• Lyricist 作詞:米緹
  • Composer 作曲:潘雲安


ni shi bu shi zhun bei tao li zhe zuo dao

Are you trying to escape from this island?


zai wan xiao de jie ri li zuo zui hou zheng li

Finishing up at the festival of jokes.


ta de bei ying he mao mi

Her back and the cat.


cheng le zui feng kuang de ji yi

Became the craziest memory.


ni shi bu shi da suan bu zai hui ying

Are you going to stop responding?


zai huang tang de qing gan li xun yi zhong ci ji

Looking for a stimulus in ridiculous emotions


wo de hei bai he you yu

My black and white and melancholy


cheng le zui ke xiao de fu shu pin

Into the most ridiculous accessory.

最後 你遠遠地

zui hou  ni yuan yuan di

In the end, you’re far away.


cheng le ke you ke wu de tou ming

Became dispensable and transparent.


wo yi wei wo zhi shi lai wan er yi

I thought I was just late.


yuan lai zhi sheng wo yi ren zai you xi

I’m the only one left playing.

我們沒有 時間 猶 豫 幻想羅曼蒂克的愛情

wo men mei you  shi jian  you  yu  huan xiang luo man di ke de ai qing

We don’t have time to fantasize about romantic love.

寂寞想一個人的時候 他會來溫暖你

ji mo xiang yi ge ren de shi hou  ta hui lai wen nuan ni

When you need someone, he will come to warm you

我想你偶爾惦記的 只是為了以防萬一

wo xiang ni ou er dian ji de  zhi shi wei le yi fang wan yi

I think you think about it once in a while just in case.

把給我的擁抱 當作是你的取暖道具

ba gei wo de yong bao  dang zuo shi ni de qu nuan dao ju

Think of the hug you gave me as your heating prop.


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