Lyrics for: Expedition (Song of the Wind) 出征, 大风歌

宝石Gem - 出征(大风歌)
Lyricist 作词:岳飞、宝石Gem
Composer 作曲:宝石Gem、王朝
Produced by 制作人:宝石Gem
Arranger 编曲:王朝、姚力冲


ràng wǒ niǔ guò tóu jué jué dì zǒu
cā qián lèi shuǐ sòng kāi le mǔ qīn de shǒu
dí kài tóng chóu shén zhōu zài jǐn yào guān tóu
一聲大吼 同志們全體都有
yī shēng dà hǒu tóng zhì men quán tǐ dōu yǒu

請接受我的請命 就為了咱的百姓
qǐng jiē shòu wǒ de qǐng mìng jiù wéi le zán de bǎi xìng
就為我子妹兄弟 請讓我按下手印
jiù wéi wǒ zǐ mèi xiōng dì qǐng ràng wǒ àn xià shǒu yìn
就為這天下太平 就為這多少生命
jiù wéi zhè tiān xià tài píng jiù wéi zhè duō shǎo shēng mìng
為這醫者仁心 就為我中華大地
wéi zhè yī zhě rén xīn jiù wéi wǒ zhōng huá dà dì

他敬禮風中飄的旗 那衝鋒號也吹的急
tā jìng lǐ fēng zhōng piāo de qí nà chōng fēng hào yě chuī de jí
我連夜向疫區行進 你誓要滅掉這場病
wǒ lián yè xiàng yì qū háng jìn nǐ shì yào miè diào zhè chǎng bìng
多少的英雄在集結 就讓我為你沖在前
duō shǎo de yīng xióng zài jí jié jiù ràng wǒ wéi nǐ chòng zài qián
所有的心都緊相連 就會讓我們更團結
suǒ yǒu de xīn dōu jǐn xiàng lián jiù huì ràng wǒ men gèng tuán jié

怒髮衝冠憑闌處 瀟瀟雨歇出征夜
nù fà chōng guàn píng lán chù xiāo xiāo yǔ xiē chū zhēng yè
抬望眼仰天長嘯 壯懷激烈我魂不滅
tái wàng yǎn yǎng tiān zhǎng xiào zhuàng huái jī liè wǒ hún bù miè
三十功名塵與土 八千里路雲和月
sān shí gōng míng chén yǔ tǔ bā qiān lǐ lù yún hé yuè
長江水不可斷絕 衛我同胞萬萬千
zhǎng jiāng shuǐ bù kě duàn jué wèi wǒ tóng bāo wàn wàn qiān
豈曰無衣 與子同袍 與子同澤 與子同裳
qǐ yuē wú yī yǔ zǐ tóng páo yǔ zǐ tóng zé yǔ zǐ tóng shang

苟利國家生死以 豈因禍福避趨之
gǒu lì guó jiā shēng sǐ yǐ qǐ yīn huò fú bì qū zhī
身襲白衣問自己 是否能懸壺濟世
shēn xí bái yī wèn zì jǐ shì fǒu néng xuán hú jì shì
我念著先輩的意志 救死扶傷的義士
wǒ niàn zhe xiān bèi de yì zhì jiù sǐ fú shāng de yì shì
留取丹心照汗青 那是我民族的氣質
liú qǔ dān xīn zhào hàn qīng nà shì wǒ mín zú de qì zhì

一定要阻斷 這苦難 就頂住 武漢
yī dìng yào zǔ duàn zhè kǔ nán jiù dǐng zhù wǔ hàn
讓我為請戰 的同伴 再擦乾 血汗
ràng wǒ wéi qǐng zhàn de tóng bàn zài cā qián xuè hàn
拯救那病患 內心充滿勝算
zhěng jiù nà bìng huàn nèi xīn chōng mǎn shèng suàn
就算驚濤拍岸 且看我如何應戰
jiù suàn jīng tāo pāi àn qiě kàn wǒ rú hé yīng zhàn

看這一次 中華兒女決不會低下頭
kàn zhè yī cì zhōng huá ér nǚ jué bù huì dī xià tóu
活這一世 我與你共患難風雨同舟
huó zhè yī shì wǒ yǔ nǐ gòng huàn nán fēng yǔ tóng zhōu
看這一次 在出發之前唱起滿江紅
kàn zhè yī cì zài chū fā zhī qián chàng qǐ mǎn jiāng hóng
看這一次 無數的雙手撐起黃鶴樓
kàn zhè yī cì wú shù de shuāng shǒu chēng qǐ huáng hè lóu

怒髮衝冠憑闌處 瀟瀟雨歇出征夜
nù fà chōng guàn píng lán chù xiāo xiāo yǔ xiē chū zhēng yè
抬望眼仰天長嘯 壯懷激烈我魂不滅
tái wàng yǎn yǎng tiān zhǎng xiào zhuàng huái jī liè wǒ hún bù miè
三十功名塵與土 八千里路雲和月
sān shí gōng míng chén yǔ tǔ bā qiān lǐ lù yún hé yuè
長江水不可斷絕 衛我同胞萬萬千
zhǎng jiāng shuǐ bù kě duàn jué wèi wǒ tóng bāo wàn wàn qiān
豈曰無衣 與子同袍 與子同澤 與子同裳
qǐ yuē wú yī yǔ zǐ tóng páo yǔ zǐ tóng zé yǔ zǐ tóng shang

(大風 大風 大風 大風)
(dà fēng dà fēng dà fēng dà fēng )

看這一次 中華兒女決不會低下頭
kàn zhè yī cì zhōng huá ér nǚ jué bù huì dī xià tóu
活這一世 我與你共患難風雨同舟
huó zhè yī shì wǒ yǔ nǐ gòng huàn nán fēng yǔ tóng zhōu
看這一次 在出發之前唱起滿江紅
kàn zhè yī cì zài chū fā zhī qián chàng qǐ mǎn jiāng hóng
看這一次 無數的雙手撐起黃鶴樓
kàn zhè yī cì wú shù de shuāng shǒu chēng qǐ huáng hè lóu
看這一次 中華兒女決不會低下頭
kàn zhè yī cì zhōng huá ér nǚ jué bù huì dī xià tóu
活這一世 我與你共患難風雨同舟
huó zhè yī shì wǒ yǔ nǐ gòng huàn nán fēng yǔ tóng zhōu
看這一次 在出發之前唱起滿江紅
kàn zhè yī cì zài chū fā zhī qián chàng qǐ mǎn jiāng hóng
看這一次 無數的雙手撐起黃鶴樓
kàn zhè yī cì wú shù de shuāng shǒu chēng qǐ huáng hè lóu

English Translation

Let me turn my head away
Wiping away tears and releasing mother's hand
Enemy rivalry is at stake
All comrades have
Please accept my request
Just for our people
Just for my sister and brother
Please let me press the fingerprint
Just for this world
For how many lives
Be kind to this healer
Just for me
He salutes the flag flying in the wind
That Charge was also anxious
I marched to the affected area overnight
You vow to kill this disease
How many heroes are assembled
Let me rush for you
All hearts are tightly connected
Will make us more united
Rage to the crown
Xiaoyu Yuxie out on the night of the expedition
Looking up at the sky
My heart is fierce and my soul is immortal
Thirty Gong Ming Dust and Earth
Eight thousand miles road cloud and moon
Yangtze River water cannot be cut off
Defend my compatriots
Qi Yue without clothes
With child
With child
Gou Li
Do you avoid it because of evil?
Ask yourself in white
Whether it can be suspended
I am thinking of the ancestors
The righteous who rescued the wounded
Take the heart and shine
That's the temperament of my nation
Must stop this suffering
Stand against Wuhan
Let me be your companion
Dry sweat and sweat again
Save the patient
Heart full of chances
Even if the storm hits the shore
Let's see how I fight
Watch this time
Chinese children will never bow their heads
Live this life
I am with you
Watch this time
Singing Man Jianghong before departure
Watch this time
Countless hands prop up the Yellow Crane Tower
Rage to the crown
Xiaoyu Yuxie out on the night of the expedition
Looking up at the sky
My heart is fierce and my soul is immortal
Thirty Gong Ming Dust and Earth
Eight thousand miles road cloud and moon
Yangtze River water cannot be cut off
Defend my compatriots
Qi Yue without clothes
With child
With child
Gale gale
Gale gale
Gale gale
Watch this time
Chinese children will never bow their heads
Live this life
I am with you
Watch this time
Singing Man Jianghong before departure
Watch this time
Countless hands prop up the Yellow Crane Tower
Watch this time
Chinese children will never bow their heads
Live this life
I am with you
Watch this time
Singing Man Jianghong before departure
Watch this time
Countless hands prop up the Yellow Crane Tower


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