In order to overthrow Xie Che and make Pei Yan the emperor, Rong Yudie planned carefully for many years and secretly hid gold and silver treasures and a large amount of ordnance in Nanling. However, Pei Yan was not interested in the throne. Rong Yudie still refused to give up and wanted to get rid of Xie Che. Che, she and Xie Che fell in love back then, but Xie Che abandoned her for the throne, so Rong Yudie married Pei Zijing. Rong Yudie hated Xie Che for her whole life.

Rong Yudie persuaded Wei Zhao and Yan Qiaoshuang to cooperate, even at the cost of Yan Qiaoshuang's life. Her plan ultimately failed. Pei Yan pleaded hard in front of Xie Che, and Xie Che spared Rong Yudie the death penalty and was punished. She went to a nunnery to copy scriptures. Pei Yan sent Rong Yudie away from the Jiandinghou Mansion, and Rong Yudie reminded him to be careful about Xie Che. Pei Yan watched the carriage Rong Yudie was riding in gradually go away, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

The servants of the Hou Mansion took down all the lanterns used for the wedding, and the maids also put away the red wedding dress Jiang Ci wore. Pei Yan saw this scene and felt indescribable pain in his heart. He originally wanted to marry Jiang Ci happily. Back home, because Rong Yudie forced the palace and poisoned Jiang Ci's master Yan Qiaoshuang, a good marriage was ruined. An Cheng and Tong Min both advised Pei Yan to go to the palace to see Jiang Ci. Yan faced her and knew that Jiang Ci would never forgive him. Pei Yan regretted bringing Jiang Ci back to Qingkang, which made Jiang Ci face the pain of losing his only relative. Pei Yan personally took off the big red words "Happy" on the door and window.

Seeing that Pei Yan had lost power, the retainers left the Hou Mansion one after another. Pei Yan was willing to recommend Cui Liang to find another job. Cui Liang was willing to work with Pei Yan in the same boat. An Cheng and Tong Min also swore allegiance to Pei Yan. Pei Yan was moved to tears. Since the death of her master Yan Qiaoshuang, Jiang Ci has been depressed all day long. She did not eat or drink for five days. The palace maid was worried that Jiang Ci could not bear it, so she asked Wei Zhao to persuade Jiang Ci.

Wei Zhao came to see Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci couldn't wait to know why Yan Qiaoshuang appeared in the side hall. Wei Zhao had to tell Rong Yudie about Rong Yudie's plan to find Yan Qiaoshuang to join forces to overthrow Xie Che. Jiang Ci believed that Wei Zhao wanted to replace his father. Xiao Haitian took revenge and forced Yan Qiaoshuang to death. She swore that she never wanted to see Wei Zhao in her life and forced Wei Zhao out. Wei Zhao gave Jiang Ci the relics left by Yan Qiaoshuang, which Yan Qiaoshuang had personally given to Jiang Ci. Wei Zhao persuaded Jiang Ci to cheer up.

Wei Zhao took the initiative to confess to Xie Che. Because of his poor management, Rong Yudie placed his own people in the Forbidden Army. Xie Che wanted to ignore him because he reported the assassin's whereabouts in a timely manner. Wei Zhao wanted to place Rong Yudie in the court. After all the hidden stakes were found, Xie Che knew that Pei Yan alone could not stir up any trouble, and he did not want to pursue the matter anymore. Xie Che was suspicious by nature. He always felt that something was wrong when Wei Zhao came back from Chuzhou, so he asked Tao Zizhu, the general manager of the department, to send someone to Chuzhou to check if there was anything unusual about Wei Zhao there. Tao Zizhu sent Jiang Yuan to Chuzhou.

Jiang Ci couldn't afford to fall ill because she was so sad. Cui Liang came to see her. Wei Zhao saw Jiang Ci regaining consciousness and left with peace of mind. Cui Liang persuaded Jiang Ci kindly, and Jiang Ci was willing to take the medicine. Dong Juan happened to come to see Jiang Ci. She and Cui Liang came out of the palace together. The more the two chatted, the more they became more speculative, and they both had a good impression of each other.

Ever since Rong Yudie failed to force the palace, many rumors spread among the people, saying that Xie Che had killed Qi King Xie Chun. King Zhuang Xie Yu overheard these rumors and immediately reported it to the prince Xie Chi, asking Xie Chi to find Xie Che to find out the whole story. Che inquired about the cause of death of King Xie Chun of Qi. Xie Che made it clear that he did not kill Xie Chun and asked Xie Chi to persuade Jiang Ci. Xie Chi immediately decided to hold a family banquet to let Jiang Ci feel the relationship between his family members. Compassionate feelings.

Xie Che weighed it over and over again and decided to get rid of Jiang Ci in order to make the rumors disappear completely. Xie Che came to visit Jiang Ci in person and brought many exquisite snacks. Jiang Yuan found Yan Qiaoshuang's spiritual tablet in Jiang Ci's room. Xie Che was very angry and burned Yan Qiaoshuang's spiritual tablet on the spot. Jiang Ci tried his best to grab it, but was held tightly by Tao Zizhu. Jiang Ci begged for thanks. Che left Yan Qiao Shuang's spirit card and repeatedly emphasized that Yan Qiao Shuang was not an assassin. Xie Che left in anger.

Xie Yu has coveted the position of prince for a long time. He deliberately encouraged Xie Chi to uncover Xie Che's scars, which completely angered Xie Che. Unexpectedly, Xie Che did not punish Xie Chi at all, and Xie Yu felt indignant. When Wei Zhao learned about this, he wanted to use it to cause trouble for Xie Che. Xie Chi held a family banquet and asked everyone to prepare a dish. Xie Che tasted the dishes prepared by Xie Chi and Xie Yu. Jiang Ci made the ginkgo and hibiscus soup with her own hands. Xie Che was full of praise for her craftsmanship, but Jiang Ci remained depressed. , Xie Che filled another bowl and drank it all in one gulp, and suddenly fainted on his seat. Jiang Ci was arrested and taken to the Dali Temple jail on suspicion of poisoning.

When Wei Zhao learned about this, he immediately sent Yi Fei to prepare things. He asked Jiang Ci to find out the reason. Yu Jiming, the minister of Dali Temple, interrogated Jiang Ci overnight. Jiang Ci insisted that she had not poisoned. Wei Zhao came later and he He wanted to interrogate Jiang Ci in person, ask Jiang Ci to recall all the details of the family dinner, and then record them one by one.


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