she said kid will grow up if put them on.

而她 變成橋上 彎彎月牙

er ta  bian cheng qiao shang  wan wan yue ya

And she turned into a crooked Crescent on the bridge.

我們 單槍匹馬 各自遠方

wo men  dan qiang pi ma  ge zi yuan fang

We’re all alone. we’re all far away.

原來 從未走出 那片屋簷

yuan lai  cong wei zou chu  na pian wu yan

Turn out never walked out of that Eaves.

藏在 老榕樹下 小小鐵匣 多像盔甲

cang zai  lao rong shu xia  xiao xiao tie xia  duo xiang kui jia

Hidden under the old banyan tree, the little iron box is like armor.

悄悄 埋了寶藏 夢才發芽

qiao qiao  mai le bao cang  meng cai fa ya

Quietly buried treasure, the dream sprouted

能不能不做 大人啊

neng bu neng bu zuo  da ren a

Will I stop being a grown-up?

有顆糖就開心 的年華

you ke tang jiu kai xin  de nian hua

Feel happy with a candy

等一下 請等我一下

deng yi xia  qing deng wo yi xia

Wait a minute. just give me a second, please.


sui yue xiao zhe yang qi shou zhong sha

The years smiled and raised the sand in their hands

那消失的 告別的

na xiao shi de  gao bie de

The vanishing farewell.


yi ran sheng sheng hu huan wo xing ming

Still calling my name.

要我別怕 怕就回過頭

yao wo bie pa  pa jiu hui guo tou

If you want me not to be afraid, look back.

她在路口 等我

ta zai lu kou  deng wo

She’s waiting for me at the intersection.

再見的 不見的

zai jian de  bu jian de

Goodbye, missing.


yi ran sheng sheng hu huan wo xing ming

Still calling my name.

孩子別怕 路上慢些走

hai zi bie pa  lu shang man xie zou

Don’t be afraid, son. slow down the road.

她在盡頭 等我

ta zai jin tou  deng wo

She’s waiting for me at the end.


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