Lyricist 词:黎志

Composer 曲:胡小鸥

Arranger 编曲:杨宇潇



风一吹起 随风散去










该放弃吗 我也怀疑


任风吹起 不离不弃



错过而已 斗转星移 会再相遇

你如果坚信 就会有奇迹






未来路还远 一瞬间


每次见你心跳着迷 不曾改变




未来路还远 时间如云烟










未来路再远 定会再相见

你相信吗 就在明天


tā mén shuō xiāng yù shì tiān kōng yī piàn yún
fēng yī chuī qǐ   suí fēng sàn qù
nǐ bù bì yà yì
tā mén shuō yī zhuǎn shēn jiù yī shì dí jù lí
xiàng kē liú xīng chà nà huá guò méi liǎo zōng jì
zhè rén shēng fěng cì méi rén néng yù jì
kě shì wǒ měi cì jiàn nǐ huán xīn tiào zhuó mí
mù guāng suǒ dìng wéi yī
yǔ nǐ dí měi fēn měi miǎo wǒ quán dū huì zhēn xī
měi yī cì jù jué dí huà jǐn jǐn xiāng bī
yě xiào zhuó shuō méi guān xì
gāi fàng qì má   wǒ yě huái yí
yǒu yī zhǒng xiāng yù shì tiān kōng liǎng piàn yún
rèn fēng chuī qǐ   bù lí bù qì
huà zuò yǔ luò dì
yǒu yī zhǒng zhuǎn shēn zhī shì xīng chén dí guǐ jì
cuò guò ér yǐ   dǒu zhuǎn xīng yí   huì zài xiāng yù
nǐ rú guǒ jiān xìn   jiù huì yǒu qí jì
kě shì wǒ měi cì jiàn nǐ huán xīn tiào zhuó mí
mù guāng suǒ dìng wéi yī
yǔ nǐ dí měi fēn měi miǎo wǒ quán dū zhēn xī
měi yī cì jù jué dí huà jǐn jǐn xiāng bī
bié shuō duì bù qǐ
wèi lái lù huán yuǎn   yī shùn jiān
bǎ yī qiē dū jiāo gěi míng tiān
měi cì jiàn nǐ xīn tiào zhuó mí   bù zēng gǎi biàn
yǔ nǐ dí měi tiān yīn wéi nǐ bù píng fán
nà yī xiē jù jué dí huà zǎo yǐ chén diàn
biàn chéng zhù yuàn
wèi lái lù huán yuǎn   shí jiān rú yún yān
yǒu xìng zǒu dào jīn tiān
suǒ yǒu bào qiàn dū huà zuò gǎn yán
zhì wǒ mén dí zuó tiān
kě shì wǒ měi cì jiàn nǐ xīn tiào zhuó mí mù guāng
suǒ dìng wéi yī
shuō wán zuì hòu yī biàn
wǒ jiù dà bù xiàng qián
xiè xiè nǐ zhè yī chéng qīng chūn dí zuò bàn
bù liú xià yí hàn
wèi lái lù zài yuǎn   dìng huì zài xiāng jiàn
nǐ xiāng xìn má   jiù zài míng tiān


They said that meeting is a cloud in the sky
As soon as the wind blows, it goes away with the wind
You don't have to be surprised
They said that once turned around
It’s like a meteor
No one can predict the irony of this life
But every time I see you, I am still fascinated
Eye lock only
I will cherish every minute with you
Every time I refused, I pressed hard
Smiled and said it's okay
Should I give up? I also doubt
One encounter is two clouds in the sky
Let the wind blow
Turned into rain
There is a trajectory of turning around just stars
I just missed it, I will meet again
If you believe firmly, there will be miracles
But every time I see you, I am still fascinated
Eye lock only
I cherish every minute with you
Every time I refused, I pressed hard
Don't say sorry
The road ahead is still far away
Leave everything to tomorrow
Every time I see you, my heart is fascinated
With your everyday because you are extraordinary
Those rejections have already settled
Turned into a wish
The road ahead is far away
Fortunate to come today
All sorry is turned into testimonials
To us yesterday
But every time I see you, my heart beats
Lock only
Finish the last time
I will stride forward
Thank you for this companionship of youth
No regrets
We will see you again in the future
Do you believe it is tomorrow


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