同时间上班 同时间睡觉

tong shi jian shang ban  tong shi jian shui jiao

Same time to work, same time to sleep
同样的晚餐 同样的车潮

tong yang de wan can  tong yang de che chao

The same dinner, the same traffic

看同一部电影 选同一排坐好

kan tong yi bu dian ying  xuan tong yi pai zuo hao

Watch the same movie, sit in the same row

不同地点 也做得到

bu tong di dian  ye zuo de dao

I can do it even in different places


怕只怕没有 手机的讯号

pa zhi pa mei you  shou ji de xun hao

I’m afraid that there is no cell phone signal
看你煮热汤 我都闻不到

kan ni zhu re tang  wo dou wen bu dao

I can’t even smell your hot soup

你看我们的猫 也跑来向你讨

ni kan wo men de mao  ye pao lai xiang ni tao

Look at our cat coming to ask you for


ni (wo )qian tuo de yong bao

You (I) owe him a hug


说好 要正面思考

shuo hao  yao zheng mian si kao

We agreed to think positively


ju li bu zhong yao

Distance is not important


di qiu zhe me xiao

The earth is so small


要 把自己顾好

yao  ba zi ji gu hao

Take care of yourself


mei shi jian zheng chao

No time to argue

一连上线 就傻笑

yi lian shang xian  jiu sha xiao

Giggle when you’re online

让等待 变成一种 情调

rang deng dai  bian cheng yi zhong  qing diao

Let waiting become a mood

不得不用 想念当依靠

bu de bu yong  xiang nian dang yi kao

I can’t help but use my thoughts as a support

不得不被 孤单凑热闹

bu de bu bei  gu dan cou re nao

I have to be lonely to make up for the hustle and bustle

不得不求 时间没礼貌

bu de bu qiu  shi jian mei li mao

I can’t help but ask for time to be impolite


zou kuai yi dian duo hao

How nice to go faster


这一个生日 只有姊妹淘

zhe yi ge sheng ri  zhi you zi mei tao

This birthday, only sisters

愿望只许了 你载我绕绕

yuan wang zhi xu le  ni zai wo rao rao

I wish only you could drive me around

有太多抱歉 能不能 用未来 去抵销

you tai duo bao qian  neng bu neng  yong wei lai  qu di xiao

I’m so sorry, can’t I offset it with the future?

我想你想到 受不了

wo xiang ni xiang dao  shou bu le

I miss you so much

说好 要正面思考

shuo hao  yao zheng mian si kao
We agreed to think positively


ju li bu zhong yao
Distance doesn’t matter


di qiu zhe me xiao

The earth is so small


要 把自己顾好

yao  ba zi ji gu hao

Take care of yourself


mei shi jian zheng chao

No time to argue

一连上线 就傻笑

yi lian shang xian  jiu sha xiao

I smile when I’m online


整天工作再忙 都有点空洞

zheng tian gong zuo zai mang  dou you dian kong dong

Even if I’m busy all day, I’m a bit empty.

快递给你的花 收到没有

kuai di gei ni de hua  shou dao mei you

Did you get the flowers that were delivered to you?

肉麻的话语 当面难说

rou ma de hua yu  dang mian nan shuo

It’s hard to say it in person

谢谢你总是应援我 追每一个梦

xie xie ni zong shi ying yuan wo  zhui mei yi ge meng
Thank you for always supporting me to follow every dream


担心你城市 最近有颱风

dan xin ni cheng shi  zui jin you tai feng

I’m worried about the recent typhoon in your city

在意你的班机 何时降落

zai yi ni de ban ji  he shi jiang luo

I’m concerned about when your flight will land

地图不过 萤幕两头

di tu bu guo  ying mu liang tou

The map is nothing but the two ends of the screen

当成几个路口 红绿灯 比较久

dang cheng ji ge lu kou  hong lu deng  bi jiao jiu

When the traffic lights at several intersections are longer


说好 要正面思考

shuo hao  yao zheng mian si kao

We agreed to think positively


ju li bu zhong yao
Distance doesn’t matter


di qiu zhe me xiao

The earth is so small


要 把自己顾好

yao  ba zi ji gu hao

Take care of yourself


mei shi jian zheng chao

No time to argue
一连上线 就傻笑

yi lian shang xian  jiu sha xiao

Giggle when we’re online

让等待 败给我们

rang deng dai  bai gei wo men

Let the wait fail us

让期待 击退 唱衰的人们

rang qi dai  ji tui  chang shuai de ren men

Let the anticipation beat back the people who say no


不得不在 深夜裡读秒

bu de bu zai  shen ye li du miao

Have to read the seconds in the middle of the night

不得不在 每一刻想到

bu de bu zai  mei yi ke xiang dao

Have to think about every moment


ni de hao

Your goodness


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