• 作詞:林秋離/作曲:涂惠源


寫信告訴我今天 海是什麼顏色

xie xin gao su wo jin tian  hai shi shi me yan se

Write a letter and tell me what color the sea is today.

夜夜陪著你的海 心情又如何

ye ye pei zhe ni de hai  xin qing you ru he

What’s the mood of the sea with you all night

灰色是不想說 藍色是憂鬱

hui se shi bu xiang shuo  lan se shi you yu

Gray is not want to say. Blue is melancholy

而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪裡

er piao bo de ni  kuang lang de xin  ting zai na li

And where does the wandering heart stop?


寫信告訴我今夜 你想要夢什麼

xie xin gao su wo jin ye  ni xiang yao meng shi me

Write a letter and tell me what you want to dream tonight.

夢裡外的我是否 都讓你無從選擇

meng li wai de wo shi fou  dou rang ni wu cong xuan ze

Do I leave you with no choice in the dream?

我揪著一顆心 整夜都閉不了眼睛

wo jiu zhe yi ke xin  zheng ye dou bi bu le yan jing

I couldn’t close my eyes all night with a heart.

為何你明明動了情 卻又不靠近

wei he ni ming ming dong le qing  que you bu kao jin

Why are you in love and but not try to be close to me?


聽 海哭的聲音 嘆息著誰又被傷了心

ting  hai ku de sheng yin  tan xi zhe shui you bei shang le xin

Listen to the voice of the sea, crying sigh who was broken heart


que hai bu qing xing

But I’m not awake yet.

一定不是我 至少我很冷靜

yi ding bu shi wo  zhi shao wo hen leng jing

It must not be me. at least I’m calm.

可是淚水 就連淚水也不相信

ke shi lei shui  jiu lian lei shui ye bu xiang xin

But tears, even tears, don’t believe it.


聽 海哭的聲音 這片海未免也太多情

ting  hai ku de sheng yin  zhe pian hai wei mian ye tai duo qing

Listen to the sound of the sea, crying this sea is too affectionate


bei qi dao tian ming

Weeping Till Dawn

寫封信給我 就當最後約定

xie feng xin gei wo  jiu dang zui hou yue ding

Write me a letter as a final deal.

說你在離開我的時候 是怎樣的心情

shuo ni zai li kai wo de shi hou  shi zen yang de xin qing

About how you felt when you left me.


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