吹着风 拭著泪 一个人好累

chui zhe feng  shi zhe lei  yi ge ren hao lei

Blowing the wind, wiping the tears, so tired of being alone

夜太黑 天太灰 风景都宿醉

ye tai hei  tian tai hui  feng jing dou xiu zui

The night is too dark, the sky is too gray, and the scenery is hungover

整颗心都已经破碎 试图拼凑归位

zheng ke xin dou yi jing po sui  shi tu pin cou gui wei

My whole heart is broken, trying to put it back together


你也曾经 是我的 最亲的依偎

ni ye ceng jing  shi wo de  zui qin de yi wei

You were once my closest friend

不去猜 不保留 也从不防卫

bu qu cai  bu bao liu  ye cong bu fang wei

No guesses, no reservations, no defenses

这结局或许太吊诡 觉得自己可悲

zhe jie ju huo xu tai diao gui  jiao de zi ji ke bei

This ending may be too strange, I feel pathetic


不懂该如何去面对 谁错谁对该相信谁

bu dong gai ru he qu mian dui  shui cuo shui dui gai xiang xin shui

Don’t know how to face, who’s wrong and who’s right and who to trust

觉得自己太傻太惭愧 让我独自安静地去忏悔

jiao de zi ji tai sha tai can kui  rang wo du zi an jing di qu chan hui

I feel so foolish and ashamed to be left alone to repent

或许答案在结尾 或许奇蹟会反馈

huo xu da an zai jie wei  huo xu qi ji hui fan kui

Maybe the answer is at the end. Maybe the miracle will come back


huo xu shi jian neng ba yi qie jiao sui

Maybe time will crush everything



ni bu dong wo de shi jie beng kui

You don’t understand my world is crumbling


ni bu dong wo de xin yi zhui hui

You don’t understand my heart has fallen

拼命跟随 无怨无悔

pin ming gen sui  wu yuan wu hui

I’m trying to follow without regret


que bei ni tao kong yi hou zai wang xia tui

But you’ve hollowed it out and pushed it back down



ni bu dong wo de shi jie beng kui

You don’t understand my world is falling apart


ni bu dong wo de xin yi zhui hui

You don’t understand that my heart has fallen

安静撤退 忍住眼泪

an jing che tui  ren zhu yan lei

Quietly retreating, holding back my tears

深怕你发现我已经枯萎 不再是完美

shen pa ni fa xian wo yi jing ku wei  bu zai shi wan mei

I’m afraid you’ll find that I’ve withered and am no longer perfect



bu shuo hou hui

No regrets


zhi shao ni ceng shi wo de yi lai wo de fang wei

At least you were my dependency and my location


不去想谁是谁非 总会有办法解围

bu qu xiang shui shi shui fei  zong hui you ban fa jie wei

Don’t think about who is right and who is wrong. There will be a way out

当纷纷扰扰全都后退 故事会有结尾

dang fen fen rao rao quan dou hou tui  gu shi hui you jie wei

When all the disturbances are backed up, the story will have an end

让 舆论慢慢搁浅 让真像慢慢浮现

rang  yu lun man man ge qian  rang zhen xiang man man fu xian

Let the public opinion slowly shelve and let the truth slowly emerge

冲淡一切 蓦然回首 转身道别
chong dan yi qie  mo ran hui shou  zhuan shen dao bie

Look back and turn around and say goodbye


微笑地说声再见 不再想谁拖欠谁

wei xiao di shuo sheng zai jian  bu zai xiang shui tuo qian shui

Saying goodbye with a smile and no more thoughts of who owes who

或许某一天某个地点 偶然我与你相见

huo xu mou yi tian mou ge di dian  ou ran wo yu ni xiang jian

Maybe I’ll meet you by chance someday somewhere

让 彼此冷静一点 让怨恨灰飞湮灭

rang  bi ci leng jing yi dian  rang yuan hen hui fei yan mie

Let’s calm each other down a bit and let the resentment fade away

祝福你在前方的路 一样光辉耀眼

zhu fu ni zai qian fang de lu  yi yang guang hui yao yan

May your path ahead be as bright and shining as ever


在今夜 珍重再见

zai jin ye  zhen zhong zai jian

On this night, cherish goodbye


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