Xiaoyao chatted with the elderly Tian'er. Through Tian'er's words, Xiaoyao suspected that it was her own fault that she and Tu Shanjing got to where they are today. Xiaoyao stood up and left. She rubbed Tian'er's face and told her that she had done a good job. Chuanzi would definitely regret marrying her, and she and Lao Mu were both very happy. Tian'er looked at Xiaoyao, very shocked, and asked her in a low voice who she was, but Xiaoyao didn't answer, turned around and left with Xiang Liu. Tian'er looked at Xiaoyao's back and realized it was Brother Six. She choked with sobs and called Brother Six, then knelt down and kowtowed.

Xiaoyao didn't know why Xiang Liu wanted to steal the marriage. Later, with Xiang Liu's explanation, she found out that Tu Shanjing hired him, but Xiang Liu didn't ask for money. He just asked Tu Shanjing and Cheng Nuo to provide Chen Rong Rebels with money. 37 years of food and grass. But Tu Shanjing hoped that Xiang Liu would complete the robbery before the wedding, not let more people know about it, and try to minimize the damage. But Xiang Liu said that he didn't need to worry about it. He didn't need to worry about how to complete the work he took on.

Xiang Liu agreed to let Xiao Yao leave, and told her not to reveal the news that she was Fang Feng Bei, otherwise she would die of heartache, after all, the poison was still there. After that, they demonstrated it on the spot. Xiaoyao was heartbroken and couldn't stand up, so she fell to the ground. Only then did Xiaoyao understand the reason why Xiang Liu was unwilling to remove the poison. He just wanted to plot against himself, Xiang Liu didn't say much, he just said that he was such a person, and then left, leaving Xiaoyao alone.

Xiaoyao found Yu Xin and asked him to take him to Qingqiu to find Tu Shanjing. Yu Xin saw that Xiaoyao was extraordinary and decided to take her to Qingqiu. Xiang Liu looked at the background of Xiaoyao leaving with a smile on his face. He showed a look of relief, knowing that Fangfeng Bei died, and he would give Xiaoyao a person who would be with him for a long time.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao unexpectedly visited Tu Shan Mansion. Upon seeing this, Jing Ye quickly conveyed the news to Tu Shan Jing. Upon learning of Jiu Yao's arrival, Tu Shanjing felt indescribable joy in his heart. He hurriedly arranged his appearance, eager to be in the best condition to welcome her arrival. However, when Hao Ling Jiu Yao stepped into the house, a complex emotion surged into her heart. The feeling of timidity caused her to feel a little regret for her impulse, and she had the idea of ​​leaving. She tried to sneak away quietly from the window lattice, but accidentally tripped. At this critical moment, Tu Shanjing arrived in time and held her firmly.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao hurriedly explained that she came here on impulse because she was angry about Xiang Liu's incident. But Tu Shanjing didn't seem to fully listen to her explanation. He just looked at her dreamily, his eyes full of tenderness and concern. He cleverly used the excuse that it was already dark to invite her to stay the night, and cast a spell to make a blizzard fall from the sky, as if the whole world was cheering for their reunion.

Faced with this scene, Hao Ling Jiu Yao finally agreed to stay, but she still had thousands of words in her heart that she wanted to express. She whispered to Tu Shanjing that she had something to say to him, and when Tu Shanjing heard this, a gentle smile broke out on his face, and he responded that he also had a lot of things to say that he wanted to share with her. So, on this windy and snowy night, the two hearts quietly approached each other, preparing to have a spiritual dialogue together.

Xi Yanxuanxuan's subordinates noticed that carriages frequently came and went from Tushan Mansion. Xuanxuan keenly speculated that Hao Ling Jiuyao must be in Tushan Mansion at this moment, and they were likely to have been staying in Qingshui Town recently. Therefore, he immediately sent his confidants to Tushan Mansion to pick up Hao Ling Jiu Yao, and sent another team to Qingshui Town to investigate in detail Hao Ling Jiu Yao's whereabouts and experiences in the past few days.

In Tushan Mansion, Hao Ling Jiu Yao confessed her heart to Tu Shan Jing. She admitted that she had been paying attention to him silently over the years, and revealed the true face of Fang Feng Yiying, pointing out his hypocrisy, cunning, and deep scheming. She apologized to Tu Shanjing with deep remorse, regretting that she knew Fangfeng Yiying would take advantage of his kindness, but failed to take action in time, and instead put all the responsibility on him. She recalled that the two could have overcome the difficulties together, but because of her distrust and self-righteousness, he fought alone and eventually fell into a trap. Haoling Jiuyao's tears fell like a fountain. Tu Shanjing hugged her tightly and comforted her by saying that all this was not her fault, but his own failure to fulfill his promise to her. In the affectionate exchange of words, the two regretted that their past mistakes could not be undone, but the knot in their hearts was finally resolved.

However, at this moment, Tu Shanjing suddenly coughed violently and even coughed up blood, which frightened Hao Ling Jiu Yao. She quickly checked his pulse and found that his injuries were far more serious than imagined. Jingye explained on the side that this was all because Tu Shanjing missed Haoling Jiuyao for a long time. Tu Shanjing stopped Jingye from further explanation and asked the others to retreat, leaving only him and Haoling Jiuyao. Hao Ling Jiu Yao hugged Tu Shan Jing with heartache and self-blame, and decided to prepare a prescription for him so that he could rest in peace. Tu Shanjing gratefully accepted her kindness and gave her the precious Yu Dan Zi as a medical fee.

Just as the two of them were emotionally blending, the people sent by Xi Yanxuanxuan had arrived. Hao Ling Jiu Yao took the Yu Dan Zi with mixed feelings in her heart. Although Tu Shanjing was reluctant to leave, he still smiled and watched her leave with the others.

On the other side, Xiang Liu's adoptive father was inspecting the grain and grass reserves and curiously asked about their origin. Xiang Liu's words were vague, only revealing that Xi Yan might take action in the near future, so that they could be prepared for precautions. Seeing this, the adoptive father stopped asking any more questions.

When Hao Ling Jiu Yao returned home, her grandfather was furious and asked about Fang Feng Bei. She responded calmly that Fangfeng Bei had passed away and did not want to mention it again. Xi Yanxuan worked cleverly to find a reasonable excuse for Jiu Yao to escape from marriage and calm his grandfather's anger. The two of them had a tacit understanding in private. They had already known about the mystery of Fang Feng Bei and Xiang Liu, but they had a tacit agreement to keep it secret. When Jiu Yao is alone, her mood is difficult to calm down. She is grateful for Xuan Xuan's help, but she is also confused about the future. But she knows very well that as a daughter of the Haoling family, she must face all challenges with strength.


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