• Lyricist 作詞:米嘉鬱
  • Composer 作曲:孫大雄


身後公園 是第一次遇見

shen hou gong yuan  shi di yi ci yu jian

The park behind is where we met for the first time

轉角花店 見證牽手兩年

zhuan jiao hua dian  jian zheng qian shou liang nian

The florist in the corner witnesses we hold hands for two years

這城市散落著太多紀念 總是在我們之間兜圈

zhe cheng shi san luo zhe tai duo ji nian  zong shi zai wo men zhi jian dou quan

This city is littered with too many memorabilia. it’s always circling between us.

如果我是 你眼裡的景點

ru guo wo shi  ni yan li de jing dian

If I were the attraction in your eyes,

路過就好 何必留下想念

lu guo jiu hao  he bi liu xia xiang nian

Just pass by. why stay and miss?

何必讓故事用微笑開篇 結局眼淚悼念

he bi rang gu shi yong wei xiao kai pian  jie ju yan lei dao nian

Why let the story start with a smile, but ending with tears and mourn

只怪有你的從前 美的太過驚豔

zhi guai you ni de cong qian  mei de tai guo jing yan

Just blame you for the beauty is too amazing

才會當熱情變淺 決裂明顯

cai hui dang re qing bian qian  jue lie ming xian

Will be when the enthusiasm becomes shallow and the break is obvious.


ai shi shui ye rao bu kai de pao wu xian

Love is a parabola that no one can go around.



cong qian ni chuan yue feng yu dou hui cang cu jian yi mian

You used to meet me in a hurry even through the wind and rain.


hou lai lian san de bian yuan ni dou lan de fen yi dian

And then you didn’t even bother to share the umbrella.


shi wo men di gu le shi jian de shan bian

We underestimated the fickle nature of time.


tai qing yi rang nong lie de gu shi fan pian

It’s too easy to turn a strong story.


cong qian ni chuan guo ban zuo cheng shi pei wo yi qi shi mian

In the past, you walked through half a city with me and lost sleep.


hou lai ni hao xiang gen ni de fang xiang pan geng jin yi dian

And then you seemed to be closer to your steering wheel.

只是當淚水又滑落在照片 卻捨不得刪

zhi shi dang lei shui you hua luo zai zhao pian  que she bu de shan

Just when the tears slipped in the photo but reluctant to delete


只怪有你的從前 美的太過驚豔

zhi guai you ni de cong qian  mei de tai guo jing yan

Just blame you for the beauty is too amazing

才會當熱情變淺 決裂明顯

cai hui dang re qing bian qian  jue lie ming xian

Will be when the enthusiasm becomes shallow and the break is obvious.


ai shi shui ye rao bu kai de pao wu xian

Love is a parabola that no one can go around.



cong qian ni chuan yue feng yu dou hui cang cu jian yi mian

You used to meet me in a hurry even through the wind and rain.


hou lai lian san de bian yuan ni dou lan de fen yi dian

And then you didn’t even bother to share the umbrella.


shi wo men di gu le shi jian de shan bian

We underestimated the fickle nature of time.


tai qing yi rang nong lie de gu shi fan pian

It’s too easy to turn a strong story.


cong qian ni chuan guo ban zuo cheng shi pei wo yi qi shi mian

In the past, you walked through half a city with me and lost sleep.


hou lai ni hao xiang gen ni de fang xiang pan geng jin yi dian

And then you seemed to be closer to your steering wheel.

只是當淚水又滑落在照片 卻捨不得刪

zhi shi dang lei shui you hua luo zai zhao pian  que she bu de shan

Just when the tears slipped in the photo but reluctant to delete



cong qian ni chuan guo ban zuo cheng shi pei wo yi qi shi mian

In the past, you walked through half a city with me and lost sleep.


hou lai ni hao xiang gen ni de fang xiang pan geng jin yi dian

And then you seemed to be closer to your steering wheel.

只是當淚水又滑落在照片 卻捨不得刪

zhi shi dang lei shui you hua luo zai zhao pian  que she bu de shan

Just when the tears slipped in the photo but reluctant to delete


好歹讓這一幕幕從前 不只像謊言

hao dai rang zhe yi mu mu cong qian  bu zhi xiang huang yan

At least let this scene used to be more than a lie.


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