Lyrics for: Do Not Awaken Love

I want to touch you so much
太想触摸你 所以躲开你

How much distance will make you curious
多少的距离 会让你好奇

I escaped your eyes before secretly panting
逃过你双眼 才偷偷喘气

Command me to stay in place with both hands
吩咐我双手 停泊原地

I heard that romance is fast.
听说浪漫的快 恋爱都去的快

I just give up every second and say I have always loved you
我才 每一秒都放弃 说一直爱着你

My love is surging like the sea, but I have to endure
我的爱汹涌像大海 而我却要忍耐

If only one day you would wake up, love would open like wings
只愿一天你会醒来 爱情会像翅膀打开

Do n’t hug, do n’t accidentally wait for God to arrange
还没有拥抱不要意外 等待上帝安排

In the future, we will have a long stream of water.
将来细水长流 我们才承诺

Get a lifetime for love

I want to hug so I pray
太想要拥抱 所以在祈祷

Learn to let go and look for it slowly
求学会放手 慢慢去寻找

Can't find perfect
找不到完美 找天长地老

When your eyes are blurred, you still hug
当双眼模糊 还会拥抱

Step by step, you will cherish my heart
一步一步靠近 你才会珍惜我 的心

Because I still believe in eternal love
因为我还相信 有永恒的爱情

My love is surging like the sea, but I have to endure
我的爱汹涌像大海 而我却要忍耐

If only one day you would wake up, love would open like wings
只愿一天你会醒来 爱情会像翅膀打开

Do n’t hug, do n’t accidentally wait for God to arrange
还没有拥抱不要意外 等待上帝安排

In the future, we will have a long stream of water.
将来细水长流 我们才承诺

Get a lifetime for love

To learn how to push love for love
要为爱情学习按捺 把感觉收回来

Relying on God makes me understand that tamed love is more wonderful
依靠上帝让我明白 被驯服的爱更精彩

With a smile to wait for the flowers to bloom, I hope to irrigate
带着微笑去等待花开 用盼望去灌溉

When you wish one day, we embrace
在你情愿一天 我们才拥抱

Endless love

My silence wakes up love

You attract me with expectation

Keep approaching until you start to love
继续走近 直到开始爱


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