After Pei Yan and Wei Zhao's unremitting efforts, the arms case was finally investigated, but Wei Zhao was not happy. He felt that the case was too smooth, as if someone was leading them step by step. First, they discovered that the rice shop was selling old rice. Then he followed the Chen Mi to find the eight major granaries, and then found out that the Pei clan used the money from the granaries to supplement the deficit of the foundry department, and finally found out that the Pei clan was corrupt.

The more Wei Zhao thought about it, the more something was wrong. He found that Pei Yan had been too preoccupied recently and was not in the mood to find out the whereabouts of the Yan Qiao Shuang sisters. He concluded that Pei Yan was also kept in the dark, so Wei Zhao sent Yi Fei to secretly find the whereabouts of the Yan Qiao Shuang sisters. destination. Pei Yan has long been aware of the insidiousness of the Pei clan. He did not dare to continue the investigation and could only close the case hastily. Pei Yan was so enthusiastic that he could not forget that after the death of his father Pei Zijing, their orphans and widowed mother were kicked out of the house by the clan, and their mother Rong Yu Die reminds Pei Yan to remember that people like the Pei family have ugly faces and work hard to become stronger, so that they will not be used as a stepping stone by others. Pei Yan is still indignant when he thinks about it.

Jiang Ci saw that Pei Yan was worried and greeted him. Pei Yan felt warm in his heart. He promised to take Jiang Ci to the south for sightseeing after finishing these things. Jiang Ci wanted to go to the governor's Yamen warehouse to receive rice relief for the ruined temple. Pei Yan approved a note for the hungry people, but the people in the yamen didn't buy it at all. They only gave Jiang Ci two bags of rice, which was far from enough. Jiang Ci decided to think of another way and asked Cui Liang to cook porridge to help the hungry people first.

Jiang Ci came to the riverside to ask Ayan for help, and Ayan took her to fish for bitter grass from the river to feed the hungry people. When He Yonglin heard that Jiang Ci went to the riverside, he immediately led people to teach Jiang Ci a lesson, wanting to avenge his father He Zhenwen. He Yonglin led people to the riverside aggressively and spoke harshly to Jiang Ci. He rushed up to beat Jiang Ci, but Wei Zhao was just in time. He rushed over and pierced He Yonglin's palm with a dagger. He Yonglin was so frightened that he fled in a hurry. Jiang Ci thanked Wei Zhao for rescuing him again.

Jiang Ci and Ayan came to the temple to cook porridge. Ayan specifically asked Jiang Ci to boil the bitter herbs and rice separately. Jiang Ci didn't think much about it. She cooked the porridge with her own hands and asked Wei Zhao for a few pieces of sugar to put in the porridge. , Wei Zhao suddenly noticed that Ayan looked panicked and hid the knife ring hanging on her chest in her clothes. He was very puzzled. A little boy wanted to eat meat. Jiang Ci asked him to close his eyes and imagine a bowl of beef porridge in front of him. The hungry people couldn't help but close their eyes and start imagining, and Wei Zhao did the same.

Jiang Ci felt relieved when she saw the long-lost smiles of the hungry people. Wei Zhao couldn't bear it, so he took Jiang Ci to the Pei family's granary to grab rice and meat. Wei Zhao took Jiang Ci to the warehouse. The guards not only refused to give them rice and meat, but also beat them up. Wei Zhao easily subdued them and they took out the rice and meat obediently.

Jiang Ci was in a good mood. She bought a kitten made of sugar melon on the roadside and gave it to Wei Zhao to express her gratitude. She kept comparing it on Wei Zhao's face. Wei Zhao couldn't help but laugh at her cute expression. Jiang Ci didn't come back very late, and Pei Yan was very worried. When he learned that Jiang Ci followed Wei Zhao to the Pei family to grab food, he felt sour.

Pei Yan went to the door to wait for Jiang Ci. From a distance, he saw Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci walking back talking and laughing. He felt very uncomfortable. Jiang Ci wanted to sleep with his maid. Wei Zhao laughed at Jiang Ci, a doting maid who didn't have anything of his own. room, Pei Yan promised to give Jiang Ci a private room, and Wei Zhao left with peace of mind.

Pei Yan ordered the culprit of the arms case to be paraded through the streets, and the people threw vegetable leaves at him. Jiang Ci and Ayan went to the street to pick up vegetable leaves, and then returned to the ruined temple to cook vegetable porridge for the hungry people. Pei Yan and Wei Zhaoquan saw this In eyes. Pei Yan personally delivered food to the hungry people, and Jiang Ci thanked him for his help. After Pei Yan left, Ayan asked Jiang Ci to find Pei Yan to avenge her father.

Yi Fei secretly investigated the whereabouts of the sisters Yan Qiaoshuang and found out that they once lived in Zheng Sheng's home. Zheng Sheng was a craftsman in the Foundry Department and was burned to death in the fire. Wei Zhao was even more certain that the case in the Foundry Department was far more than just that. He sent Yi Fei to continue investigating. Wei Zhao saw a woman's footprints at Zheng Sheng's house. She recalled Ayan's abnormal behavior and suspected that the footprints were Ayan's. Moreover, Ayan didn't like mixing ingredients together to cook porridge. It was obviously left after being enslaved for too long. In the psychological shadow, Wei Zhao suspected that Ayan was a descendant of Zhao Wu, but he suffered from the lack of conclusive evidence.

It turns out that Zheng Sheng is A-yan's fiancé. Two months ago, Zheng Sheng was working in the foundry department and accidentally discovered a secret. Except for the A-size work shed, the other work sheds were all made of scrap iron. Zheng Sheng told A-yan about this. Yan was burned to death soon after. Ayan suspected that he had been killed and silenced, so she went to find other craftsmen to learn about the situation, but they all left one after another. Ayan wanted to find Pei Yan to avenge Zheng Sheng. Jiang Ci took Ayan to pick up Pei Yan. Ayan took out the sword ring that Zheng Sheng had given her before his death. The material of this sword ring was different from that of other sheds. Pei Yan asked Ayan to temporarily live in the Hou Mansion.

Pei Yan thought carefully about it and was extremely frightened. He knew that there was another hidden story in the arms case, but he did not dare to continue the investigation. He just wanted to make it a corruption case so as not to arouse the suspicion of Emperor Xie Che of the Liang Dynasty. He sent An Cheng to find someone who worked with Zheng Sheng. Craftsman, check the relationship between sisters Zheng Sheng and Yan Qiaoshuang again. Pei Yan reminded An Cheng not to let Wei Zhao know that there is something hidden in the arms case.

Wei Zhao urged Pei Yan to return to Qingkang as soon as possible to return his mission to Emperor Liang. Pei Yan used the excuse that he still had finishing work, so Wei Zhao decided to stay with him. Ayan wanted to give Pei Yan a gift to express her gratitude, but she didn't know what he liked, and Jiang Ci didn't know either. When she saw Wei Zhao going out, she secretly went to his room to look for the little clay cat. Wei Zhao suddenly returned, and Jiang Ci asked He asked what gift to give.


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