• OST 電影 海霧 主題曲
  • Lyricist 作詞:F.I.R.飛兒樂團
  • Composer 作曲:F.I.R.飛兒樂團


lucid lucid dreams

devil devil screams

crashing crashing waves

ghosting ghosting graves


像惡魔在看守 像血肉被割破​

xiang e mo zai kan shou  xiang xue rou bei ge po ​

Like a demon watching, like flesh and blood being cut.​

當靈魂被掠奪 無處可躲

dang ling hun bei lue duo  wu chu ke duo

When the soul is plundered, there is nowhere to hide. 

海蟄伏在等候 讓巨浪更顛簸 ​

hai zhe fu zai deng hou  rang ju lang geng dian bo  ​

The sea is dormant waiting to make the waves more bumpy ​

那噬人的惡夢 驚心動魄

na shi ren de e meng  jing xin dong po

That man-eater nightmare is thrilling.



zai zui jue wang de shi ji mo

At the end of the most desperate

down the ocean wrath I’ll turn the lights on

find the living path who cares for the right and wrong

結局連天使都墮落 the fallen angel

jie ju lian tian shi dou duo luo  the fallen angel

The ending, even the Angel is falling, The fallen angel.

no one survives


誰來為愛用力嘶吼 像是發了瘋的野獸

shui lai wei ai yong li si hou  xiang shi fa le feng de ye shou

Who’s gonna shout for love like a crazy beast?

卑躬懺悔 怎麼拯救

bei gong chan hui  zen me zheng jiu

How to save humble repentance

誰來替我掙脫枷鎖 海市蜃樓徹底殘破

shui lai ti wo zheng tuo jia suo  hai shi shen lou che di can po

Who will break my chains, The Mirage is completely broken.

片甲不留 只剩絕望怒吼

pian jia bu liu  zhi sheng jue wang nu hou

There is nothing left, only the desperate Roar 


像死蛆般毒瘤 像卑微的蜉蝣

xiang si qu ban du liu  xiang bei wei de fu you

Like a dead maggot, like a humble ephemera.

牠予取又予求 誰在放縱

tuo yu qu you yu qiu  shui zai fang zong

It takes and begs. who’s indulging?

黑暗籠罩星球 正義坐困成囚

hei an long zhao xing qiu  zheng yi zuo kun cheng qiu

Darkness envelops the planet. justice is in prison.

人類放棄抵抗 隨波逐流

ren lei fang qi di kang  sui bo zhu liu

Humans give up their resistance and drift with them.



zai zui jue wang de shi ji mo

At the end of the most desperate

down the ocean wrath I’ll turn the lights on

find the living path who cares for the right and wrong

結局連天使都墮落 the fallen angel

jie ju lian tian shi dou duo luo  the fallen angel

The ending, even the Angel is falling, The fallen angel.

no one survives


誰來為愛用力嘶吼 像是發了瘋的野獸

shui lai wei ai yong li si hou  xiang shi fa le feng de ye shou

Who’s gonna shout for love like a crazy beast?

卑躬懺悔 怎麼拯救

bei gong chan hui  zen me zheng jiu

How to save humble repentance

誰來替我掙脫枷鎖 海市蜃樓徹底殘破

shui lai ti wo zheng tuo jia suo  hai shi shen lou che di can po

Who will break my chains, The Mirage is completely broken.

片甲不留 只剩絕望怒吼

pian jia bu liu  zhi sheng jue wang nu hou

There is nothing left, only the desperate Roar 



shui lai wei ai

Who will be for love

誰來為愛用力嘶吼 像是發了瘋的野獸

shui lai wei ai yong li si hou  xiang shi fa le feng de ye shou

Who’s gonna shout for love like a crazy beast?

卑躬懺悔 怎麼拯救

bei gong chan hui  zen me zheng jiu

How to save humble repentance

誰來替我掙脫枷鎖 海市蜃樓徹底殘破

shui lai ti wo zheng tuo jia suo  hai shi shen lou che di can po

Who will break my chains, The Mirage is completely broken.

片甲不留 只剩絕望怒吼

pian jia bu liu  zhi sheng jue wang nu hou

There is nothing left, only the desperate Roar 


down the ocean wrath I’ll turn the lights on

find the living path who cares for the right and wrong

who still scream hard for the love

who still bow down from above

even the angel corrupts to the deep

leaving no pieces desperately weep

who still scream hard from the love

who still bow down from above


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