• Lyricist: Chen Mei
  • Composer: Wu Guanyan

時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴 被反鎖

shi guang shi hu po  lei yi di di  bei fan suo

Time is amber, tears are locked back drop by drop

情書再不朽 也磨成沙漏

qing shu zai bu xiu  ye mo cheng sha lou

If the love letter is immortal, it will be ground into an hourglass.

青春的上游 白雲飛走 蒼狗與海鷗

qing chun de shang you  bai yun fei zou  cang gou yu hai ou

Upstream of youth, the white clouds fly away, the cang dog and the seagull

閃過的念頭 潺潺的溜走

shan guo de nian tou  chan chan de liu zou

The flashed thoughts murmured away


命運好幽默 讓愛的人 都沉默

ming yun hao you mo  rang ai de ren  dou chen mo

Fate is so humorous that everyone who loves is silent

一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆

yi zheng ge yu zhou  huan yi ke hong dou

A whole universe for a red bean

回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔

hui yi ru kun shou  ji mo tai jiu  er jian jian wen rou

Memories are like sleepy beasts, lonely for too long and gradually gentle

放開了拳頭 反而更自由

fang kai le quan tou  fan er geng zi you

Let go of your fists, but it’s freer


慢動作 繾綣膠卷 重播默片 定格一瞬間

man dong zuo  qian quan jiao juan  zhong bo mo pian  ding ge yi shun jian

Slow motion, film replay, silent film, freeze frame for a moment

我們在告別的演唱會 說好不再見

wo men zai gao bie de yan chang hui  shuo hao bu zai jian

We said we won’t see you again at the farewell concert


你寫給我 我的第一首歌

ni xie gei wo  wo de di yi shou ge

You wrote me my first song

你和我 十指緊扣 默寫前奏

ni he wo  shi zhi jin kou  mo xie qian zou

You and my ten fingers are closely linked and write the prelude silently


ke shi na ran hou ne

But then what

還好我有 我這一首情歌

hai hao wo you  wo zhe yi shou qing ge

Fortunately, I have my love song

輕輕的 輕輕哼著 哭著笑著

qing qing de  qing qing heng zhe  ku zhe xiao zhe

Humming softly, crying and laughing

我的 天長地久

wo de  tian zhang di jiu

My days last forever


命運好幽默 讓愛的人 都沉默

ming yun hao you mo  rang ai de ren  dou chen mo

Fate is so humorous that everyone who loves is silent

一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆

yi zheng ge yu zhou  huan yi ke hong dou

A whole universe for a red bean

回憶如困獸 寂寞太久 而漸漸溫柔

hui yi ru kun shou  ji mo tai jiu  er jian jian wen rou

Memories are like sleepy beasts, lonely for too long and gradually gentle

放開了拳頭 反而更自由

fang kai le quan tou  fan er geng zi you

Let go of your fists, but it’s freer


長鏡頭 越拉越遠 越來越遠 事隔好幾年

zhang jing tou  yue la yue yuan  yue lai yue yuan  shi ge hao ji nian

The long lens is getting farther and farther away, and it’s getting farther and farther away for several years.

我們在懷念的演唱會 禮貌地吻別

wo men zai huai nian de yan chang hui  li mao di wen bie

We kissed goodbye politely at the nostalgic concert


你寫給我 我的第一首歌

ni xie gei wo  wo de di yi shou ge

You wrote me my first song

你和我 十指緊扣 默寫前奏

ni he wo  shi zhi jin kou  mo xie qian zou

You and my ten fingers are closely linked and write the prelude silently


ke shi na ran hou ne

But then what

還好我有 我這一首情歌

hai hao wo you  wo zhe yi shou qing ge

Fortunately, I have my love song

輕輕的 輕輕哼著 哭著笑著

qing qing de  qing qing heng zhe  ku zhe xiao zhe

Humming softly, crying and laughing

我的 天長地久

wo de  tian zhang di jiu

My days last forever


陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌

pei wo chang ge  qing chang ni de qing ge

Sing with me and sing your love song

捨不得 短短副歌 心還熱著

she bu de  duan duan fu ge  xin hai re zhe

I can’t bear to sing a short chorus and my heart is still hot


ye gai gao yi duan luo

It’s time to come to an end

還好我有 我下一首情歌

hai hao wo you  wo xia yi shou qing ge

Fortunately, I have my next love song

生命宛如 靜靜的 相擁的河

sheng ming wan ru  jing jing de  xiang yong de he

Life is like a river hugging each other quietly

永遠 天長地久

yong yuan  tian zhang di jiu

Forever and ever


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