• Lyricist: 黄伟文
  • Composer: 林奕匡

Young people, it’s just a breakup. Don’t give up on yourself.

常去的 超商那个店员 忍不住 给我鼓励

chang qu de  chao shang na ge dian yuan  ren bu zhu  gei wo gu li

The clerk at the supermarket I often go to couldn’t help but give me encouragement.

饮料柜上 那片玻璃

yin liao gui shang  na pian bo li

The glass on the refrigerator

朦朦胧胧 有个影子

meng meng long long  you ge ying zi

There was a shadowy figure.

看了好一会儿 那不是人的 样子

kan le hao yi hui er  na bu shi ren de  yang zi

I looked at it for a while, but it wasn’t the shadow of a human.

镜子裡那个人 也算年青有为

jing zi ni na ge ren  ye suan nian qing you wei

The man in the mirror is young and talented

就算你不爱我 不用问心有愧

jiu suan ni bu ai wo  bu yong wen xin you kui

Even if you don’t love me, there’s no need to feel guilty

头破血流 又不是头一回

tou po xue liu  you bu shi tou yi hui

It’s not the first time I’ve had my head blown off

缝合自己 也该近乎完美

feng he zi ji  ye gai jin hu wan mei

I should have sewn myself up almost perfectly

我和你 只是 刚好 不配

wo he ni  zhi shi  gang hao  bu pei

I and you just don’t fit together

很疗愈 那个歌单 听了三万次

hen liao yu  na ge ge dan  ting le san wan ci

I’ve heard that song list 30,000 times.

为什么 关机回到现实 就没有 那么疗愈

wei shi me  guan ji hui dao xian shi  jiu mei you  na me liao yu

Why is it not so healing when I turn off  and go back to reality?

我多想 对著镜子

wo duo xiang  dui zhe jing zi

I want to look in the mirror and say.

「这位先生 不好意思

「zhe wei xian sheng  bu hao yi si

“Excuse me, sir.

说好借用几天 你怎么不还

shuo hao jie yong ji tian  ni zen me bu hai

Why didn’t you return the loan for a few days?”


wo xiang yao hui shen ti 」

I want my body back.”

镜子裡那个人 也算年青有为

jing zi ni na ge ren  ye suan nian qing you wei

The man in the mirror is young and talented.

就算你不爱我 不用问心有愧

jiu suan ni bu ai wo  bu yong wen xin you kui

Even if you don’t love me, there is no need to feel guilty

头破血流 又不是头一回

tou po xue liu  you bu shi tou yi hui

It’s not the first time that I’ve broken my head 

缝合自己 也该近乎完美

feng he zi ji  ye gai jin hu wan mei

and stitched myself up.

天使和人类 本来 就不配 Ha~

tian shi he ren lei  ben lai  jiu bu pei  Ha~

The angels and humans are not meant to be, Ha.

这故事 太可悲 不是我可悲

zhe gu shi  tai ke bei  bu shi wo ke bei

This is a sad story. It’s not that I’m sad.

只是 时间不对 对象不对 非爱之罪

zhi shi  shi jian bu dui  dui xiang bu dui  fei ai zhi zui

It’s just that it’s not the right time, it’s not the right person, it’s not the sin of love.

我不会 从此被摧毁

wo bu hui  cong ci bei cui hui

I won’t be destroyed from now on.

只是 有点狼狈

zhi shi  you dian lang bei

I’m just a bit of a mess.

镜子裡那个人 也算年青有为

jing zi ni na ge ren  ye suan nian qing you wei

The man in the mirror is young and talented.

就算你不爱我 不用问心有愧

jiu suan ni bu ai wo  bu yong wen xin you kui

Even if you don’t love me, there is no need to feel guilty

头破血流 又不是头一回

tou po xue liu  you bu shi tou yi hui

It’s not the first time that I’ve broken my head 

缝合自己 也该近乎完美

feng he zi ji  ye gai jin hu wan mei

and stitched myself up.

我们的感情 好不平等 早就视死如归

wo men de gan qing  hao bu ping deng  zao jiu shi si ru gui

Our relationship is so unequal, it’s already like death

给甩了那个人 也算年青有为

gei shuai le na ge ren  ye suan nian qing you wei

You’re young and talented for dumping that guy

不但一表人才 还懂自我安慰

bu dan yi biao ren cai  hai dong zi wo an wei

Not only is he a good-looking guy, he also knows how to comfort himself

爱一个人 当然包括心碎

ai yi ge ren  dang ran bao kuo xin sui

Loving someone includes a broken heart, of course.

却没有人 像你让我崩溃

que mei you ren  xiang ni rang wo beng kui

But there’s no one like you to break my heart

我好不甘心 却绝不 后悔

wo hao bu gan xin  que jue bu  hou hui

I’m so upset, but I’ll never regret it.


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