Original Chinese, Pinyin & Eng. Translated Lyrics for: Ugly Beauty


垂涎的邪惡 陪我長大
Chuí xián de xié è péi wǒ zhǎng dà
A drooling evil accompanied me as I grew up
在軟爛中生長 社會營養
Zài ruǎn làn zhōng shēng zhǎng shè huì yíng yǎng
In the midst of a soft rottenness nourished by society
過去坑疤的 讓我站穩了
Guò qu kēng bā de ràng wǒ zhàn wěn le
The scars of the past have allowed me to stand firm
那些神醜的 評誰亂正的
Nà xiē shén chǒu de píng shéi luàn zhèng de
Those who are really ugly judge and choose who’s ugly and who’s beautiful
喔 我都笑哭了
Ō wǒ dōu xiào kū
Oh, I’m laughing to the point of crying

Zhè shén me biāo zhǔn
What kind of standard is this?
Jí zhe jué dìng shì zhě shēng cún
You’re so urgently deciding the survival of the fittest
Ài wǒ hèn wǒ fēi wǒ
Love me, hate me, it’s not me
有一些 外在我 來自內在我
Yǒu yī xiē wài zài wǒ lái zì nèi zài wǒ
Some of my external self comes from my internal self

聽誰說 錯的對的
Tīng shéi shuō cuò de duì de
Who do we listen to for what’s wrong and what’s right?
說 美的醜的
Shuō měi de chǒu de
Who says what’s beautiful and what’s ugly?
若問我 我看我說
Ruò wèn wǒ wǒ kàn wǒ shuō
If you ask me, I think I would say
Wǒ guài měi de
I’m strangely beautiful

看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼
Kàn bu jiàn wǒ de měi shì nǐ xiā le yǎn
If you can’t see my beauty, it’s because you’re blind
稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水
Chēng zàn de zuǐ liǎn què zhuǎn shēn tǔ kǒu shuǐ
It seems like you’re praising me, yet you spit when you turn around
審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對
Shěn měi de shì jiè shéi yǒu dǎn shuō nà me jué duì
In the world of beauty, who would dare to say what’s absolutely right?
Zhēn wǒ jiǎ wǒ zì wǒ
The real me, the fake me, myself
看今天這個我 想要哪個我
Kàn jīn tiān zhè ge wǒ xiǎng yào nǎ ge wǒ
Let’s see which version of myself the me of today wants to be

聽誰說 錯的對的
Tīng shéi shuō cuò de duì de
Who do we listen to for what’s wrong and what’s right?
說 美的醜的
Shuō měi de chǒu de
Who says what’s beautiful and what’s ugly?
若問我 我看我說
Ruò wèn wǒ wǒ kàn wǒ shuō
If you ask me, I think I would say
Wǒ guài měi de
I’m strangely beautiful

看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼
Kàn bu jiàn wǒ de měi shì nǐ xiā le yǎn
If you can’t see my beauty, it’s because you’re blind
稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水
Chēng zàn de zuǐ liǎn què zhuǎn shēn tǔ kǒu shuǐ
It seems like you’re praising me, yet you spit when you turn around
審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對
Shěn měi de shì jiè shéi yǒu dǎn shuō nà me jué duì
In the world of beauty, who would dare to say what’s absolutely right?
Zhēn wǒ jiǎ wǒ zì wǒ
The real me, the fake me, myself
看今天這個我 想要哪個我
Kàn jīn tiān zhè ge wǒ xiǎng yào nǎ ge wǒ
Let’s see which version of myself the me of today wants to be

聽誰說 錯的對的
Tīng shéi shuō cuò de duì de
Who do we listen to for what’s wrong and what’s right?
說 美的醜的
Shuō měi de chǒu de
Who says what’s beautiful and what’s ugly?
若問我 我看我說
Ruò wèn wǒ wǒ kàn wǒ shuō
If you ask me, I think I would say
Wǒ guài měi de
I’m strangely beautiful

誰來推我一把到On to the next one
Shéi lái tuī wǒ yī bǎ dào on to the next one
Who will come and push me on to the next one
Yī lù bèi zhe tài duō dào dé huó zhe lìng rén huì chuǎn
Living while carrying the heavy burdens of morality the whole way makes one gasp for breath
Rèn shéi qù shāng qù xiǎng qù jiǎng
Let others hurt, think, and speak whatever they want
Bù xiāng guān jiù bié guǎn
It doesn’t even matter, so don’t be bothered by it
Tài wǎn zhuǎn de xiāng chǔ líng hún lā che zuǒ yòu wéi nán
If you deal with others too tactfully, your soul will be put in a difficult spot, being pulled left and right
Zhèng fù néng liàng quán dōu chī diào
Eat up all your positive and negative energies
Měi de chǒu de zì yǒu tā cún zài de bì yào
The beautiful and the ugly all have their reasons for existing
Ài hèn suí nǐ gè zì xǐ hào
Loving or hating depends on your preference
Jù jué nǐ de wěi shàn yōng bào
I reject your hypocritical embrace
Xiǎng yào huó dé xiǎn yào huí yìng xīn zhōng è zhī bì yào
To live, you must show off your response to the evil in your heart

誰說 錯的對的
Shéi shuō cuò de duì de
Who says what’s wrong and what’s right?
Shuō měi de chǒu de
Who says what’s beautiful and what’s ugly?
Ruò wèn wǒ wǒ shuō wǒ ne
If you ask me, I would say I’m
Guài měi de
Strangely beautiful


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