Lyrics for: Liar 你喜歡說謊


Album: Liar (Ending theme from TV Drama "Of Greed And Ants")

Released: January 2020

若你要犯錯  想跟你犯錯

yeuk6 nei5 yiu3 faan6 cho3   seung2 gan1 nei5 faan6 cho3

If you want to make a mistake, I want to make a mistake with you.

怎麼處罰我  根本不想改過

jam2 mo1 chyu5/chyu3 fat6 ngo5   gan1 bun2 bat1 seung2 goi2 gwo3

How do you punish me? I don’t want to change.

陪著你跳進風波  我太傻

pui4 jeuk3 nei5 tiu3 jeun3 fung1 bo1   ngo5 taai3 so4

I’m so stupid to jump into a storm with you.

預了後果  上多一千課

yu6 liu5 hau6 gwo2   seung6/seung5 do1 yat1 chin1 fo3

A thousand more lessons before the consequences.


在某次做錯  只好繼續錯

joi6 mau5 chi3 jou6 cho3   ji2 hou2 gai3 juk6 cho3

I had to do wrong again.

遮掩了罪過  我的一時瘋魔

je1 yim2 liu5 jeui6 gwo3   ngo5 dik1 yat1 si4 fung1 mo1

Covering up my sins, my madness.

明日假使天塌了  四處燃熊火

ming4 yat6 ga3/ga2 si2/sai2 tin1 taap3 liu5   sei3 chyu5/chyu3 yin4 hung4 fo2

Tomorrow if the sky collapses and fire everywhere

替你贖罪  都不知痛楚

tai3 nei5 suk6 jeui6   dou1 bat1 ji1 tung3 cho2

I didn’t know the pain.



yi4 jau6 syun3 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 jyut6 mong6

And even when you’re desperate,

頑固像我  難看清真實的狀況

waan4 gu3 jeung6 ngo5   naan4 hon3 ching1 jan1 sat6 dik1 jong6 fong3

Stubborn like me can’t see the real situation

矇著兩眼  偏執到沒救藥

mung4 jeuk3 leung5 ngaan5   pin1 jap1 dou3/dou2 mut6 gau3 yeuk6

Blindly paranoid enough until no heal

你喜歡說謊  我喜愛受騙

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 hei2 oi3 sau6 pin3

You like to lie. I like to be cheated.


ji2 seung2 to1 yin4 dei6 lou5 tin1 fong1

Just trying to hold off on the end of the world.


kei4 sat6 ngo5 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 paan3 mong6

In fact, I sometimes hope

崇拜著你  能有天逼自己去反抗

sung4 baai3 jeuk3 nei5   nang4 yau5 tin1 bik1 ji6 gei2 heui3 faan2 kong3

Admiring you, one day forcing yourself to fight it.

明日世界  開心這樣渺茫

ming4 yat6 sai3 gaai3   hoi1 sam1 je5 yeung6 miu5 mong4

The world of tomorrow is happy

你喜歡說謊  我知道但我不想講

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 ji1 dou6 daan6 ngo5 bat1 seung2 gong2

You like to lie. I know, but I don’t want to say it.

如被你捆綁起雙手  纏著不放

yu4 bei6/pei5 nei5 kwan2 bong2 hei2 seung1 sau2   chin4/jin6 jeuk3 bat1 fong3

If you are tied up with your hands


在某次做錯  只好繼續錯

joi6 mau5 chi3 jou6 cho3   ji2 hou2 gai3 juk6 cho3

I had to do wrong again.

消失了自我  抹不走是心魔

siu1 sat1 liu5 ji6 ngo5   mut3/maat3 bat1 jau2 si6 sam1 mo1

Disappearing. you can’t erase the demons.

如夢初醒一刹那  再跌回漩渦

yu4 mung6 cho1 sing2 yat1 chaat3 na5   joi3 dit3 wui4 syun4 wo1

As soon as I awoke, I fell back into the whirlpool.

撫心自問  傷口真太多

fu2 sam1 ji6 man6   seung1 hau2 jan1 taai3 do1

It’s a lot to ask.



yi4 jau6 syun3 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 jyut6 mong6

And even when you’re desperate,

頑固像我  難看清真實的狀況

waan4 gu3 jeung6 ngo5   naan4 hon3 ching1 jan1 sat6 dik1 jong6 fong3

Stubborn like me can’t see the real situation

矇著兩眼  偏執到沒救藥

mung4 jeuk3 leung5 ngaan5   pin1 jap1 dou3/dou2 mut6 gau3 yeuk6

Blindly paranoid enough until no heal

你喜歡說謊  我喜愛受騙

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 hei2 oi3 sau6 pin3

You like to lie. I like to be cheated.


ji2 seung2 to1 yin4 dei6 lou5 tin1 fong1

Just trying to hold off on the end of the world.


kei4 sat6 ngo5 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 paan3 mong6

In fact, I sometimes hope

崇拜著你  能有天逼自己去反抗

sung4 baai3 jeuk3 nei5   nang4 yau5 tin1 bik1 ji6 gei2 heui3 faan2 kong3

Admiring you, one day forcing yourself to fight it.

明日世界  開心這樣渺茫

ming4 yat6 sai3 gaai3   hoi1 sam1 je5 yeung6 miu5 mong4

The world of tomorrow is happy

你喜歡說謊  我知道但我不想講

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 ji1 dou6 daan6 ngo5 bat1 seung2 gong2

You like to lie. I know, but I don’t want to say it.

如被你捆綁於漆黑  期待陽光

yu4 bei6/pei5 nei5 kwan2 bong2 yu1 chat1 hak1   kei4 doi6 yeung4 gwong1

If you are tied to the dark, look forward to the sun



yi4 jau6 syun3 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 jyut6 mong6

And even when you’re desperate,

頑固像我  難看清真實的狀況

waan4 gu3 jeung6 ngo5   naan4 hon3 ching1 jan1 sat6 dik1 jong6 fong3

Stubborn like me can’t see the real situation

矇著兩眼  偏執到沒救藥

mung4 jeuk3 leung5 ngaan5   pin1 jap1 dou3/dou2 mut6 gau3 yeuk6

Blindly paranoid enough until no heal

你喜歡說謊  我喜愛受騙

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 hei2 oi3 sau6 pin3

You like to lie. I like to be cheated.


ji2 seung2 to1 yin4 dei6 lou5 tin1 fong1

Just trying to hold off on the end of the world.


kei4 sat6 ngo5 yau5 si4 wui6/wui2/wui5 paan3 mong6

In fact, I sometimes hope

崇拜著你  能有天逼自己去反抗

sung4 baai3 jeuk3 nei5   nang4 yau5 tin1 bik1 ji6 gei2 heui3 faan2 kong3

Admiring you, one day forcing yourself to fight it.

明日世界  開心這樣渺茫

ming4 yat6 sai3 gaai3   hoi1 sam1 je5 yeung6 miu5 mong4

The world of tomorrow is happy

你喜歡說謊  我知道但我不想講

nei5 hei2 fun1 syut3 fong1   ngo5 ji1 dou6 daan6 ngo5 bat1 seung2 gong2

You like to lie. I know, but I don’t want to say it.

如被你捆綁於漆黑  還在說謊

yu4 bei6/pei5 nei5 kwan2 bong2 yu1 chat1 hak1   waan4 joi6 syut3 fong1

If you are tied to the dark and still lie



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