Haixing bought a necklace called a fake one loses three on the Internet. I didn’t expect the other party to directly send four of them. Although it looks a bit fake, the Marquis can only make use of it first. Haixing didn’t forget to take the remaining few necklaces along. Send money money. Fang Lu was sad because of the matter with Mary, and hurried to receive the news that the Marquis wanted to see her. The Marquis took out the fake necklace to Fang Lu, saying that it was found in the restaurant. Fang Lu naturally knew that this was not his necklace, and the Marquis didn't insist on it anymore, but he couldn't accept that Wu Shiyi stole Fang Lu's necklace. Fang Lu was in a hurry. Why did the Marquis like Wu Eleven treat her so well again? The Marquis said that she was his own sister, and Wu Xi was the bodyguard who helped him from birth to death, and the necklace was not as important as Wu Xi's future. Fang Lu said in a hurry, she was going to ruin Wu Xi'an, so why could she stay by the Marquis every moment! What the Marquis realized, he thought about many possibilities, but the last thing he wanted to believe was that Fang Lu framed Wu Xi'an. Now it seems that the possibility of covering up is the greatest. The Marquis asked Fang Lu to think clearly about whether to withdraw the case, otherwise he would never forgive him.

The Marquis was worried all day and finally waited until Fang Lu was willing to withdraw the case and asked him to accompany him to the police station. However, the police found Mary at this time. After checking, she found that the necklace she was wearing was the one that Fang Lu had lost. Fang Lu was speechless, turning his head and holding Wu Yi to ask her to forgive herself. Fang Lu was taken by the police to investigate, and the two confessed to the fact that they had framed Wu Xi'an and were detained. But the Marquis was still soft-hearted, helped Fang Lu and Mary get a bail pending trial, and blocked Fang Lu's WeChat account. Fang Lu decided to terminate the contract with Mary, go back to accompany her parents, and then see what to do in the future, the two broke up peacefully and bid farewell amicably. Fang Lu opened the live broadcast room and said goodbye. She did something wrong, and all of this should be over.

Wu Yi and Qian Qian had a dinner with their colleagues and posted photos in the group. After Zhou Quan saw them, they gave the Marquis a look. The Marquis was not hungry, so he immediately went to the restaurant when he saw this. The Marquis just ordered desserts for them, and left after closing the bill. Qianqian knew everything. Wu Shiyi also guessed that this person was the Marquis, and sent a message to thank him. After the dinner, several people encountered someone who was robbed. Wu Yixi, Qianqian and others immediately stepped forward to beat the robbery. The video was photographed and posted on the Internet, which attracted a lot of attention. Starfish hurriedly sent it to the Marquis after seeing it. Mr. Zhao also received a lot of calls from reporters, but those in this line of business could not accept interviews, and he had no idea about becoming a social celebrity.

The Marquis can't wait for Zhou Quan and Wu Xi to make the handover, but the company asks Zhou Quan to continue to serve the Marquis. This is the service provided by Party A. The Marquis wanted to call Wu Xi'an back, in order to avoid thinking about it and explaining that he was only used to Wu Xi'an. Zhou Quan understood what the Marquis thought about Wu Xi, and advised him to say what he liked, but for a while, the Marquis didn't figure out whether he really liked her.

Wu Shiyi, Qian Qian and others were praised by Mr. Zhao for their bravery, and they clarified what Wu Shixi had encountered some time ago, and also expressed affirmation of her approach. Mr. Zhao and Hou Zhirong passed the gap, and he still hoped that the male bodyguard would protect him by the Marquis's side, so Wu 11 couldn't get back to the Marquis's side, but during this time he would still get performance in accordance with the contract standards.

Hou Zhirong asked Mr. Ma to help buy a bag, intending to give it money. The Marquis ran to persuade Hou Zhirong to let Wu Yixian come back to work, but Hou Zhirong felt that the female bodyguard was too troublesome, and the male bodyguard was more appropriate. The Marquis was suddenly a little impatient, and he said a lot without mentioning it, which aroused Hou Zhirong's alertness. The relationship between him and Wu Yi did not seem to be as simple as an employment relationship. The colleagues in the office all saw that Xiao Min liked Mr. Ma, and deliberately matched them. Mr. Ma was afraid to show his feet and hurriedly stated that he did not like this one. Xiao Min slammed the door when he heard it.


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