Rong Yudie placed a close confidant in Changfengwu, Nanling's hometown. The cronies reported to her every move of Pei Yan and Jiang Ci in a timely manner. Rong Yudie learned that Pei Yan had asked Ayan to live in Changfengwu, and she was in Nanling. Lingbihe Villa secretly hides weapons, hoping to revive the Pei family one day.

Over the years, He Zhenwen has been dealing with people of the Pei clan. He tried every means to shift the arms case to the corruption of the Pei clan. Unexpectedly, Ayan suddenly appeared. He was worried that Pei Yan would find out the secret of the hidden weapons in Bihe Villa, and he didn't know it for a while. What should he do, he had to come to Bihe Villa to report to Nanny Du. Nanny Du reminded him not to let Pei Yan find out the secret of Bihe Villa, otherwise his life would be at risk.

He Yonglin was stabbed in the palm by Wei Zhao. He Zhenwen was very distressed. He vowed to take revenge on He Zhenwen. He Zhenwen told the story about A Yan. He Yonglin came up with the idea to release false news, saying that the bodies of the burned craftsmen were left in the casting workshop. Relic, I want to use it to take advantage of Ayan.

Pei Yan sent An Cheng and Tong Min to inquire about the craftsmen working in the same workshop as Zheng Sheng, but found nothing. Pei Yan was so anxious that Jiang Ci made Dingsheng cakes to cheer him up. Wei Zhao came to Ayan to inquire about the news, but Ayan refused to answer. Wei Zhao felt sour when he saw Pei Yan holding the Dingsheng cake made by Jiang Ci.

Ayan accidentally heard that the craftsman's relics were found in the work shed, and she secretly left the Hou Mansion while Jiang Ci was sleeping. Jiang Ci woke up and found that Ayan was missing, so she immediately went to Wei Zhao to inquire, but Wei Zhao didn't know where Ayan was. He Yonglin designed to attract Ayan and caught her on the spot. He Yonglin took the opportunity to rape Ayan.

Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci looked around for A Yan, and finally saw A Yan in the casting workshop. He Yongli showed off his power in front of Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci rushed up to fight with him, and the two fought together. Wei Zhao arrived in time and taught He Yonglin a lesson. , knocking him to the ground on the spot. Ayan wanted to die, but Jiang Ci tried hard to persuade her not to do stupid things. Wei Zhao also encouraged her to stand up and fight back bravely to avenge Zheng Sheng. Ayan cried sadly, and Jiang Ci gave her good words. Ayan vowed to sue He Yonglin and tell all this to the world.

Wei Zhao asked Yi Fei to escort He Yongli and the group of thugs to parade through the streets. They came to the governor's office. He Zhenwen and Pei Yan heard the news and came over. Ayan wanted to sue He Yongli for bullying men and women. He Zhenwen tried his best to defend He Yonglin and asked Pei Yan heard the case and gave He Yonglin an hour to deal with his injuries. He also deliberately showed a peony jade pendant. Pei Yan recognized it at a glance as a personal belonging of his mother Rong Yudie and understood everything immediately.

Pei Yan repeatedly decided to try the case an hour later and let Wei Zhao serve as a jury. Jiang Ci asked Pei Yan to give A Yan justice. He Zhenwen invited Pei Yan to Bihe Villa, where gold and silver treasures and a large amount of ordnance were hidden. This was the wealth that allowed Pei Yan to dominate the world. He Zhenwen admitted that he had killed Zheng Sheng and others because Zheng Sheng had discovered the secret of inferior weapons. He Zhenwen was lucky enough to meet Rong Yudie when he was depressed. Rong Yudie helped him get promoted step by step, so he collected evidence of the Pei clan members. He Zhenwen knelt down and begged Pei Yan to let He Yonglin go. He Yongli was his only son. If He Yongli dies, He Zhenwen will have nothing to worry about.

Pei Yan was caught in a dilemma. He didn't want to betray the trust of Jiang Ci and Ayan, but he also didn't want his mother's years of hard work to go to waste. An hour passed quickly. Pei Yan began to hear A Yan's case. He Yonglin was taken into custody. A Yan reported that the foundry department used counterfeit goods and even caused a fire to kill Zheng Sheng. He Zhenwen defended himself in every possible way. Wei Zhao sent people to find him in the army. Weapons, He Yonglin kept claiming that Ayan had sold them to the He family a long time ago, and that he and Ayan belonged to the He family. The people were in an uproar, and Ayan was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He Zhenwen told the story of that year. Ayan's father, Li Song, was a slave of the He family. Li Song sold Ayan to the He family. He saved He Zhenwen's life. He Zhenwen gave him a big yard. He Zhenwen couldn't bear to let Ayan go. Yan is a slave. Jiang Ci suspected that He Zhenwen was forgery, but the seal on the deed of sale was genuine. He Zhenwen asked He Yongli to marry Ayan. Pei Yan persuaded Ayan to marry He Yongli. Ayan pulled out the hairpin and wanted to kill He Yongli. He Yongli tried his best to dodge, but Wei Zhao stood up and questioned Pei Yan's unfair handling of the case, and grabbed the hairpin tightly. The hairpin stabbed his hand and blood flowed to the ground. Pei Yan immediately decided to wait three days for the verdict. Jiang Ci and Wei Zhao were disappointed with Pei Yan, and they accompanied A Yan to leave the governor's office.


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