你的眼神 再近一寸

nide yanshen, zain jin yicun

Your eyes are an inch closer


xindong bian chenxu luodi shengen

The heart moves and takes advantage of the emptiness to take root


mantian xingchen

The stars in the sky


qiaoluo shang ni meifeng

Quietly fall on your brow

心有所向 日久月深

xinyou suoxiang rijiu yueshen

Where the heart is headed, the sun and the moon are deep

用星河作枕 月亮作吻

yong xinghe zuozhen yueliang zuowen

Use the Milky Way as a pillow and the moon as a kiss


xiangyao rumeng

Want to enter the dream


lai tan ni yanzhong chun

Come and explore the spring in your eyes

我们虔诚 旋动齿轮

women qiancheng xuandong chilun

We are pious and the gears are spinning


yisheng zhi wei jian yige ren

All life just to see one person

从一眼赤忱 到风月沾身

cong yiyan chichen dao fengyue zhanshen

From one sincere glance to being stained by romance


yong xinshi linmo ni zhangwen

Use heart affairs to imitate the lines on your palm

我们虔诚 扣动心门

women qiancheng koudong xinmen

We are pious and knocking on the door of the heart


yisheng zhi yuan jian yige ren

All life just want to see one person

唯愿动心二字 不以胆怯相称

wei yuan dongxin erzi bu yi danqie xiangcheng

Just hope that the two words “moved heart” are not equal to cowardice


jie wanfeng xie ni wo huaben

Borrow the evening wind to write our story


zhi dao ge hao yuanfen

Just say good luck

你的认真 再深一寸

nide renzhen, zaishen yicun

Your seriousness is another inch deeper


kuijian wo nanneng yanshu de ken

See my sincerity that is hard to describe in words


buru women

It’s better for us


rimu tianya cisheng

The sun sets to the end of the earth in this life

不该沉沦 不止沉沦

bugai chenlun buzhi chenlun

Should not sink, not just sink


ke shijian gandong bengai tianzhen

But the emotions in the world should be innocent


buru women

It’s better for us


jiu zheyang guo yisheng

Just live like this for a lifetime

我们虔诚 旋动齿轮

women qiancheng xuandong chilun

We are pious and the gears are spinning

yisheng zhi wei jian yige ren

All life just to see one person

从一眼赤忱 到风月沾身

cong yiyan chichen dao fengyue zhanshen

From one sincere glance to being stained by romance


yong xinshi linmo ni zhangwen

Use heart affairs to imitate the lines on your palm

我们虔诚 扣动心门

women qiancheng koudong xinmen

We are pious and knocking on the door of the heart


yisheng zhi yuan jian yige ren

All life just want to see one person

唯愿动心二字 不以胆怯相称

wei yuan dongxin erzi bu yi danqie xiangcheng

Just hope that the two words “moved heart” are not equal to cowardice

心尖痕 别问能不能

xinjian hen biewen nengbuneng

The mark on the tip of the heart, don’t ask if it can or not


zhi dao shi hao shichen

Just say it’s a good time


zhi dao shi hao shichen

Just say it’s a good time


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