Original Lyrics for: Misty Night Rain 朦朧夜雨裡 Mung Lung Ye Yue Lui - Anita Mui (朦朧夜雨裡 - 梅艷芳) 

[ Chinese, Pinyin]

在毛毛夜雨裡 顯得一片慘淡
Joi mo mo ye yue lui hin dak yat pin chaam daam
重讀你的信裡 覺熱情未冷
Chung duk nei dik sun lui gok yit ching mei laang
信中 你聲聲說再會
Sun jung nei sing sing suet joi wooi
但感到你的雙眼 在期望再見的一晚
Daan gam do nei dik seung ngaan joi kei mong joi gin dik yat maan

回望過去 再想今天的冷淡
Wooi mong gwoh hui joi seung gam tin dik laang daam
誰明日再暖我 不覺又寒又冷
Sui ming yat joi nuen ngoh bat gok yau hon yau laang
相片中 燭光中的晚飯
Seung pin jung juk gwong jung dik maan faan
香檳芬芳的揮散 在刺激我的眼
Heung ban fan fong dik fai saan joi chi gik ngoh dik ngaan

I say a little prayer 不要將風雨驅散
I say a little prayer bat yiu jeung fung yue kui saan
Just give a little time 請給我給我一晚
Just give a little time ching kap ngoh kap ngoh yat maan
在朦朧夜雨裡 可帶出新的浪漫
Joi mung lung ye yue lui hoh daai chut san dik long maan
重投入我懷抱裡 這一吻怎可事但
Chung tau yap ngoh waai po lui je yat man jam hoh si daan

你緊緊的貼我 輕輕的吻我
Nei gan gan dik tip ngoh hing hing dik man ngoh
真心的要我 將今晚的一刻送給我
Jan sam dik yiu ngoh jeung gam maan dik yat hak sung kap ngoh

[ Eng. Translation & Chinese]

It looks bleak in the drizzly night rain
在毛毛夜雨里 显得一片惨淡

Reread your letter and feel warm
重读你的信里 觉热情未冷

In the letter, you say goodbye
信中 你声声说再会

But feel your eyes are looking forward to seeing you one night
但感到你的双眼 在期望再见的一晚

Looking back at the past
回望过去 再想今天的冷淡

Who will warm me tomorrow and feel cold and cold
谁明日再暖我 不觉又寒又冷

Dinner by candlelight
相片中 烛光中的晚饭

The fragrance of champagne is irritating my eyes
香槟芬芳的挥散 在刺激我的眼

I Say A Little Pray
I Say A Little Pray

Don't dispel wind and rain

Just Give Us A Little Time
Just Give Us A Little Time

Please give me one night

Can bring new romance in the hazy night rain
在朦胧夜雨里 可带出新的浪漫

Put it back in my arms
重投入我怀抱里 这一吻怎可事但

You stick to me tightly and kiss me gently
你紧紧的贴我 轻轻的吻我

Call me aloud Give me the moment tonight
声声的叫我 将今晚的一刻送给我
Looking back at the past
回望过去 再想今天的冷淡

Who will warm me tomorrow and feel cold and cold
谁明日再暖我 不觉又寒又冷

Dinner by candlelight
相片中 烛光中的晚饭

The fragrance of champagne is irritating my eyes
香槟芬芳的挥散 在刺激我的眼

I Say A Little Pray
I Say A Little Pray

Don't dispel wind and rain

Just Give Us A Little Time
Just Give Us A Little Time

Please give me one night

Can bring new romance in the hazy night rain
在朦胧夜雨里 可带出新的浪漫

Put it back in my arms
重投入我怀抱里 这一吻怎可事但

You stick to me tightly and kiss me gently
你紧紧的贴我 轻轻的吻我

Call me aloud Give me the moment tonight
声声的叫我 将今晚的一刻送给我

I Say A Little Pray
I Say A Little Pray

Don't dispel wind and rain

Just Give Us A Little Time
Just Give Us A Little Time

Please give me one night

Can bring new romance in the hazy night rain
在朦胧夜雨里 可带出新的浪漫

Put it back in my arms
重投入我怀抱里 这一吻怎可事但

You stick to me tightly and kiss me gently
你紧紧的贴我 轻轻的吻我

Call me aloud Give me the moment tonight
声声的叫我 将今晚的一刻送给我


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