Lyrics for: Cherish When We Meet Again (珍惜再會時)

Monologue: This is the saddest moment in my life, because I want to say goodbye
獨白:呢個係我生命中最難過既時刻 因為我地要講再見啦

I ’m always happy when I ’m happy. I used to meet every day.
快樂既時候總係過得好快 我地曾經每日都見面

But in a blink of an eye, I want to separate, I do n’t even want to talk
但轉眼間我地要分開 我咩都唔想講

I just want you to meet me once more. Life is short.
只係想你再鍚多我一次 生命係短暫

When will we meet in the future?

For a moment, I just wanted to hug you for a while and then
係呢一剎那我只係想 同你再擁抱多一陣然後

Kiss me and say goodbye
Kiss me and say goodbye

Saying goodbye to you again Endless whispers tears are still hot
再度跟你話離別 無盡細語淚還熱

Feeling happy can't be forgotten
快樂感覺沒法淡忘 離話要說不忍說

Endless love is because of you, I will give my heart to you
無窮愛意因你起 我願將心交給你

I do n’t want to shed tears, kiss me and turn around
不願對著暗淚垂 親一親我轉身去

* Endless years are blowing in the wind (I will think of you)

Then I can gather again in one day (I will think of you)

May this night stay forever and stay in our hearts
願這今夜永停留 留在我倆深心處

# 重 谈 笑语 The heart is more sad, the pain is in the heart
#重談笑語心更悲 痛在痛在心坎裡

When I cherish the goodbye, turn around and kiss
我當珍惜再會時 再親一親轉身去

Ha ... Let's just kiss and say goodbye Ha ...
Ha... Let's just kiss and say goodbye Ha...


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