• Lyricist 作词:BY2、赵百川
  • Composer 作曲:BY2


gei wo hui da

Give me an answer


gei wo hui da

Give me an answer


bu shuo ni geng neng ting de dao

You can hear me better without talking


bu ku wo geng xu yao yong bao

Don’t cry I need a hug more


pei wo deng po xiao

Wait with me for the dawn


bu chen mo ye bu xiang pao xiao

No silence and no ranting


tian zhen yi wei mei na me zao

Naive to think it’s not that bad


qi wang zhi tai gao

Expectations are too high


mei xiang guo zen yang zi bao

Never thought about how to protect myself

面对纷扰 宁愿自己 疏导

mian dui fen rao  ning yuan zi ji  shu dao

In the face of chaos, I preferred to channel myself


hou lai wo men xiang qiang dao

Then we were like bandits

席卷过往 焚烧差错 逃跑

xi juan guo wang  fen shao cha cuo  tao pao

We swept up the past, burned our mistakes, and ran away.


ni hai zai ting ma

Are you still listening?


bei tao lun shi de wo ni hai ren shi ma

Do you still know me when I was discussed?

我偏执的 做着回答

wo pian zhi de  zuo zhe hui da

I was paranoid and made answers


ni ren zhen le ma

Are you serious?


ni hai zai ting ma

Are you still listening?


ting dao bu tong sheng yin ni huai yi wo ma

Do you doubt me when you hear different voices?

留言当道 言之凿凿

liu yan dang dao  yan zhi zao zao

The messages are so strong, the words are so strong


ni xiang xin wo ma

Do you believe me?


ni shuo guo bu fang shou

You said you wouldn’t let go

只剩下我一个人 坠落

zhi sheng xia wo yi ge ren  zhui luo

I’m left alone, falling

是我想太多 是你不懂我

shi wo xiang tai duo  shi ni bu dong wo

I think too much, you don’t understand me


mei xiang guo zen yang zi bao

I’ve never thought about how to protect myself

面对纷扰 宁愿自己 疏导

mian dui fen rao  ning yuan zi ji  shu dao

In the face of chaos, I preferred to channel myself

席卷过往 焚烧差错 逃跑

hou lai wo men xiang qiang dao 
xi juan guo wang  fen shao cha cuo  tao pao
Then we were like robbers, sweeping up the past, burning mistakes and running away.


ni hai zai ting ma

Are you still listening?


wo de jian chi he bei qing shi de sha na

My insistence and the moment of being despised

触动我的 温暖我的

chu dong wo de  wen nuan wo de

What touched me, what warmed me


shi ni ⼀ju hua

was your words


ni hai zai ting ma

Are you still listening?


wo wei qu di shuo zhe zhang bu ⼤de hua

I’m saying long words of anguish

如果你想 我被解脱

ru guo ni xiang  wo bei jie tuo

If you want me to be relieved

你拆穿我吧 你拆穿我吧

ni chai chuan wo ba  ni chai chuan wo ba

You can break me down, you can break me down


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