Original Lyrics for: Long Live To Us 我們萬歲

 [ Chinese & Pinyin ]

漸漸頭上染了白 你一樣很美
Jim jim tau seung yim liu baak nei yat yeung han mei
純粹發自我真心 別皺眉
Seun seui faat ji ngo jan sam bit jau mei
Yut leung si fau ying yin ying dak dong tin dik nei
Yeuk wui mui yat hak yik daai jeuk haai ji hei

常為碎事而慶祝 懷念幼稚時犯的錯
Seung wai seui si yi hing juk waai nim yau ji si faan dik cho
Jan seung yu nei chung yau na faai lok gu dei

情人遊天地 日月換行李
Ching yan yau tin dei yat yut wun hang lei
如果失憶 我渴望再多一次 認識你
Yu gwo sat yik ngo hot mong joi do yat chi ying sik nei
與你說些無聊事 挽手幾千里
Yu nei syut se mou liu si waan sau gei chin lei
證明可不捨不棄 吻停不知幾多歲的你
Jing ming ho bat se bat hei man ting bat ji gei do seui dik nei

特別鳴謝你製造 更歡樂的我
Dak bit ming je nei jai jou gang fun lok dik ngo
除了每月有幾天 受折磨
Cheui liu mui yut yau gei tin sau jit mo
Dyun dyun yat ji wui tau mong ching jam mo jau gwo
Kok ding je diu bou mut yau si nang gung po

曾為憤怒而痛哭 回望厭悶時越的界
Chang wai fan nou yi tung huk wui mong yim mun si yut dik gaai
Jan sik yau nei ying yin wui deui jeuk ngo cho

情人遊天地 日月換行李
Ching yan yau tin dei yat yut wun hang lei
如果失憶 我渴望再多一次 認識你
Yu gwo sat yik ngo hot mong joi do yat chi ying sik nei
與你說些無聊事 挽手幾千里
Yu nei syut se mou liu si waan sau gei chin lei
證明可不捨不棄 吻停你到下世紀
Jing ming ho bat se bat hei man ting nei dou ha sai gei

變幻 繼續 變幻 拆不開
Bin waan gai juk bin waan chaak bat hoi
我們 已成 我們 還好有愛在 懷中感慨
Ngo mun yi sing ngo mun waan hou yau oi joi waai jung gam koi
笑著 喊著 抱著 如萬世不朽只有愛
Siu jeuk haam jeuk pou jeuk yu maan sai bat nau ji yau oi
多好 能擁抱未來
Do hou nang yung pou mei loi

情人遊天地 日月換行李
Ching yan yau tin dei yat yut wun hang lei
從今開始 懶理會世間一切 是與非
Chung gam hoi chi laan lei wui sai gaan yat chai si yu fei
與你說些無聊事 再走幾千里
Yu nei syut se mou liu si joi jau gei chin lei
永恆的不捨不棄 降臨你我合葬的墓碑
Wing hang dik bat se bat hei gong lam nei ngo hap jong dik mou bei(能重頭偷望你 能重頭追逐你)
(Nang chung tau tau mong nei nang chung tau jeui juk nei)
(能重頭親近你) 而我要好好珍惜你
(Nang chung tau chan gan nei) yi ngo yiu hou hou jan sik nei
(能重頭呵護你 能重頭感動你)
(Nang chung tau ho wu nei nang chung tau gam dung nei)
Nang chung tau heung sau oi nei

English Translation :

Gradually dyed white on your head, just as beautiful as you
Don't frown if you are purely sincere
Does the moon still recognize you
Dating is childish every moment

Often celebrated for the broken things
I really want to revisit the happy place with you

Lovers travel around the world to change luggage
If amnesia i long to know you again
Tell you something boring for thousands of miles
Prove you can't give up kissing and stop knowing how old you are

Special thanks to you for making me happier
Except for a few days each month
Looking back on how to pass by
Make sure this bunker can't be broken

I cried for anger and looked back at the time when I was bored
Cherish that you still sit with me

Lovers travel around the world to change luggage
If amnesia i long to know you again
Tell you something boring for thousands of miles
Prove that you can't stop kissing until the next century

Change continues to change
We have become we are fortunate to have love in our arms
Laughing and shouting, holding love like eternity, only love
How good can we embrace the future

Lovers travel around the world to change luggage
From now on, I ’m going to ignore everything in the world
Tell you something boring and go thousands of miles away
The eternal perseverance comes to you and my tombstone

(I can look back at you, I can chase you back)
(To be close to you) And I want to cherish you
(I can take care of you again, I can touch you again)
I can love you again


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