时间 等不了人

shi jian deng bu le ren

Time waits for no one

生活中 一不留神
sheng huo zhong yi bu liu shen

In life, if you’re not careful


zhuan ge yan miao sha le

In the blink of an eye, it’s gone


sui miao zhen zheng fa le

Evaporated with the second hand


zuo tian bian cheng le jin tian

Yesterday turns into today


guo qu bian cheng le xian zai
The past becomes the present


wei lai gang cai lai

The future just arrived


ta cong he er lai

Where did it come from

岁月 眨眼就过了

sui yue zha yan jiu guo le

Years pass in a blink

瞬间 就那样默默的

shun jian jiu na yang mo mo de

In an instant, silently

上一次看 才二十三

shang yi ci kan cai er shi san

Last time I looked, I was only twenty-three


xian zai de ri zi mei you na me jian dan

Life now isn’t that simple

树叶 又要撒落了

shu ye you yao sa luo le

Leaves are falling again

花儿 就快要复活了

hua er jiu kuai yao fu huo le

Flowers are about to revive

回想以前 没那么累

hui xiang yi qian mei na me lei

Thinking back, it wasn’t so tiring

现在的白发 和皱纹匹配

xian zai de bai fa he zhou wen pi pei

Now white hair and wrinkles match

ye shi yi zhong mei

It’s also a kind of beauty

青春 是一个梦

qing chun shi yi ge meng

Youth is a dream

人生 如一阵春风

ren sheng ru yi zhen chun feng

Life is like a spring breeze


bu jing yi de piao guo

Unintentionally drifting by


jing jie mo ran liao kuo

Suddenly, the horizon is vast


zuo tian bian cheng le jin tian

Yesterday turns into today


guo qu bian cheng le xian zai

The past becomes the present


wei lai gang cai lai

The future just arrived


ta cong he er lai

Where did it come from

岁月 眨眼就过了

sui yue zha yan jiu guo le
Years pass in a blink

瞬间 就那样默默的

shun jian jiu na yang mo mo de
In an instant, silently

上一次看 才二十三

shang yi ci kan cai er shi san

Last time I looked, I was only twenty-three


xian zai de ri zi mei you na me jian dan

Life now isn’t that simple

树叶 又要撒落了

shu ye you yao sa luo le

Leaves are falling again

花儿 就快要复活了

hua er jiu kuai yao fu huo le

Flowers are about to revive

回想以前 没那么累

hui xiang yi qian mei na me lei

Thinking back, it wasn’t so tiring

现在的白发 和皱纹匹配

xian zai de bai fa he zhou wen pi pei

Now white hair and wrinkles match


ye shi yi zhong mei

It’s also a kind of beauty

放下那 曾经 留下那 痕迹

fang xia na ceng jing liu xia na hen ji

Let go of the past, leave behind the traces

前方的你 别忘了自己
qian fang de ni bie wang le zi ji

You ahead, don’t forget yourself

成长是 永远 离别是 空悬

cheng zhang shi yong yuan li bie shi kong xuan

Growth is forever, farewell is empty

在千寻之外 我依然存在

zai qian xun zhi wai wo yi ran cun zai

Beyond the search, I still exist

岁月 眨眼就过了

sui yue zha yan jiu guo le

Years pass in a blink

瞬间 就那样默默的

shun jian jiu na yang mo mo de

In an instant, silently

上一次看 才二十三

shang yi ci kan cai er shi san

Last time I looked, I was only twenty-three


xian zai de ri zi …

Life now…


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