• Lyricist 作词:阿信
  • Composer 作曲:阿信

会不会 有一天 时间真的能倒退

hui bu hui  you yi tian  shi jian zhen de neng dao tui

Will there be a day when time can really go backwards?

退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的岁月

tui hui  ni de wo de  hui bu qu de  you you de sui yue

Back to your time and my time and the years that we can’t go back


也许会 有一天 世界真的有终点

ye xu hui  you yi tian  shi jie zhen de you zhong dian

Maybe… one day, the world will really have an end

也要和你举起回忆酿的甜 和你再干一杯

ye yao he ni ju qi hui yi niang de tian  he ni zai gan yi bei

I want to raise the sweetness of memories with you and drink with you again


如果说 要我选出 代表青春 那个画面

ru guo shuo  yao wo xuan chu  dai biao qing chun  na ge hua mian

If I were to choose the image that represents my youth

浮现了 那滴眼泪 那片蓝天 那年毕业

fu xian le  na di yan lei  na pian lan tian  na nian bi ye

The tears, the blue sky, the year of graduation.

那一张 边哭边笑 还要拥抱 是你的脸

na yi zhang  bian ku bian xiao  hai yao yong bao  shi ni de lian

The one where you’re crying, laughing and hugging… is your face.

想起来 可爱可怜 可歌可泣 可是多怀念

xiang qi lai  ke ai ke lian  ke ge ke qi  ke shi duo huai nian

When I think of it, it’s cute and sad, but I miss it so much.


怀念总是 突然怀念 不谈条件

huai nian zong shi  tu ran huai nian  bu tan tiao jian

It’s always a sudden nostalgia without any conditions.

当回忆 冲破考卷 冲出岁月 在我眼前

dang hui yi  chong po kao juan  chong chu sui yue  zai wo yan qian

When the memories break through the examination papers and break out of the years before my eyes

我和你 流着汗水 喝着汽水 在操场边

wo he ni  liu zhe han shui  he zhe qi shui  zai cao chang bian

You and I, sweating and drinking soda by the playground

说好了 无论如何 一起走到 未来的世界

shuo hao le  wu lun ru he  yi qi zou dao  wei lai de shi jie

We agreed to walk together to the future world no matter what.


现在就是 那个未来 那个世界

xian zai jiu shi  na ge wei lai  na ge shi jie

Now is that future, that world

为什么 你的身边 我的身边 不是同一边

wei shi me  ni de shen bian  wo de shen bian  bu shi tong yi bian

Why is your side and my side not the same side?


友情曾像 诺亚方舟 坚强誓言

you qing ceng xiang  nuo ya fang zhou  jian qiang shi yan

Friendship was like Noah’s ark, a strong vow

只是我 望着海面 等著永远 模糊了视线

zhi shi wo  wang zhe hai mian  deng zhe yong yuan  mo hu le shi xian

Only I’m looking at the sea and waiting for forever, my vision is blurred.


会不会 有一天 时间真的能倒退

hui bu hui  you yi tian  shi jian zhen de neng dao tui

Will there be a day when time can really go backwards?

退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的岁月

tui hui  ni de wo de  hui bu qu de  you you de sui yue

Back to your time, my time


也许会 有一天 世界真的有终点

ye xu hui  you yi tian  shi jie zhen de you zhong dian

Maybe… one day, the world will really have an end

也要和你举起回忆酿的甜 和你再干一杯

ye yao he ni ju qi hui yi niang de tian  he ni zai gan yi bei

I want to raise the sweetness of memories with you and drink with you again



这些年 买了四轮 买了手表 买了单眼

zhe xie nian  mai le si lun  mai le shou biao  mai le dan yan

Over the years, I’ve bought four wheels, watches, and expensive camera.

却发现 追不到的 停不了的 还是那些

que fa xian  zhui bu dao de  ting bu le de  hai shi na xie

But I found that what I can’t chase, what I can’t stop, is still the same.

人生是 只有认命 只能宿命 只好宿醉

ren sheng shi  zhi you ren ming  zhi neng xiu ming  zhi hao xiu zui
Life is only resignation, only fate, only hangover.

只剩下 高的笑点 低的哭点 却没成熟点

zhi sheng xia  gao de xiao dian  di de ku dian  que mei cheng shu dian

All I have left is a high point of laughter and a low point of crying, but no point of maturity.


成熟就是 幻想幻灭 一场磨练

cheng shu jiu shi  huan xiang huan mie  yi chang mo lian

Maturity is a disillusionment, a training.

为什么 只有梦想 越磨越小 小到不见

wei shi me  zhi you meng xiang  yue mo yue xiao  xiao dao bu jian

Why is it that only dreams get smaller and smaller, so small that they disappear?

有时候 好想流泪 好想流泪 却没眼泪

you shi hou  hao xiang liu lei  hao xiang liu lei  que mei yan lei

Sometimes I want to cry,  but I don’t have any tears.

期待会 你会不会 他会不会 开个同学会

qi dai hui  ni hui bu hui  ta hui bu hui  kai ge tong xue hui

I’m looking forward to it, will you? Will we have a reunion?


他在等你 你在等我 我在等谁

ta zai deng ni  ni zai deng wo  wo zai deng shui

He’s waiting for you, you’re waiting for me, who am I waiting for?

又是谁 孩子没睡 电话没电 心情没准备

you shi shui  hai zi mei shui  dian hua mei dian  xin qing mei zhun bei

And who is it? The kids are up, the phones are dead, the heart is not ready.


天空不断 黑了又亮 亮了又黑

tian kong bu duan  hei le you liang  liang le you hei

The sky keeps getting darker and lighter, lighter and darker

那光阴 沧海桑田 远走高飞 再没力气追

na guang yin  cang hai sang tian  yuan zou gao fei  zai mei li qi zhui

The time has changed and gone… and there’s no more energy to catch up


会不会 有一天 时间真的能倒退

hui bu hui  you yi tian  shi jian zhen de neng dao tui

Will there be a day when time can really go backwards?

退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的岁月

tui hui  ni de wo de  hui bu qu de  you you de sui yue

Back to your time, my time

也许会 有一天 世界真的有终点

ye xu hui  you yi tian  shi jie zhen de you zhong dian

Maybe… one day, the world will really have an end

也要和你举起回忆酿的甜 和你再干一杯

ye yao he ni ju qi hui yi niang de tian  he ni zai gan yi bei

I want to raise the sweetness of memories with you and drink with you again


会不会 有一天 时间真的能倒退

hui bu hui  you yi tian  shi jian zhen de neng dao tui

Will there be a day when time can really go backwards?

退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的岁月

tui hui  ni de wo de  hui bu qu de  you you de sui yue

Back to your time, my time

也许会 有一天 世界真的有终点

ye xu hui  you yi tian  shi jie zhen de you zhong dian

Maybe… one day, the world will really have an end

也要和你举起回忆酿的甜 和你再干一杯

ye yao he ni ju qi hui yi niang de tian  he ni zai gan yi bei

I want to raise the sweetness of memories with you and drink with you again


终究会 有一天 我们都变成昨天

zhong jiu hui  you yi tian  wo men dou bian cheng zuo tian
One day, we will all become yesterday

是你 陪我走过 一生一回 匆匆的人间

shi ni  pei wo zou guo  yi sheng yi hui  cong cong de ren jian

You’re the one who walked with me through a lifetime of hurried life


有一天 就是今天 今天就是有一天

you yi tian  jiu shi jin tian  jin tian jiu shi you yi tian

One day is today. Today is the day

说出一直没说 对你的感谢 和你再干一杯

shuo chu yi zhi mei shuo  dui ni de gan xie  he ni zai gan yi bei

I’ll say thank you for what I’ve never said and drink to you again

再干一杯永远 喝了就能万岁 岁岁和年年

zai gan yi bei yong yuan  he le jiu neng wan sui  sui sui he nian nian

One more toast to eternity, and we’ll live forever, year after year.


时间都停了 他们都回来了

shi jian dou ting le  ta men dou hui lai le

Time has stopped. They’ve all come back.

怀念的人啊 等你的来到

huai nian de ren a  deng ni de lai dao

The one who misses you, waiting for you to come


时间都停了 他们都回来了

shi jian dou ting le  ta men dou hui lai le

Time has stopped. They’ve all come back.

怀念的人啊 等你的来到

huai nian de ren a  deng ni de lai dao

The ones who miss you, waiting for your arrival


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