Lyrics for:  出外的囝仔 Chu Wai De Jian Zi Far Away Home


天氣漸漸又變化 立秋以後已經 無遐熱

The weather has changed little by little since the beginning of autumn.

想起著 遙遠故鄉的海岸 心內就會 淡薄仔痛

Think of the distant hometown of the coast, the heart will feel weak

當初出外來拍拼 毋知我的未來 會變按怎

I had to go out to pursue my career. I do not know how my future will become.

驚我予你失望 驚你替我擔心 異鄉的路遐闊 欲向佗位行

Scare to disappoint you, scare you worry about me. The road outside is so wide and don’t know where to go

出外的囝仔 心內難免會孤單 尤其是每逢中秋 想厝的深夜

Being outside, my heart will inevitably feel lonely, especially in the late night of the Mid-Autumn Festival

當初細漢 我有你疼惜我 一點一滴 攏是夢中的溫泉

I had you to pamper me a little bit closer. All these are the hot springs in my dream


出外的囝仔 心內雖然會孤單 但是真感謝有你 做我的靠山

Being outside, my heart will inevitably feel lonely, I really appreciate you being my patron.

路較遠 因為你鼓勵我 我一定 會認真繼續拼

It’s a long way, because you’re encouraging me, and I’m going to be serious.


當初出外來拍拼 毋知我的未來 會變按怎

I had to go out to pursue my career. I do not know how my future will become.

驚我予你失望 驚你替我擔心 異鄉的路遐闊 欲向佗位行

Scare to disappoint you, scare you worry about me. The road outside is so wide and don’t know where to go


出外的囝仔 心內難免會孤單 尤其是半暝三更 寂寞的深夜

Being outside, my heart will inevitably feel lonely, especially in the mid-night

離鄉的人 袂當甲你做伴 思思念念 叫著你溫暖的名

When you leave the hometown. The miss called your warm name


出外的囝仔 心內雖然會孤單 但是我一定全心 顧著好名聲

Being outside, my heart will inevitably feel lonely, but I’m all for it.

這句話 希望你知影 我一定 會認真繼續拼

I hope you know that I will seriously continue to fight


I love you……I believe you will know


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