香味依然沾染在你我的枕头间 还散不开

xiang wei yi ran zhan ran zai ni wo de zhen tou jian  hai san bu kai

The scent is still tainted between our pillows and yours.

你的存在 不自觉渗透在每一个角落
ni de cun zai  bu zi jiao shen tou zai mei yi ge jiao luo

Your presence unconsciously permeates every corner


wo wu fa cha jiao meng yu xian shi de xun huan

I can’t perceive the cycle of dreams and reality


ni cheng le yi pian hei an qie beng huai

You have become a dark and crumbling

而我顺著你走来 不管结局的好坏

er wo shun zhe ni zou lai  bu guan jie ju de hao huai

And I came along with you, no matter how good or bad the ending was


当时间停摆 你的唇在我耳边呢喃
dang shi jian ting bai  ni de chun zai wo er bian ne nan

When time stops and your lips whisper in my ear

沉溺在你给的温暖 和每一个姿态

chen ni zai ni gei de wen nuan  he mei yi ge zi tai

Drowning in the warmth you give and every gesture


就让爱自由散开 看见彼此的模样

jiu rang ai zi you san kai  kan jian bi ci de mo yang

Let love be free to spread out and see each other as we are

都带著缺口去爱 填补不同形状

dou dai zhe que kou qu ai  tian bu bu tong xing zhuang

Love with all the gaps and fill the different shapes

所有痛我来保管 再多也不算困难

suo you tong wo lai bao guan  zai duo ye bu suan kun nan

I’ll take care of all the pain, no matter how much it’s not difficult

去感受烟火绽放 那一刻的灿烂

qu gan shou yan huo zhan fang  na yi ke de can lan

To feel the splendor of the firework


不愿你在这个世界 再一次又再一次地被否决

bu yuan ni zai zhe ge shi jie  zai yi ci you zai yi ci di bei fou jue

I don’t want you to be denied again and again in this world


mei yi ke zai fan fu shi yan

Repeating my vows every moment

我能做到你想要的一切 就算一切不是太完美

wo neng zuo dao ni xiang yao de yi qie  jiu suan yi qie bu shi tai wan mei

I can do everything you want, even if it’s not perfect


你是我从未感受的爱恋 我们拥有不可言喻的美

ni shi wo cong wei gan shou de ai lian  wo men yong you bu ke yan yu de mei

You’re a love I’ve never felt before We have an unspeakable beauty

yue xian yue shen de qing jie

We’re falling deeper and deeper in love

想要让你了解 我能给你更多安慰

xiang yao rang ni le jie  wo neng gei ni geng duo an wei

Trying to make you understand I can give you more comfort

我们会是未来 你是否也有感觉?

wo men hui shi wei lai  ni shi fou ye you gan jiao ?

We’ll be the future Do you feel it too?


然而一再放任爱 看到了裂痕却忽略它存在

ran er yi zai fang ren ai  kan dao le lie hen que hu lue ta cun zai

And yet again and again I let love go, seeing the cracks and ignoring them.

结束在这 或许我也不意外 才拖延耍赖

jie shu zai zhe  huo xu wo ye bu yi wai  cai tuo yan shua lai

It ends here Maybe I’m not surprised I’m dragging my feet

太多的刺和伤在纠缠 最后还是抱著彼此惆悵

tai duo de ci he shang zai jiu chan  zui hou hai shi bao zhe bi ci chou chang

Too many thorns and wounds are entangled, and in the end, we hold each other in despair.

这结了茧的爱 捨不得放开

zhe jie le jian de ai  she bu de fang kai

This cocooned love, I can’t let go


让回忆倒转 最初的你我有多梦幻

rang hui yi dao zhuan  zui chu de ni wo you duo meng huan

Let’s rewind the memories of how dreamy you and I were at first

别急著把我叫醒来 我还不想离开

bie ji zhe ba wo jiao xing lai  wo hai bu xiang li kai
Don’t wake me up in a hurry I don’t want to leave yet


爱到最后剩无奈 发现你早已醒来
ai dao zui hou sheng wu nai  fa xian ni zao yi xing lai

In the end, I found you woke up long ago

只有我还沉醉在 你留下痕跡徘徊

zhi you wo hai chen zui zai  ni liu xia hen ji pai huai

I’m the only one still drunk on the traces you left behind

所有痛我来保管 再多也不算困难

suo you tong wo lai bao guan  zai duo ye bu suan kun nan

I’ll take care of all the pain, no matter how much it is not difficult

去感受烟火绽放 那一刻的灿烂

qu gan shou yan huo zhan fang  na yi ke de can lan

To feel the splendor of the fireworks


终究还是你比我聪明 证明了结局

zhong jiu hai shi ni bi wo cong ming  zheng ming le jie ju

After all, you are smarter than me, and you proved the end

是我傻的可以 爱到没了自己

shi wo sha de ke yi  ai dao mei le zi ji

I’m the one who’s foolish enough to love myself to death

用尽全力抽离 不真实的你

yong jin quan li chou li  bu zhen shi de ni

I tried my best to pull away from the unreal you


cong lai bu shi zhen de wei wo cun zai

Never really existed for me

剩下无奈 最后我才醒来

sheng xia wu nai  zui hou wo cai xing lai
I woke up in the end with nothing left to do 


不愿你在这个世界 再一次又再一次地被否决

bu yuan ni zai zhe ge shi jie  zai yi ci you zai yi ci di bei fou jue

I don’t want you to be denied again and again in this world


mei yi ke zai fan fu shi yan

Vowing over and over again every moment

我能做到你想要的一切 就算一切不是太完美

wo neng zuo dao ni xiang yao de yi qie  jiu suan yi qie bu shi tai wan mei

I can do everything you want, even if it’s not perfect


你是我从未感受的爱恋 我们拥有不可言喻的美

ni shi wo cong wei gan shou de ai lian  wo men yong you bu ke yan yu de mei

You’re a love I’ve never felt before We have an unspeakable beauty


yue xian yue shen de qing jie

We’re falling deeper and deeper in love

想要让你了解 我能给你更多安慰

xiang yao rang ni le jie  wo neng gei ni geng duo an wei
Trying to make you understand I can give you more comfort

我们会是未来 你是否也有感觉?

wo men hui shi wei lai  ni shi fou ye you gan jiao ?

We’ll be the future Do you feel it too?


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