Lyrics for: Handsome Guy 靚仔 by Amber An feat. 羅志祥 Show Lo

又 Tag me 在动什么歪脑筋
You Tag me zai dong shen me wai nao jin
瞎搅和 别老在群组糗我
Xia jiao he bie lao zai qun zu qiu wo
是极品 难道你都没兴趣
Shi ji pin nan dao ni dou mei xing qu
有事吗 怎么我比你着急
You shi ma zen me wo bi ni zhao ji

我不想要一个 全民男朋友
Wo bu xiang yao yi ge quan min nan peng you
颜值高还不如 什么都懂我
Yan zhi gao hai bu ru shen me dou dong wo
没要你拍拖 至少交个朋友
Mei yao ni pai tuo zhi shao jiao ge peng you
淑女君子好逑 别腐在被窝
Shu nu jun zi hao qiu bie fu zai bei wo

Tian cai you zen yang
不重要 他得有肩膀
Bu zhong yao ta de you jian bang
爱我 放我在心上
Ai wo fang wo zai xin shang
Zhe bu shi fei hua
Nan sheng you zen yang
Bu xia fan
Zen me hui zhi dao
Wo xu yao

靓仔那么多 总有一个适合你
Liang zai na me duo zong you yi ge shi ge ni

靓仔那么多 谁会谁会不路过
Liang zai na me duo shui hui shui hui bu lu guo
靓仔那么多 谁会谁会跟我疯
Liang zai na me duo shui hui shui hui gen wo feng
靓仔那么多 谁会谁会爱无休
Liang zai na me duo shui hui shui hui ai wu xiu

Repeat ****

别碎念 非诚勿扰冷处理
Bie sui nian fei cheng wu rao leng chu li
心诚则灵 谁爱谁口说无凭
Xin cheng ze ling shui ai shui kou shui wu ping
一米八七 还有什么好挑剔
Yi mi ba qi hai you shen me hao tiao ti
月下老人 都比不过我用心
Yue xia lao ren dou bi bu guo wo yong xin

Repeat *

Repeat **

Repeat ***

Repeat **** x3

Keep going
Keep keep going

Repeat ****


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