Lyrics for: Love Will Prevail 坚信爱会赢

Composer 作曲 : 舒楠
Lyricist 作词 : 梁芒

为了你 我拼了命
最难舍 是这份情
有难一起扛 共分担才更坚强
真情守望 长江黄河水流长


wéi liǎo nǐ   wǒ pīn liǎo mìng
nǎ pà miàn duì qiāng lín dàn yǔ
gé zhuó shēng sǐ dí yī dào mén
wǒ bǎo zhèng bù lí bù qì
zuì nán shè   shì zhè fèn qíng
zài nǐ miàn qián wǒ yào dàn dìng
chēng qǐ duō shǎo gè hēi yè
jué bù ràng shēng mìng jiào tíng
wǒ mén jiān xìn yǒu ài jiù huì yíng
nǐ yǒu duō tòng wǒ jiù duō tòng xīn
yǒu nán yī qǐ káng   gòng fēn dān cái gēng jiān qiáng
fēng yǔ zhōng níng jù mín zú dí lì liáng
wǒ mén jiān xìn yǒu ài jiù huì yíng
wú fǎ yōng bào què lí nǐ zuì jìn
zhēn qíng shǒu wàng   cháng jiāng huáng hé shuǐ liú cháng
wǒ mén níng jù qǐ zhōng huá mín zú dí lì liáng

English Translation

For you i'm desperate
Even in the face of gunfire bullet rain
Through the door of life and death
I promise not to leave
The hardest part is this love
I want to be calm in front of you
How many nights
Never let life stop
We firmly believe that love will win
How sad you are
Difficult to carry together to be stronger
Gathering national power in the wind and rain
We firmly believe that love will win
I can't hug you but I'm closest
Watching with true feelings
We unite the power of the Chinese nation


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