Lyricist 作词:海伦 /葛大為、Bokyung Kim、Seok Minsoo
Composer 作曲:海伦 



fen fen he he

Be together and breakup

我們看的 已經夠多

wo men kan de  yi jing gou duo

We’ve seen enough.


zou guo de zu ji

Those footsteps


zao shu ye shu bu qing

I can’t count all of them.



xi guan jiao shou

Get used to it.

更像是依賴 難放手

geng xiang shi yi lai  nan fang shou

It’s more like dependence. it’s hard to let go.

我眺望著 那顆星星

wo tiao wang zhe  na ke xing xing

I looked at the star.


rang ta he wo de ji mo xiang dui ying

Let it match my loneliness


愛 能不能 一呼喚 就來

ai  neng bu neng  yi hu huan  jiu lai

Can love come when it calls

愛 看我們 多少能耐

ai  kan wo men  duo shao neng nai

Love to see how much we can do


你先別說 愛我

ni xian bie shuo  ai wo

Don’t say you love me.

還先別為我 心動

hai xian bie wei wo  xin dong

Don’t be tempted for me yet.

不管童話 什麼結果

bu guan tong hua  shi me jie guo

No matter what the outcome of the fairy tale

都該有個 深刻的開頭

dou gai you ge  shen ke de kai tou

Should have a deep starting.


至少有 一份默契

zhi shao you  yi fen mo qi

At least there is a tacit understanding


ni zong hui zhao dao wo

That you’ll always find me.

只有你懂 我沒棄守

zhi you ni dong  wo mei qi shou

You’re the only one who knows. I’m not breaking the promise.

命中注定 我不會躲

ming zhong zhu ding  wo bu hui duo

I’m not meant to hide.



wo hui xiang shou

I’ll enjoy it.

時間給的 那些錯過

shi jian gei de  na xie cuo guo

Time to give those missed


wo mei shi qu guo ni

I never lost you.


zen me dong de zhen xi

How to cherish



di ji fen zhong

How many minutes

就覺得像 天長地久

jiu jiao de xiang  tian zhang di jiu

It’s like forever.

茫茫人海 只看見你

mang mang ren hai  zhi kan jian ni

The sea of people I can only see you

飽滿的愛 一個你就夠

bao man de ai  yi ge ni jiu gou

One of you is enough, I am full of love 


愛 能不能 一呼喚 就來

ai  neng bu neng  yi hu huan  jiu lai

Can love come when it calls

愛 看我們 多少能耐

ai  kan wo men  duo shao neng nai

Love to see how much we can do


你先別說 愛我

ni xian bie shuo  ai wo

Don’t say you love me.

還先別為我 心動

hai xian bie wei wo  xin dong

Don’t be tempted for me yet.

不管童話 什麼結果

bu guan tong hua  shi me jie guo

No matter what the outcome of the fairy tale

都該有個 深刻的開頭

dou gai you ge  shen ke de kai tou

Should have a deep starting.


至少有 一份默契

zhi shao you  yi fen mo qi

At least there is a tacit understanding


ni zong hui zhao dao wo

That you’ll always find me.

只有你懂 我沒棄守

zhi you ni dong  wo mei qi shou

You’re the only one who knows. I’m not breaking the promise.

命中注定 我不會躲

ming zhong zhu ding  wo bu hui duo

I’m not meant to hide.



I …

停頓是 為了繼續

ting dun shi  wei le ji xu

Pause is just to continue

遲疑只是 為了確定

chi yi zhi shi  wei le que ding

Hesitation is just to make sure

我很叛逆 不服氣 命運

wo hen pan ni  bu fu qi  ming yun

I’m rebellious, I’m not convinced of fate.

我很愛你 才相信 奇蹟

wo hen ai ni  cai xiang xin  qi ji

I love you so much that I believe in miracles.


你先別說 愛我

ni xian bie shuo  ai wo

Don’t say you love me.

還先別為我 心動

hai xian bie wei wo  xin dong

Don’t be tempted for me yet.

不管童話 什麼結果

bu guan tong hua  shi me jie guo

No matter what the outcome of the fairy tale

都該有個 深刻的開頭

dou gai you ge  shen ke de kai tou

Should have a deep start.


至少有 一份默契

zhi shao you  yi fen mo qi

At least there is a tacit understanding


ni zong hui zhao dao wo

That you’ll always find me.

只有你懂 我沒棄守

zhi you ni dong  wo mei qi shou

You’re the only one who knows. I’m not breaking the promise.

命中注定 我不會躲

ming zhong zhu ding  wo bu hui duo

I’m not meant to hide.



I’m looking for you

I’m waiting for you

I’m loving with you


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