Lyrics for: Rare not to blame 少見不怪

Hey 這邊的天氣漸回暖
Hey, the weather here is getting warmer gradually,
And are you as happy as I wish?
When you said to grant my wish,
要跟她好好去戀 無謂繼續去周旋
I must love her and it's needless to continue the entanglement
Why am I always complaining today?
Even when I'm with her, I miss you so much
Assuming everything is restored,
難道會是大團圓 還是惡夢再開端
Would it be a great reunion, or the start of another nightmare?
而既然分開了 何必又想打擾
As we have been seperated, why do I want to bother?
為何愛人丟低了 才來明白對方緊要
Why only after abandoning the loved one I come to understand the importance of the other?


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