When the wedding between Xiaoyao and Chishui Fenlong reached the most critical moment, Tu Shanjing hid in the dark, tears falling silently, and her heart was like a knife. Just as the bride and groom were preparing to go to the wedding hall to get married, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the tranquility of the scene. Xiang Liu burst in like a sudden storm and asked Xiao Yao to give up the wedding. There was a trace of struggle in Xiaoyao's eyes, but in the end she shook her head firmly and asked Xiang Liu to leave immediately. Xiang Liu did not give up. He reminded Xiao Yao in a serious tone whether he still remembered the vow he had made. These words were like a bolt from the blue, making Xiaoyao's face turn pale instantly. She closed her eyes in pain, as if she had returned to the moment when the vow came true. Seeing this, Xiang Liu once again begged her to leave with him, promising to protect her from all harm. However, Xiaoyao asked Xiang Liu why he intervened in her life in such an almost insulting way, putting her in a dilemma. Xiang Liu remained silent, with a flash of complicated emotions in his eyes. He knew that his behavior might cause irreparable harm to Xiaoyao, but he couldn't just watch her enter what he thought was a wrong marriage. In the end, Xiang Liu just firmly asked Xiao Yao to go with him again, with an unquestionable determination in his tone. After a fierce ideological struggle, Xiaoyao finally made a decision. She apologized apologetically to Chishui Fenglong, and then resolutely chose to leave with Xiang Liu. Chishui Fenglong's face was full of disappointment and sadness, but he still held back his tears and waved to his men to let them go. The news quickly spread throughout the continent. Xuanxuan of Xiyan secretly rejoiced after learning about it, while Chenrong Xinyue was furious. She couldn't understand why someone would be so bold to destroy a carefully prepared wedding.

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao, his eyes full of complicated emotions. He was worried that if he ruined Xiao Yao's wedding, she would hate him. Xiaoyao smiled bitterly, with a trace of exhaustion flashing in his eyes: "What does it matter if you hate him or not? There is an unfinished love debt between me and him." She turned to ask Xiang Liu when he learned about her marriage. News. Xiang Liu replied that he knew it before she decided to leave Haoling.

Xiaoyao became emotional after hearing this. She asked Xiang Liu: "You obviously had enough time to stop all this, so why did you choose to make me the target of public criticism at the wedding? You let the Chishui clan and the Chenrong clan form a relationship with me. The incomprehensible hatred has damaged Haoling's national prestige, ruined my reputation, and made me the laughingstock of the wilderness. Why do you treat me like this?" Xiang Liu responded in silence, with an indescribable bitterness flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao's heart was full of disappointment and helplessness. She sighed softly: "That's it, maybe this is my fate, destined to be swayed in the wind and rain." She felt more tired than ever before, and said to Xiang Liu: "I'm tired. You go." Xiang Liu nodded silently, turned and left, leaving Xiao Yao alone, tears falling silently.

Soon after, the old King Yan of Xi unexpectedly appeared and broke off Xiaoyao's engagement with Chishui Fenglong. This news made Xiaoyao feel a little relieved, but at the same time, it also made her full of confusion about the future. When Xi Yanxuan learned about this, he immediately sent people to find Xiaoyao's whereabouts.

In Haoling's country, ministers were full of hostility towards Fangfeng Bei (Xiang Liu's pseudonym). They were worried that his existence would pose a threat to Haoling's country, and some even suggested that King Haoling execute him. However, King Haoling had great admiration for Fangfengbei. Not only did he not follow the advice of his ministers, but he also came up with the idea of ​​letting Fangfengbei marry Xiaoyao. This decision put Xiaoyao into a dilemma again.

Xiaoyao looked at Xiangliu worriedly and asked softly: "Fangfeng Bei made such a big mistake, how will he deal with himself in the future?" Xiangliu's answer was decisive and cold: "Of course he will die to atone for his sins." Xiaoyao After hearing this, her heart felt like a knife. She held back tears and said angrily: "Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei, you are so different. When he really gets to that point, I will never shed a tear for him." Although Xiang Liu was experiencing ups and downs in his heart, he managed to remain calm and maintain his superficial indifference and alienation. There was only one door between the two of them, but they seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, each immersed in endless sorrow.

On the other side, Jingye walked into Tu Shanjing's residence with a medicine bowl in hand. Seeing that his injury was not healed but he was still busy with official duties, she couldn't help but advise with distress: "Master, your health is important, you'd better drink medicine first." Tu Shanjing Jing smiled and declined, saying she would drink later. Seeing that he insisted on doing this, Jingye felt anxious and snatched the letter from his hand, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of the words "Chen Rong Bandit". While she was shocked, she couldn't help but worry about Tu Shanjing's safety and advised him not to get involved in the matter, lest he get into trouble. Tu Shanjing looked firm, saying that he had to handle the matter personally to ensure nothing went wrong. Jingye was puzzled and asked why, but Tu Shanjing just smiled lightly and didn't say much.

At this time, although Xiaoyao has returned to Qingshui Town, the warmth and excitement of the past no longer exist, replaced by the desolation and loneliness of things and people changing. She had no intention of going out and wanted to drink with Xiang Liu to soothe her sorrows. When Xiang Liu saw this, he felt pity and cast a spell to try to find out her true words. He asked her if she was willing to marry Chishui Fenglong, and Xiaoyao shook her head in denial. He asked her again if she was willing to marry Ye Shiqi (Tu Shanjing), and she nodded in agreement. When Xiang Liu further asked who she most wanted to spend her life with, Xiao Yao fell into silence, had a splitting headache and was unable to answer. Seeing this, Xiang Liu quickly put away his spell, hugged the unconscious Xiaoyao tightly, and comforted him gently: "Have a good sleep, you will forget everything when you wake up."

The next morning, Xiaoyao was walking on the street and met Tian'er, an old friend from the past. Although she recognized Tian'er, she didn't dare to recognize him and just listened silently. From Tian'er's mouth, she learned that old friends such as Lao Mu, Mazi, and Chuntao had passed away, and she couldn't help but feel sad. Tian'er also mentioned that Ye Shiqi came back to visit Lao Mu before he died, helping him fulfill his wish and letting him die with a smile. In addition, Ye Shiqi often comes back to visit them, like family members. These words filled Xiaoyao's heart with warmth and made her more convinced of her deep love for Ye Shiqi.

Li Rongchang urgently reported that Xiaoyao was missing, but Tushanjing was unusually calm and only asked about Fenglong's current situation. He gave Li Rongchang a gift to accompany Fenglong, but he refused to look for Xiaoyao. Before, Tushanjing took advantage of Xiaoyao's soft heart, but now he gave her the right to choose. The little fox was by his side. Tushanjing missed Xiaoyao and prayed for her. Safety.


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