
yi ge ren zou dao zhong dian

Reaching the end all alone,

bu xiao xin hui dao qi dian

Accidentally returning to the starting point,


yi ge xin de shi jie

A brand new world,


ci ke wo cai fa xian

At this moment, I just realized,


shi jian mei you jue dui

Time is not absolute,


zhi dao you ling yi ge ren
Until there is another person,


neng ti hui wo de gan jiao

Who can understand my feelings,


bu yong shuo bu yong wen

No need to say, no need to ask,


jiu ming bai jiu le jie

Just know, just understand,


mei yi ke dou xiang yong yuan

Every moment is like eternity.

我看着 没剩多少时间

wo kan zhe mei sheng duo shao shi jian

I look at, there’s not much time left,

能许愿 好想多一天 我们的明天

neng xu yuan hao xiang duo yi tian wo men de ming tian

Wish for, really want one more day, for our tomorrow,

我问着 还有多少时间

wo wen zhe hai you duo shao shi jian

I ask, how much time is left,

在眼前 以为多一天 能实现我们的预言

zai yan qian yi wei duo yi tian neng shi xian wo men de yu yan

In front of me, thinking one more day, can realize our prophecy.



zhi dao you ling yi ge ren

Until there is another person,


neng ti hui wo de gan jiao

Who can understand my feelings,

bu yong shuo bu yong wen

No need to say, no need to ask,


jiu ming bai jiu le jie

Just know, just understand,


mei yi ke dou xiang yong yuan

Every moment is like eternity.

我看着 没剩多少时间

wo kan zhe mei sheng duo shao shi jian

I look at, there’s not much time left,

能许愿 好想多一天 我们的明天

neng xu yuan hao xiang duo yi tian wo men de ming tian

Wish for, really want one more day, for our tomorrow,

我问着 还有多少时间

wo wen zhe hai you duo shao shi jian

I ask, how much time is left,

在眼前 以为多一天 能实现我们的预言

zai yan qian yi wei duo yi tian neng shi xian wo men de yu yan

In front of me, thinking one more day, can realize our prophecy.


qi shi you ge chuan shuo

Actually, there’s a legend,


neng jiang shi kong dao liu

That can reverse the space-time,

yin wei you yi ge meng gao su wo

Because a dream told me,

ai cong bu ceng bao liu

That love never reserves,


cai yong gan le wo

That gave me the courage.

我看着 没剩多少时间

wo kan zhe mei sheng duo shao shi jian

I look at, there’s not much time left,

能许愿 好想多一天 我们的明天

neng xu yuan hao xiang duo yi tian wo men de ming tian

Wish for, really want one more day, for our tomorrow,

我问着 还有多少时间

wo wen zhe hai you duo shao shi jian

I ask, how much time is left,

在眼前 以为多一天 能实现我们的预言

zai yan qian yi wei duo yi tian neng shi xian wo men de yu yan

In front of me, thinking one more day, can realize our prophecy.


lei ji cheng yong heng de ji nian

Accumulating into an eternal memorial.


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