Xiling Xiaoyao firmly told Xiang Liu that no matter how he changed his face, she could accurately recognize him. When she expressed her desire to get rid of the poison, Xiang Liu regretfully expressed her inability to do so. Faced with Xiaoyao's doubts, Xiang Liu explained that Tu Shanjing invited him to try to undo the poison and gave him extremely attractive conditions, but he really had no way to undo it. After Xiaoyao heard this, she was surprised and asked if Tu Shanjing was there. Xiang Liu told her that Tu Shanjing was standing behind her. Xiaoyao turned around and saw Tu Shanjing walking slowly. Afterwards, Xiang Liu left alone, leaving Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing behind.

Xiaoyao gently comforted Tu Shanjing, saying that there is no need to be too anxious about the poison. I believe there will always be a solution and time will bring about a turn for the better. Tu Shanjing smiled and nodded, and the two of them sat side by side on the bridge, quietly admiring the night view in front of them. However, this tranquility did not last long. Xi Yanxuanxuan, who was far away, witnessed this scene and was filled with jealousy. He stepped forward to interrupt the time between the two of them, claiming that he was here to take Xiaoyao home. Xiaoyao said goodbye to Tushanjing and left with Xiyan Xingxuan.

Back home, Xiling Xiaoyao's attitude towards Xi Yanxuanxuan was still cold. It was raining heavily outside the window, and she asked about the truce. Xi Yanxuan explained that since it was the rainy season, continuing the war might cause floods, so there was a temporary truce. After that, he told Xiaoyao to rest early and prepared to leave. Xiaoyao stopped him and handed him an umbrella. Xiyan Xingxuan took the umbrella, walked into the rain with a smile, and drifted away.

King Haoling's health was deteriorating day by day, but he still insisted on handling the heavy government affairs personally. Hao Lingyi deeply felt her father's hard work, felt sorry for him, and was eager to help him. However, she was helpless in the face of a table full of memorials, which made her blame herself. Upon seeing this, King Haoling gently comforted his daughter, telling her that as long as he was by his side, she would be his greatest comfort. Hao Lingyi looked at her father's increasingly gray hair, and felt even more sad in her heart. She couldn't help but cast spells to try to restore her father's black hair. In the dead of night, Hao Lingyi stayed up alone, studying the art of war and strategies, hoping to share the state affairs with his father and reduce his burden.

At the same time, Xi Yan was defeated in a recent battle. Xi Yan Xingxuan was worried that his friend Chishui Fenglong would be hit, so he decided to go to the military camp to accompany him. After getting his grandfather's permission, Xingxuan informed Xiling Xiaoyao of the plan. Although Xiaoyao is worried about the safety of this trip, she also wants to stay with Xuanxuan, but she is worried that Haoling's position may not welcome her. In order to dispel Xiaoyao's concerns, Xuanxuan invited Tushanjing to accompany them. Tushanjing readily agreed, and Xiaoyao followed them with peace of mind.

After entering the city, Xiling Xiaoyao saw a peaceful and peaceful scene, and she couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart. Tu Shanjing immediately solved her doubts and revealed that all this stemmed from Xi Yanxuan's strict military orders. He emphasized that people should not be disturbed, and violators would be severely punished without mercy. He also actively took measures to build dams and dredge rivers for the people to improve people's livelihood. Therefore, despite the disputes between Hao Ling and Xi Yan, during this period of peace, the people of Hao Ling expressed understanding and gratitude for Xi Yan Xuanxuan's actions, and it was difficult to feel resentment.

After learning this, Xiling Xiaoyao's view of Xi Yan Xuanxuan changed significantly. Xi Yanxuan frankly expressed his ambitions to her, and at the same time emphasized that he was just following the general trend of the world and striving to unify the wilderness to benefit all people. He acknowledged that war was unavoidable and would bring sacrifices and suffering, but he did his best to reduce innocent casualties. After hearing this, Xiling Xiaoyao nodded to express understanding and approval.

As night fell, under the careful arrangements of Tu Shanjing and Xi Yanxuan, Xiling Xiaoyao spent a pleasant night and experienced a different kind of camping fun.

Later, the three of them went to visit Chishui Fenglong. Xiling Xiaoyao was unavoidably uneasy, worried that her escape from marriage would make the other party concerned. However, Chisui Toyotaka treated her with tolerance and understanding, as if nothing had changed, which made her feel very at ease.

While the four of them were talking, a soldier hurried in and brought news that Xi Yan's army had been defeated again. This was the fourth defeat, which made Chishui Fenglong feel deeply guilty and self-blame. However, with Xi Yanxuan's encouragement, he quickly regained his confidence and determined to fight again.

On the other hand, in Haoling's country, the issue of establishing a crown prince aroused heated discussions among the courtiers. Some ministers suggested that Hao Lingyi be made the crown prince, but there were also objections that believed that her character was indulgent and unsuitable for such an important task. It is even suggested to select suitable candidates from among the nephews. These disputes made King Haoling, who was already in poor health, even more exhausted and coughing frequently. After Hao Lingyi learned about this incident, she blamed herself and was angry, and decided to take measures to teach those ministers who made arrogant comments about government affairs.

In fact, it was Tu Shanjing who proposed to abandon Xiyan Mountain and attack Chenrong Mountain. However, Xiyan Xuanxuan was unaware of this and mistakenly believed that this was Chishui Fenglong's strategy. Therefore, Chishui Fenglong's status in the army was improved. . Tu Shanjing confessed to Chishui Fenglong that he had no intention of fighting for power and only wanted to stay with Xiaoyao. He admitted that he owed Chishui Fenglong and at the same time longed for his sincere blessing. After hearing this, Chishui Fenglong said he needed to think about it. Hao Lingyi, on the other hand, broke into the Xiyan military camp desperately, vowing to punish the treacherous person.


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