In the housekeeper's narration, Xiaoyao's heart was filled with ups and downs. The relics in the house evoked her deep longing for her parents, but resentment also followed them. When she noticed the housekeeper coughing, an instinct drove her closer. Finally, the housekeeper couldn't hide anymore and took off his hat to reveal his face. It turned out to be Xiaoyao's mother, Xiling Heng. Although her face was ruined, her maternal love remained undiminished.

Xiaoyao was shocked and had mixed feelings in her heart. She hugged her mother tightly, tears mixed with resentment and understanding. Xilingheng gently told her difficulties and sacrifices, making Xiaoyao gradually feel relieved. At this moment, the mother and daughter bridged the gap and became spiritually connected.

Xiaoyao knew very well that although her parents' choice made her lonely, it was also for greater responsibility and mission. She decided to inherit her parents' legacy and protect the world with love and courage. This experience made her stronger and made her cherish the family affection and warmth in front of her even more.

When Xiaoyao witnessed the tragic situation of her mother Xilingheng, she felt heartbroken and burst into tears. Xilingheng apologized apologetically and admitted that he owed her a lot. Jiu Yao burst into tears and asked about her father's whereabouts. Heng's mother told her with tears that her father, Chi Chen, had sacrificed himself to save her a chance of survival, and was destroyed in ashes, while she was sealed here to protect this memory. The peach petals danced in the wind, surrounding Jiu Yao, like Chi Chen's gentle embrace, giving her a moment of comfort.

Heng's mother said that she knew that Jiu Yao and Xing Xuan had grown up safely, that her wish had been fulfilled and she was about to leave. Jiu Yao cried and begged her mother not to leave, but she could only watch her gradually disappear before her eyes. Heartbroken, she knelt down and kowtowed, saying goodbye.

Now, under the protection of her parents' spiritual power, Hao Ling Jiu Yao has regained the ability to use the beauty-changing flower technique. This is not only a way to protect herself, but also a memorial to her parents' deep love. She is grateful and determined to cherish this strength and move forward bravely.

At the same time, in order to solve the problem of lover's poison, Xiang Liu went to Baili with the Beast King's Bone Token in hand to seek answers, and religiously burned incense in front of Xiaoyao's parents' tomb to express respect and memory.

Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan stayed in Haoling and jointly assisted the elderly King Haoling. Jiu Yao not only regained her identity as Princess Hao Ling, but also fought side by side with Xuan Xuan to plan for Hao Ling's future. One day, Xuanxuan finally couldn't restrain his doubts and asked King Haoling why he had been pretending to be ill for a long time. King Haoling smiled slightly and revealed his long-term plan: not only did he secretly train the future prince, he also carefully selected and trained many important ministers to ensure the stability and prosperity of the country.

He mentioned that Tan Mang, Ping Shou and Xingxuan were all his favorite disciples, each with their own merits and could be of great use. When King Hao Ling announced that Xuan Xuan would be his ideal prince Hao Ling and hinted at the blueprint for the future merger of Xi Yan and Hao Ling, the three of them were all shocked. Xuanxuan's heart was filled with gratitude and admiration, and she was fully aware of King Haoling's good intentions.

Later, King Hao Ling mentioned Hao Ling Yi and hoped that Xuan Xuan could marry her as his queen to consolidate the alliance between the two clans. Jiu Yao agreed with this, and although Xuan Xuan was reluctant, she still gritted her teeth and agreed for the sake of the overall situation. King Haoling was keenly aware of Xuanxuan's hesitation. After Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing left, he privately asked Xuanxuan what he really thought. Xuanxuan told the truth frankly and promised to give Hao Lingyi a lifetime of peace and happiness, just like King Hao Ling treated Concubine Jing'an.

When King Haoling heard this, his heart dropped. Xuanxuan took the opportunity to ask his master about the true meaning of love and marriage, but King Haoling lamented that he had never experienced true love and only married because of responsibility and mission. Xingxuan lamented his emotional dilemma. What he longed for was not the entire garden, but the unique flower. King Hao Ling also felt this. He was well aware of the loneliness and helplessness of the road to becoming an emperor. He had high hopes for Xuan Xuan, believing that he was more suitable for this position than himself and could lead Hao Ling to a brighter future. Hao Ling recalled the great victory over Bai Hu and Chang Xi, and the whole country celebrated. Chishui Fenglong proposed to marry Hao Lingyi on behalf of Xingxuan, hoping to have the two queens side by side to consolidate the friendship between the two clans. As soon as this news came out, Chen Rong Xinyue was furious and her body was shaking.


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