曲:Howie@Dear Jane / 容祖兒




faa1 liu5 taa1

Spend it


sau2 bin1 ging1 ji5 mut6 cyu5 cuk1 baa1

You don’t have any savings, do you?


lak6 ting4 baa1

Let’s stop.


sin1 ging2 ho2 ji5 sai6 ci5 jin1 haa4

Wonderland can die like a haze


ngo5 jau6 paa3

I’m scared again.

下次換了年號 路邊不再有花

haa6 ci3 wun6 liu5 nin4 hou6 lou6 bin1 bat1 zoi3 jau5 faa1

Next time the year number change, there are no more flowers on the side of the road.



saang2 liu5 taa1

Save it.

擔心經濟 下秒更差

daam1 sam1 ging1 zai3 haa6 miu5 gang3 caa1

Worried about the economy falling even worse.


gong2 hou2 jat1 hei2 hon3 ou3 wan6

Talk about watching the Olympics together.

都怕有突發 壞事件 擱誤著韶華

dou1 paa3 jau5 dat6 faat3 waai6 si6 gin6 gok3 ng6 zyu3 siu4 waa4

I ‘m afraid there’ s something bad going on.


快樂 會不會重來

faai3 lok6 wui2 bat1 wui2 cung4 loi4

Will happiness come back?

這刻你再忍一下 怎會毫無代價

ze5 hak1 nei5 zoi3 jan2 jat1 haa6 zam2 wui2 hou4 mou4 doi6 gaa3

How can you put up with this moment for nothing?


明年保了壽命 誰說一定 有伴侶與東京

ming4 nin4 bou2 liu5 sau6 ming6 seoi4 syut3 jat1 ding6 jau5 bun6 leoi5 jyu5 dung1 ging1

Who says there must be a partner with Tokyo next year?

明年即使有熱血 初櫻初雪 又如何約定

ming4 nin4 zik1 sai2 jau5 jit6 hyut3 co1 jing1 co1 syut3 jau6 jyu4 ho4 joek3 ding6

Next year, even if there is blood, early cherry and early snow. How to promise each other?

趁一切 都正好

can3 jat1 cit3 dou1 zing3 hou2

While everything’s right.

撮合無盡 的偶然來盡興

cyut3 hap6 mou4 zeon6 dik1 ngau5 jin4 loi4 zeon6 hing1

Set up endless chance to have fun

隨意浪費著美景 才是對它不敬

ceoi4 ji3 long6 fai3 zyu3 mei5 ging2 coi4 si6 deoi3 taa1 bat1 ging3

It’s disrespectful to waste the beauty at will.


好與差 都只不過是個巧合

hou2 jyu5 caa1 dou1 zi2 bat1 gwo3 si6 go3 haau2 hap6

Good and bad are just coincidences.

一轉側 這種天國 或已再不

jat1 zyun2 zak1 ze5 zung2 tin1 gwok3 waak6 ji5 zoi3 bat1

A turn to the side,  this kingdom of heaven is no longer exist

幾生修到有這日 不把握 會消失

gei2 saang1 sau1 dou3 jau5 ze5 jat6 bat1 baa2 aak1 wui2 siu1 sat1

I’ve been fighting for years for this chance, I must hold it tight


有沒有錦繡前程 應否掃這刻的興

jau5 mut6 jau5 gam2 sau3 cin4 cing4 jing3 fau2 sou3 ze5 hak1 dik1 hing1

Is there a bright future? should we sweep this moment away?


ting3 ngo5 cung4 tau4 bin6 zing3

Listen to me start the dialectic.


明年保了壽命 誰說一定 有伴侶與東京

ming4 nin4 bou2 liu5 sau6 ming6 seoi4 syut3 jat1 ding6 jau5 bun6 leoi5 jyu5 dung1 ging1

Who says there must be a partner with Tokyo next year?

明年即使有熱血 初櫻初雪 又如何約定

ming4 nin4 zik1 sai2 jau5 jit6 hyut3 co1 jing1 co1 syut3 jau6 jyu4 ho4 joek3 ding6

Next year, even if there is blood, early cherry and early snow. How to promise each other?

趁一切 都正好

can3 jat1 cit3 dou1 zing3 hou2

While everything’s right.

撮合無盡 的偶然來盡興

cyut3 hap6 mou4 zeon6 dik1 ngau5 jin4 loi4 zeon6 hing1

Set up endless chance to have fun

隨意浪費著美景 才是對它不敬

ceoi4 ji3 long6 fai3 zyu3 mei5 ging2 coi4 si6 deoi3 taa1 bat1 ging3

It’s disrespectful to waste the beauty at will.



mut6 jau5 zi1 gaak3 syut3 gam2 sing3

I don’t have the right to say emotional words.

但最高興那刻 會現形

daan6 zeoi3 gou1 hing1 naa5 hak1 wui2 jin6 jing4

But the happiest moment will come.

常在懷疑著 以後 是重重逆境

soeng4 zoi6 waai4 ji4 zyu3 ji5 hau6 si6 cung4 cung4 jik6 ging2

Always doubting that there will be adversity in the future.


so2 ji5 ze5 joeng6 ping3

That’s why it’s spelled this way.

這派對後 難道你知 在哪裡有星

ze5 paai3 deoi3 hau6 naan4 dou6 nei5 zi1 zoi6 naa5 leoi5 jau5 sing1

Do you know where there are stars after this party?


明年保了壽命 無法肯定 有力氣有憧憬

ming4 nin4 bou2 liu5 sau6 ming6 mou4 faat3 hang2 ding6 jau5 lik6 hei3 jau5 cung1 ging2

I can’t be sure I have the strength and the vision next year.

明年的簽證未過 溫馨小店 或遊人過剩

ming4 nin4 dik1 cim1 zing3 mei6 gwo3 wan1 hing1 siu2 dim3 waak6 jau4 jan4 gwo3 zing6

Next year’s visa has not been expired, the shops will pack of tourists

有風呂 跟暖酒

jau5 fung1 leoi5 gan1 nyun5 zau2

There are hot spring and warm wine.

你就無謂 等雪溶才盡興

nei5 zau6 mou4 wai6 dang2 syut3 jung4 coi4 zeon6 hing1

You don’t have to wait for the snow to Melt.

完美在這夜擦肩 難道你可補領

jyun4 mei5 zoi6 ze5 je6 caat3 gin1 naan4 dou6 nei5 ho2 bou2 ling5

Perfect to meet on this night. can you repay?

還說下次做更好 誰料這刻是尾聲

waan4 syut3 haa6 ci3 zou6 gang3 hou2 seoi4 liu2 ze5 hak1 si6 mei5 seng1

And said it was better next time. who knew this was the end?


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