Title of song lyric: Crescent Bay 月牙灣
Lyricist 作詞:易家揚/謝宥慧
Composer 作曲:阿沁 (F.I.R.)
敦煌天空的沙礫 帶著我們的記憶
dun huang tian kong de sha li dai zhe wo men de ji yi
Dunhuang sky sand with our memories
我從半路看回去 這情關漫漫好彎曲
wo cong ban lu kan hui qu zhe qing guan man man hao wan qu
I look back from the road, this situation is long and twisted
夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意
meng xiang chuan guo le xi yu bao han le duo shao de chan yi
Dream through the western regions contains many Zen
愛情像一本遊記 我會找尋他的謎語
ai qing xiang yi ben you ji wo hui zhao xun ta de mi yu
Love is like a book. I’ll find his riddle.
看 月牙灣下的淚光 在絲路之上 被遺忘
kan yue ya wan xia de lei guang zai si lu zhi shang bei yi wang
See the tears in Crescent Bay, forgotten on the Silk Road
是誰的心啊 孤單地留下 他還好嗎 我多想愛他
shi shui de xin a gu dan di liu xia ta hai hao ma wo duo xiang ai ta
Whose heart is left alone? how is he? How I want to love him.
拿永恆的淚 凝固 的一句話 也許可能蒸發
na yong heng de lei ning gu de yi ju hua ye xu ke neng zheng fa
The words that hold the eternal tears may evaporate
是誰的愛啊 比淚水堅強 輕聲呼喚 就讓我融化
shi shui de ai a bi lei shui jian qiang qing sheng hu huan jiu rang wo rong hua
Who is the love ? It stronger than tears, softly call let me melt
每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向著我愛的人 追吧
mei yi di yu shui yan hua cheng wo chi bang xiang zhe wo ai de ren zhui ba
Every drop of rain evolved into my wings towards the people I love
夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意
meng xiang chuan guo le xi yu bao han le duo shao de chan yi
Dream through the western regions contains many Zen
愛情像一本遊記 我會找尋他的謎語
ai qing xiang yi ben you ji wo hui zhao xun ta de mi yu
Love is like a book. I’ll find his riddle.
看 月牙灣下的淚光 在絲路之上 被遺忘
kan yue ya wan xia de lei guang zai si lu zhi shang bei yi wang
See the tears in Crescent Bay, forgotten on the Silk Road
是誰的心啊 孤單地留下 他還好嗎 我多想愛他
shi shui de xin a gu dan di liu xia ta hai hao ma wo duo xiang ai ta
Whose heart is left alone? how is he? How I want to love him.
拿永恆的淚 凝固 的一句話 也許可能蒸發
na yong heng de lei ning gu de yi ju hua ye xu ke neng zheng fa
The words that hold the eternal tears may evaporate
是誰的愛啊 比淚水堅強 輕聲呼喚 就讓我融化
shi shui de ai a bi lei shui jian qiang qing sheng hu huan jiu rang wo rong hua
Who is the love ? It stronger than tears, softly call let me melt
每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向著我愛的人 追吧
mei yi di yu shui yan hua cheng wo chi bang xiang zhe wo ai de ren zhui ba
Every drop of rain evolved into my wings towards the people I love
是誰的心啊 孤單地留下 他還好嗎 我多想愛他
shi shui de xin a gu dan di liu xia ta hai hao ma wo duo xiang ai ta
Whose heart is left alone? how is he? How I want to love him.
拿永恆的淚 凝固 的一句話 也許可能蒸發
na yong heng de lei ning gu de yi ju hua ye xu ke neng zheng fa
The words that hold the eternal tears may evaporate
是誰的愛啊 比淚水堅強 輕聲呼喚 就讓我融化
shi shui de ai a bi lei shui jian qiang qing sheng hu huan jiu rang wo rong hua
Who is the love ? It stronger than tears, softly call let me melt
每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向著我愛的人 追吧
mei yi di yu shui yan hua cheng wo chi bang xiang zhe wo ai de ren zhui ba
Every drop of rain evolved into my wings towards the people I love