• Lyricist: 黄伟文
  • Composer: 林奕匡

难道我 失恋一次 就去掘坟墓

naan4 dou6 ngo5 sat1 lyun2 jat1 ci3 zau6 heoi3 gwat6 fan4 mou6

Am I going to dig a grave after one breakup?

还是我 餘生给批过命 提早些 皈依更好

waan4 si6 ngo5 jyu4 saang1 kap1 pai1 gwo3 ming6 tai4 zou2 se1 gwai1 ji1 gang3 hou2

Or is it better for me to be converted earlier than I was told by the rest of my life?

我心入面 没有愤怒

ngo5 sam1 jap6 min6 mut6 jau5 fan5 nou6

There is no anger in my heart

早知努力 前无去路

zou2 zi1 nou5 lik6 cin4 mou4 heoi3 lou6

If I had known that there was no way out

何妨 自我嫌弃 变 一堆泥泞 就好

ho4 fong4 zi6 ngo5 jim4 hei3 bin3 jat1 deoi1 nai4 ning6 zau6 hou2

Why don’t I just dislike myself and become a pile of mud?

我过得并不好 但是我会活著

ngo5 gwo3 dak1 bing6 bat1 hou2 daan6 si6 ngo5 wui2 wut6 zyu3

I’m not doing well, but I’ll live

等找到新爱侣 会有治我的药

dang2 zaau2 dou3 san1 ngoi3 leoi5 wui2 jau5 zi6 ngo5 dik1 joek6

When I find a new love, there will be a cure for me

此刻 努力扮作一表人才

ci2 hak1 nou5 lik6 baan6 zok3 jat1 biu2 jan4 coi4

Right now, try to look good

别在人前 随便展览虚弱

bit6 zoi6 jan4 cin4 ceoi4 bin6 zin2 laam5 heoi1 joek6

Don’t just show your weakness in front of people

要记得 还有 做人 合约

jiu3 gei3 dak1 waan4 jau5 zou6 jan4 hap6 joek3

Remember, there’s still a contract to be a man

无谓叫 亲戚好友 伴我未痊癒

mou4 wai6 giu3 can1 cik1 hou2 jau5 bun6 ngo5 mei6 cyun4 jyu6

I don’t need to ask my relatives and friends to accompany me until I’m cured

来为这 孩子的恋爱事 还担心 足一辈子

loi4 wai4 ze5 haai4 zi2 dik1 lyun2 ngoi3 si6 waan4 daam1 sam1 zuk1 jat1 bui3 zi2

I’ve been worrying about this child’s love for the rest of my life.

撑得极累 亦要撑住

caang1 dak1 gik6 leoi6 jik6 jiu3 caang1 zyu6

I have to hold on even though I’m very tired

一眶眼泪 仍然笑住

jat1 hong1 ngaan5 leoi6 jing4 jin4 siu3 zyu6

Tears in my eyes and still smile

明年又变强壮 再 捲土重来

ming4 nin4 jau6 bin3 koeng4 zong3 zoi3 gyun2 tou2 cung4 loi4

Next year, I’ll be strong again and I’ll come back


coi4 huk1 jap1 jaa5 mei6 ci4

It’s not too late to cry

我过得并不好 但是我会活著

ngo5 gwo3 dak1 bing6 bat1 hou2 daan6 si6 ngo5 wui2 wut6 zyu3

I’m not doing well, but I’ll live

等找到新爱侣 会有治我的药

dang2 zaau2 dou3 san1 ngoi3 leoi5 wui2 jau5 zi6 ngo5 dik1 joek6

When I find a new lover, there will be medicine for me

此刻 努力扮作一表人才

ci2 hak1 nou5 lik6 baan6 zok3 jat1 biu2 jan4 coi4

Right now, I’m trying to look good

别在人前 随便展览虚弱

bit6 zoi6 jan4 cin4 ceoi4 bin6 zin2 laam5 heoi1 joek6

Don’t just show your weakness in front of people

要记得 还有 做人 合约 Ha~ Ha

jiu3 gei3 dak1 waan4 jau5 zou6 jan4 hap6 joek3 Ha~ Ha

Remember, there’s still a contract to be a man.

不应叫 这心碎 早晚碎一碎

bat1 jing3 giu3 ze5 sam1 seoi3 zou2 maan5 seoi3 jat1 seoi3

I shouldn’t have called it a heartbreak, but it will break sooner or later.

时时 点算错误 给伤口再 重撃几搥

si4 si4 dim2 syun3 co3 ng6 kap1 soeng1 hau2 zoi3 cung4 gik1 gei2 ceoi4

I’ll always count my mistakes and give the wound a few more strokes

过不去 想变 过得去

gwo3 bat1 heoi3 soeng2 bin3 gwo3 dak1 heoi3

I can’t live with it, I want to change, I can live with it.

难过 也忍下去

naan4 gwo3 jaa5 jan2 haa6 heoi3

It’s hard, but I’ll endure it.

我过得并不好 但是我会活著

ngo5 gwo3 dak1 bing6 bat1 hou2 daan6 si6 ngo5 wui2 wut6 zyu3

I’m not doing well, but I’ll live.

等找到新爱侣 会有治我的药

dang2 zaau2 dou3 san1 ngoi3 leoi5 wui2 jau5 zi6 ngo5 dik1 joek6

When I find a new lover, there will be medicine for me

此刻 努力扮作一表人才

ci2 hak1 nou5 lik6 baan6 zok3 jat1 biu2 jan4 coi4

Right now, I’m trying to look good.

别在人前 随便展览虚弱

bit6 zoi6 jan4 cin4 ceoi4 bin6 zin2 laam5 heoi1 joek6

Don’t show your weakness in front of people

最重伤时间 都不离场 才会最终笑著

zeoi3 cung4 soeng1 si4 gaan1 dou1 bat1 lei4 coeng4 coi4 wui2 zeoi3 zung1 siu3 zyu3

If I don’t leave the scene when it hurts the most, then I will finally smile

我最多受点苦 但是我要活著

ngo5 zeoi3 do1 sau6 dim2 fu2 daan6 si6 ngo5 jiu3 wut6 zyu3

I’ll suffer a little at most, but I’ll live

必须好好爱我 当作自救的药

bit1 seoi1 hou2 hou2 ngoi3 ngo5 dong1 zok3 zi6 gau3 dik1 joek6

I must love me well as a medicine to save myself

应该 信任像我一表人才

jing3 goi1 seon3 jam6 zoeng6 ngo5 jat1 biu2 jan4 coi4

You should trust a man like me

上段情缘 棋差不过一著

soeng5 dyun6 cing4 jyun4 kei4 caa1 bat1 gwo3 jat1 zyu3

My last love affair was only one move away

有信心迎接 未来的 誓约

jau5 seon3 sam1 jing4 zip3 mei6 loi4 dik1 sai6 joek3

I’m confident to meet the future vows


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