Wei Zhao originally planned to set a fire in Bieyuan on the birthday party of Pei Yan's mother Rong Yudie, but he moved Teng Rui out without anyone noticing, creating the illusion that Teng Rui was burned to death, and accused Pei Yan of dereliction of duty. Pei Yan was kicked out completely for the crime. Unexpectedly, Pei Yan took the initiative to ask Emperor Xie Che to investigate the truth about the fire, and even brought Jiang Ci to investigate the case. Wei Zhao's plan failed again. When he learned that Xie Che Che secretly summoned Rong Yudie, and Jiang Ci was also present. He was very frustrated.

Wei Zhao stepped up the training of the Guangming Guards and let them fight with real guns and swords. Xie Che accidentally saw this scene and admired Wei Zhao very much. More than ten years ago, Wei Zhao was still a slave living in the Great Star Kingdom. His excellent martial arts and ruthless methods came to the fore, and Xie Che entrusted him with an important task. Concubine Wei was virtuous and virtuous, and won Xie Che's favor. The only thing Concubine Wei couldn't worry about was her long-lost brother. Xie Che promised to go all out to help her find his brother.

Wei Zhao imprisoned Teng Rui in the Shadow Pavilion dungeon. Teng Rui imagined that General Lei would bring people to rescue him. However, many days passed and General Lei Zhen did not show up. Teng Rui gave up completely. Pei Yan took Jiang Ci and Cui Liang to the Bieyuan where Teng Rui lived temporarily to investigate carefully. The place was burned to ruins. Wei Zhao then came and asked Pei Yan about the progress of the fire case. He also cynicized Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci dared to I dare not speak when I am angry.

After careful analysis, Pei Yan and Cui Liang quickly calculated the time when the murderer set the fire. Pei Yan was curious about Wei Zhao's whereabouts during that time. Wei Zhao lied that he went to the kitchen to find porridge, and even pulled Jiang Ci to testify for him. Jiang Ci thought hard and couldn't figure out how the murderer entered Bieyuan. Wei Zhao suddenly appeared beside her. Jiang Ci hugged Wei Zhao and shouted for help. Wei Zhao took advantage of the situation and jumped into the water holding Jiang Ci.

After hearing the news, Pei Yan and Cui Liang rushed over and called for guards to rescue Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci. Wei Zhao was in a coma due to drowning. After everyone tried their best to rescue him, Wei Zhao came to life. Pei Yan was curious about why Jiang Ci and Wei Zhao fell into the water at the same time. Jiang Ci Making random excuses to cover up the past. Wei Zhao suspected that Lei Zhen was the murderer who burned Teng Rui to death because he wanted to provoke a war between Da Ming and Wei. Pei Yan did not believe it at all. He analyzed through various signs that the arsonist was Xiao Wuxia, the son of Xiao Haitian, the lord of Yueluo City. Wei Zhao Jiang Ci was stunned for a moment when he heard the name. Jiang Ci saw that something was wrong with him, but did not say it to his face.

Jiang Ci cooked a pot of Yueluo City's famous clear porridge for Pei Yan, Wei Zhao and others to taste, hoping to arouse Wei Zhao's nostalgia for his hometown Yueluo. Jiang Ci also tested Wei Zhao in every possible way, and Wei Zhao's answers were flawless. After dinner, Pei Yan and Wei Zhao discussed the case. Pei Yan wanted Wei Zhao to take Jiang Ci to see Tong Min in the prison, and wanted to find out the details of the night of the crime from Tong Min. Wei Zhao didn't want them to meet, but he didn't want them to meet. Inconvenient to block. Pei Yan was suspicious of Jiang Ci. He was worried about Jiang Ci's safety, but Jiang Ci didn't take it seriously.

Wei Zhao took Jiang Ci to the prison and arranged for Jiang Ci to meet Tong Min. Tong Min told in detail what happened on the night of the incident. At 2:00, Tong Min and Fan Yi came to Teng Rui's residence for inspection and saw Teng Rui from the window. While eating barbecue and drinking, Tong Min patrolled outside and found nothing unusual. Tong Min remembered that the wind was very strong that night, and Fan Yi used this as an excuse to pull Tong Min away.

Wei Zhao went to the prison to find Fan Yi to understand the situation. Jiang Ci also wanted to go with him. Wei Zhao had to take her and An Cheng there. Fan Yi owed 3,000 taels of silver due to gambling, and the creditor forced him to pay back 3,000 taels. Fan Yi did not dare to When the matter came out, he tried his best to shirk responsibility, insisting that he was just negligent and it was not a capital crime at all. Wei Zhao accused him of colluding with the murderer and threatened him. Fan Yi denied it and asked Wei Zhao to intercede on his behalf. Jiang Ci casually asked about the details of that night, and Fan Yi answered truthfully.

Wei Zhao took Jiang Ci out of the prison. An Cheng had been waiting for them at the door. Wei Zhao took Jiang Ci to wander on the street. Jiang Ci deliberately selected Yueluo's specialties to see Wei Zhao's reaction. Wei Zhao found someone to hold An Cheng back. He called Jiang Ci aside. Jiang Ci suspected Wei Zhao of being an arsonist and murderer and forced him to hand over the little clay cat and promised not to reveal his identity. Wei Zhao denied arson and murder and reached an agreement with Jiang Ci.


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