Hong Jie fell in love with Yu Lian at first sight and confessed to Yu Lian at the gathering. Yu Lian was not interested in him. Hong Jie pursued Yu Lian, but Yu Lian avoided him. When he met Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci, Yu Lian Lying that he likes a man like Wei Zhao, Hong Jie vows to surpass Wei Zhao and make Yu Lian look at him with admiration. After Hong Jie left, Yulian explained to Wei Zhao that she was not interested in her children's affair.

Jiang Ci wanted to go to Lone Star Peak to find the seeds of the coffin flower. Wei Zhao helped her make a tool. Jiang Ci climbed up the Lone Star Peak alone. After unremitting efforts, she finally found the seeds of the coffin flower and planted them by the river. I hope the coffin flower will bloom soon. Uncle Ping persuaded Wei Zhao to use Jiang Ci to lure out the Yan Qiaoshuang sisters to clear Xiao Haitian's suspicion. Wei Zhao thought about it again and again before agreeing. He asked Uncle Ping to release the news about Jiang Ci's stay in Yueluo, and also sent Xiao Ni to Xiao Ni. The cat was secretly put into Jiang Ci's room.

Lu Yu wrote a memorial to ask Xie Che for military rations. Xie Che was suspicious of him, but in the end he sent them all. Lu Yu decided to send troops to Yueluo, and he made careful arrangements in advance. When Jiang Ci returned to her residence, she accidentally saw that the little clay cat given to her by her master had been lost and found. Jiang Ci saw the little clay cat being crushed with her own eyes. She suspected that Wei Zhao had tricked the little clay cat into someone else, and she had crushed the one. Wei Zhao kept claiming that he was reluctant to let Jiang Ci leave, so he transferred the two little clay cats to him, but Jiang Ci didn't think much about it.

Lu Yu summoned the Zhenyuan Army overnight and gave them a battle plan. Pei Yan tried his best to stop him, but Lu Yu didn't listen at all, and even asked him to conquer Yueluo together. Pei Yan was worried about Jiang Ci and agreed to go with Lu Yu. He asked An Cheng sneaked into the city to rescue Jiang Ci. Lu Yu sent Wang Xun and his troops to disguise themselves as Yueluo people and sneak into the city from behind, and then cooperated inside and outside to break the city.

Jiang Ci left Wei Zhao's home when it was dark. She was going to find her master. Jiang Ci waited until dawn before resting on the roadside. Suddenly she saw a small group of ordinary people passing by. These people walked vigorously and uniformly. Jiang Ci suspected their identity, so he followed them quietly. When he saw the weapons hidden in their backpacks, he realized that they were soldiers from the Zhenyuan Army pretending to be soldiers.

Elder Hong and Hong Jie came to report to Wei Zhao early in the morning. Lu Yu led the Zhenyuan Army to invade Yueluo in a large scale. Wei Zhao immediately summoned the people to fight. Wang Xang and the soldiers disguised themselves as Yueluo people. They ambush at the bridge. Wei Zhao and Hong Jie led the Yueluo people to the bridge. Jiang Ci suddenly appeared on the other side of the bridge. She played Yueluo's ditty. An Cheng hid on the side of the bridge and could see it clearly.

Jiang Ci hinted that there was an ambush on the other side of the bridge. Wei Zhao asked Hong Jie to lead the people to evacuate. Seeing this, Wang Yang bent his bow and shot an arrow at Jiang Ci. Wei Zhao rushed forward to protect Jiang Ci regardless of his own safety. He asked Hong Jie to cut the bridge in pieces. If the Zhenyuan Army rushes over, Yueluo City cannot be defended. Wang Xang ordered a volley of arrows, and Wei Zhao used his body to protect Jiang Ci. He was shot in the back, and Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci both fell into the water.

Hong Jie cut off the rope and blocked the way of Zhenyuan Army, so they had to leave in anger. Jiang Ci and Wei Zhao swam to a mountain stream, and Jiang Ci helped him treat his wounds. Wei Zhao was dying due to excessive blood loss, so Jiang Ci had to find wild fruits to satisfy his hunger. Lu Yu personally led an army to attack Yueluo. The people fled in all directions and were displaced. Elder Hong and Hong Jie led the people to resist desperately. In the end, they were defeated because the enemy was outnumbered. They fought and retreated to cover the people's refuge in the city.

An Cheng failed to find the whereabouts of Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci, so he had to come back to report to Pei Yan. Pei Yan was so anxious that he decided to enter the city in person. Wei Zhao finally regained consciousness and insisted on returning to Yueluo to resist the Zhenyuan Army. Jiang Ci accompanied him back. Elder Hong asked Elder Ping and Hong Jie to cover the people entering the city and close the city gate. He stayed and started a desperate battle with the Zhenyuan Army.

Pei Yan rushed to the city gate and saw Elder Hong struggling to support him. He persuaded Elder Hong to surrender and surrender. Elder Hong vowed to die unyielding. He did not want his tribe to make efforts to expand the country and start a fierce battle with Pei Yan. Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci came galloping on horseback and saw Elder Hong being pierced through the body from a distance. Wei Zhao jumped down and helped Elder Hong onto his horse. Jiang Ci pulled Elder Hong's horse into the city, while Wei Zhao stayed to fight Pei Yan.

Lu Yu saw this scene from the top of the mountain and ordered a volley of arrows. Tong Min forcibly stopped Lu Yu, so Lu Yu had to give up. Wei Zhao fought and retreated, and finally entered the city at full speed. Elder Hong was unconscious due to severe injuries. Hong Jie was so sad that he called out to Elder Hong. Elder Hong told Hong Jie with his last breath to become a good man in the future, return the white jade hairpin to Wei Zhao, and then closed his eyes forever. Eyes wide, everyone present knelt down to mourn Elder Hong.

Lu Yu personally led the army to fight hard for a whole day. The Zhenyuan army lost 3,000 troops and failed to capture Yueluo City. Pei Yan came back and reported to Lu Yu. Lu Yu put all the blame for the defeat on Pei Yan. Pei Yan His maid Jiang Ci sabotaged his plan, and Pei Yan did not explain. He saw that Lu Yu wanted to delay his return to Qingkang by attacking Yueluo, and deliberately made various excuses.


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