Composer 曲:Howie@Dear Jane

Lyricist 詞:黃偉文


哀痛地 遞來警告信

oi1 tung3 dei6  dai6 loi4 ging2 gou3 seun3

Sadly handed in a warning letter

來自一位擁護十年 忠心的觀眾

loi4 ji6 yat1 wai6/wai2 yung2 wu6 sap6 nin4  jung1 sam1 dik1 gun1 jung3

It is from an audience of ten years of loyalty.

難道只可當你最强 後盾

naan4 dou3 ji2 ho2 dong1/dong3 nei5 jeui3 keung4  hau6 teun5

I can only be your strongest backing


bat1 ho2 sing1 kap1 jeui3 hau6 wo4 ngau5 jeung6 pou5 yung2

Can not upgrade to the last and hug my idol


唯有講請珍惜我 這般的我 人間都不太多

wai4 yau5 gong2 ching2/cheng2 jan1 sik1 ngo5  je5 bun1 dik1 ngo5  yan4 gaan1/gaan3 dou1 bat1 taai3 do1

Only to say please cherish me. A person like me, there are not too many in the world

若我走出你劇本 失去什麼 你可想過

yeuk6 ngo5 jau2 cheut1 nei5 kek6 bun2  sat1 heui3 sam6 mo1  nei5 ho2 seung2 gwo3

If I walk out of your script and lose something, have you ever thought of it?

很想我繼續崇拜你 獎我兩滴神蹟麼

han2 seung2 ngo5 gai3 juk6 sung4 baai3 nei5  jeung2 ngo5 leung5 dik6 san4 jik1 mo1

Do you want me to continue to worship you and reward me with two miracles?


jan1 dik1 bat1 gam2 gong2 ga3 taai3 do1

I really don’t dare to bargain too much         

能間中真的給你 扮喜歡過 誰敢再嘆奈何

nang4 gaan1/gaan3 jung1 jan1 dik1 kap1 nei5  baan6 hei2 fun1 gwo3  seui4 gam2 joi3 taan3 noi6 ho4

Who dares to sigh again?

成為你密友 是最沒有用寶座

sing4 wai4 nei5 mat6 yau5  si6 jeui3 mut6 yau5 yung6 bou2 jo6

Being your best friend is the most useless throne.

就算不肯愛我 别再將關愛座給我

jau6 syun3 bat1 hang2 oi3 ngo5  bit6/bit3 joi3 jeung1 gwaan1 oi3 jo6 kap1 ngo5

Even if you don’t love me, don’t give me the love seat.


省了吧 熟人的戲碼

saang2/sing2 liu5 ba6  suk6 yan4 dik1 hei3 ma5

Save it. acquaintances.

難道深交曖昧動情 分不清楚嗎

naan4 dou3 sam1 gaau1 oi3 mui6 dung6 ching4  fan1/fan6 bat1 ching1 cho2 ma3

Can’t you tell the difference between deep relationships and ambiguous?

還是得益的你暗地 害怕

waan4 si6 dak1 yik1 dik1 nei5 am3 dei6  hoi6 pa3

Or you’re secretly afraid.


dai2 paai4/paai2 yat1 chyun1 joi3 mut6 yan4 jung3 waai6 nei5 ma3

No one’s gonna ruin you when you wear your cards


唯有講請珍惜我 這般的我 人間都不太多

wai4 yau5 gong2 ching2/cheng2 jan1 sik1 ngo5  je5 bun1 dik1 ngo5  yan4 gaan1/gaan3 dou1 bat1 taai3 do1

Only to say please cherish me. A person like me, there are not too many in the world

若我走出你劇本 失去什麼 你可想過

yeuk6 ngo5 jau2 cheut1 nei5 kek6 bun2  sat1 heui3 sam6 mo1  nei5 ho2 seung2 gwo3

If I walk out of your script and lose something, have you ever thought of it?

很想我繼續崇拜你 獎我兩滴神蹟麼

han2 seung2 ngo5 gai3 juk6 sung4 baai3 nei5  jeung2 ngo5 leung5 dik6 san4 jik1 mo1

Do you want me to continue to worship you and reward me with two miracles?


jan1 dik1 bat1 gam2 gong2 ga3 taai3 do1

I really don’t dare to bargain too much         

能間中真的給你 扮喜歡過 誰敢再嘆奈何

nang4 gaan1/gaan3 jung1 jan1 dik1 kap1 nei5  baan6 hei2 fun1 gwo3  seui4 gam2 joi3 taan3 noi6 ho4

Who dares to sigh again?

成為你密友 是最沒有用寶座

sing4 wai4 nei5 mat6 yau5  si6 jeui3 mut6 yau5 yung6 bou2 jo6

Being your best friend is the most useless throne.

就算不肯愛我 别再將關愛座給我

jau6 syun3 bat1 hang2 oi3 ngo5  bit6/bit3 joi3 jeung1 gwaan1 oi3 jo6 kap1 ngo5

Even if you don’t love me, don’t give me the love seat.



oi1 dik1 mei5 deun1 dik1 lyun2 go1

Sad Medtronic love song

來 唱罷完美地下墮

loi4  cheung3 ba6 yun4 mei5 dei6 ha2 do6

Come on, sing it. fall perfectly.


ngo5 dong1 yin4 paan3 nei5 jit6 jyu6 ngo5

Of course I want you to stop me.


git3 gwo2 ho2 wui6/wui2/wui5 seui3 lok6 mun5 sing1 ho4

It’ll break down the Galaxy.


留我的請珍惜我 這般的我 人間都不太多

lau4 ngo5 dik1 ching2/cheng2 jan1 sik1 ngo5  je5 bun1 dik1 ngo5  yan4 gaan1/gaan3 dou1 bat1 taai3 do1

Leave me, please cherish me. A person like me, there is not much on Earth.

任你打賞個什麽 都有效果 以功補過

yam6 nei5 da2 seung2 go3 sam6 mo1  dou1 yau5 haau6 gwo2  yi5 gung1 bou2 gwo3

Anything you can reward will work. 

不敢寄厚望能吻你 衣角也願能摸摸

bat1 gam2 gei3 hau5 mong6 nang4 man5 nei5  yi1 gok3 ya5 yun6 nang4 mo2 mo2

Don’t dare to have high expectation to kiss you. Your clothes also wish to be able to touch


jan1 dik1 bat1 gam2 gong2 ga3 taai3 do1

I really don’t dare to bargain too much         

談判中只敢迫你 施捨這個何必與我拔河

taam4 pun3 jung1 ji2 gam2 baak1/bik1 nei5  si1 se2 je5 go3 ho4 bit1 yu5 ngo5 bat6 ho4

Only dare to force you in the negotiation. Why give me a tug of war

無人餵飼過 别怪就氣絕倒卧

mou4 yan4 wai3 ji6 gwo3  bit6/bit3 gwaai3 jau6 hei3 jyut6 dou2 ngo6

No one’s ever fed it. Don’t blame it.

若再想消費我 儘快輸點血液給我

yeuk6 joi3 seung2 siu1 fai3 ngo5  jeun6 faai3 syu1 dim2 hyut3 yik6 kap1 ngo5

If you want to consume me, give me some blood as soon as possible.


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