Lyrics for: Hurt

If any rainstorm chooses a truck
若 任暴雨选择一卡车

Look, always full of lovers
看 随时是满卡失恋者

Can you cover me with your own hands?
我 与你各手执一把遮 难道向天空撒野

Looking at the window of the world, I also want to find someone
望尽世间橱窗 我也想找对象

Who do you want to grab your career from?
事业要跟谁抢 错过温馨晚上

Winning prizes for sores, everyone is good at it
疮疤多得领奖 人人亦都擅长

Friends who have hurt you, others have been hurt by you too
朋友 谁曾令你受过伤别人同样也被你所

I may hurt you
伤 我也许伤过你

And I do n’t know where to laugh and talk about it

Hurt but afraid to sigh
伤 却怕唉声叹气

The hardships that humans can't resist are proved by flesh and blood.
人类难抵挡的苦都靠血肉之躯 撑过证明

Everyone is badly injured but never dead

It ’s like the blood of a crush
就像暗恋人的 血也不敢去滴

But being crushed has the same killer pressure
但被暗恋同样 有杀手的压力

No need to speak, everyone understands resonance
根本不须发声 人人亦懂共鸣

Friends live so stubbornly that they forget the tears
朋友 顽强地过活过得好到忘掉眼泪结晶

I may hurt you
伤 我也许伤过你

And I do n’t know where to laugh and talk about it

Hurt but afraid to sigh
伤 却怕唉声叹气

The hardships that humans can't resist are proved by flesh and blood.
人类难抵挡的苦都靠血肉之躯 撑过证明

Everyone is badly injured but never dead

If you are happy since the age of six
若 自六岁之后可开心

Quickly give me magic luck
快 神奇地赐给我幸运

You and I have been sad for him
你我曾为别的他伤心 唯独这一点最衬


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