Lyrics for: Rolling Up the Beaded Curtain 卷珠簾

鐫刻好 每道眉間心上
Juānkè hǎo měi dào méijiān xīn shàng
Engraved well, every eyebrow on the heart
huà jiān tòuguò sīliang
The painting room is filled with considerations
沾染了 墨色淌
zhānrǎnle mòsè tǎng
Dyed with ink drops,
千家文 都泛黃
qiānjiā wén dōu fàn huáng
A thousand documents, yellowed with age
夜靜謐 窗紗微微亮
yè jìngmì chuāngshā wéiwéi liàng
The night is quiet, the window screens sparkle in the dark

fúxiù qǐwǔ yú mèngzhōng páihuái
The long sleeves dance in dreams, wandering
xiāngsī màn shàng xīnfēi
The feeling of missing/longing winds (like a vine) up the doors of the heart
她眷戀 梨花淚
tā juànliàn líhuā lèi
She misses (someone), pear-blossom teardrops 
jìng huà hóngzhuāng děng shuí guī
Quietly putting on red makeup, waiting for whose return?
kōng liú yīrén xúxú qiáocuì
This left-behind person, slowly grows wan and sallow

啊~ 胭脂香味
a ~ yānzhī xiāngwèi
Ah–the scent of rouge
卷珠簾 是為誰
juǎn zhū lián shì wèi shuí
Rolling up the beaded curtain, waiting for whom?
啊~ 不見高軒
a ~ bùjiàn gāo xuān
Ah–cannot see the high tower
夜月明 此時難為情
yè yuè míng cǐ shí nánwéiqíng

xì yǔ luò rù chūchūn de qīngchén
Feather rain falls on an early Spring morning 
qiāoqiāo huànxǐng zhī yá
Quietly wakening the tender sprouts
聽微風 耳畔響
tīng wéifēng ěr pàn xiǎng
Listening to the echo of the breeze
tàn liúshuǐ xī luòhuā shāng
The falling water injures the flowers
shuí zài yānyún chù qín shēng zhǎng
Who is playing an instrument in the cloudy fog?



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