• Lyricist: Pan Xieqing
  • Composer: Guo Wenxian



shang hao de qing chun dou shi ni

You are the best youth

再遙遠 都跟隨你

zai yao yuan  dou gen sui ni

Follow you no matter how far away

若滂沱大雨 不曾見證 海角相偎依

ruo pang tuo da yu  bu ceng jian zheng  hai jiao xiang wei yi

If the torrential rain has never witnessed the cape snuggling together

衣角怎麼會 濕淋淋

yi jiao zen me hui  shi lin lin

How can the corners of the clothes get wet?


尚好的青春 都是你

shang hao de qing chun  dou shi ni

You are the best youth


mei you pian ke bu xiang ni

I don’t miss you for a moment


jiu suan neng zhen zai dui de shi jian yu jian dui de ni

Even if I can really meet the right you at the right time


yi shi de qing chun zen neng hui de qu

How can the lost youth be returned?



qian wan ji de tian ya you ren zai deng ni

Remember that someone is waiting for you


feng zai ji zai kuang wo ye bu fang qi

No matter how fast the wind is, I won’t give up

願為你 直到有一刻能守著你的心

yuan wei ni  zhi dao you yi ke neng shou zhe ni de xin

May I be able to guard your heart for you until one moment


jiu suan ni bu hui dong ye bu hui ke xi

Even if you don’t understand, it’s not a pity



qian wan ji de tian ya you ren zai deng dai

Remember that there are people waiting in the end of the world


lu cheng zai duo yao yuan bu yao bu hui lai

No matter how far away the journey is, don’t not come back

不去想 不去計量你的心有多明白

bu qu xiang  bu qu ji liang ni de xin you duo ming bai

Don’t think about it, don’t measure how clear your heart is


qian wang xing fu de lu you duo shao zu ai

How many obstacles are there on the road to happiness

就算給你的愛 石沉大海

jiu suan gei ni de ai  shi chen da hai

Even if the love for you falls to pieces

青春飛逝就再 找不回來

qing chun fei shi jiu zai  zhao bu hui lai

Youth flies away and you won’t be able to find it back


尚好的青春 都是你

shang hao de qing chun  dou shi ni

You are the best youth


mei you pian ke bu xiang ni

I don’t miss you for a moment


jiu suan neng zhen zai dui de shi jian yu jian dui de ni

Even if I can really meet the right you at the right time


yi shi de qing chun zen neng hui de qu

How can the lost youth be returned?



qian wan ji de tian ya you ren zai deng ni

Remember that someone is waiting for you


feng zai ji zai kuang wo ye bu fang qi

No matter how fast the wind is, I won’t give up

願為你 直到有一刻能守著你的心

yuan wei ni  zhi dao you yi ke neng shou zhe ni de xin

May I be able to guard your heart for you until one moment


jiu suan ni bu hui dong ye bu hui ke xi

Even if you don’t understand, it’s not a pity



qian wan ji de tian ya you ren zai deng dai

Remember that there are people waiting in the end of the world


lu cheng zai duo yao yuan bu yao bu hui lai

No matter how far away the journey is, don’t not come back

不去想 不去計量你的心有多明白

bu qu xiang  bu qu ji liang ni de xin you duo ming bai

Don’t think about it, don’t measure how clear your heart is


qian wang xing fu de lu you duo shao zu ai

How many obstacles are there on the road to happiness

就算給你的愛 石沉大海

jiu suan gei ni de ai  shi chen da hai

Even if the love for you falls to pieces

青春飛逝就再 找不回來

qing chun fei shi jiu zai  zhao bu hui lai

Youth flies away and you won’t be able to find it back


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