ARTIST: Joker Xue, Jacky Xue (薛之谦)
TITLE: What do you want me to do? 你还要我怎样
Produced:Joker Xue
Album: 意外 (An unexpected journey)


We stopped at the street that we are both familiar with
You recited once the words that you have scripted
我还在逞强 说著谎
I put on a brave front, and told a lie
也没能力遮挡 你去的方向
But it is beyond me to stop you from going where you want to go
At least I acted generous enough when we part
After that day, I will always choose to detour to that street
With the hope that we will meet on the other street
思念在逞强 不肯忘
I’m missing you, and not willing to forget
怪我没能力跟随 你去的方向
I blame myself for not having the ability to follow where you went
若越爱越被动 越要落落大方
The more I love, the more passive I become, the more I give in
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What do you want me to do?
Your sudden short message is enough to hurt me
我没能力遗忘 你不用提醒我
I have yet to forget, you need not remind me
Who knows we will end up this way
我还能怎样 能怎样
What can I do?
At last we still ended up like how lovers do
你从来不会想 我何必这样
You never thought of why I became this way
I slowly return to my own life
and started knowing new potential partners
爱你到最后 不痛不痒
Loving you till the end, became painless and numb
留言在计较 谁爱过一场
Our messages counts up to who has ever loved
我剩下一张 没后悔的模样
I was left with one piece, which is one without regret
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What do you want me to do?
Please do not turn up at my wedding venue
我听完你爱的歌 就上了车
I’ll get back to the car once I finished your favorite song
Its worth it to have ever loved you
我不要你怎样 没怎样
I don’t need you to do anything, its nothing
Do not forget the times we had to together
因为那是我 最快乐的时光
Because those were the happiest time of my life
My life after you went considerably well
I didn’t stay alone because of you
有一天晚上 梦一场
But one night I had a dream
你白发苍苍 说带我流浪
Your hair was grey and wanted to take me away
我还是没犹豫 就随你去天堂
As usual, without hesitation, I followed you to heaven
不管能怎样 我会陪你到天亮
No matter what happens, I will follow you till dawn comes




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